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What To Do When Your Email Gets Hacked

by Suzanne Kantra on June 12, 2022

If your email account has been hacked, would you know what to do? Changing your password isn't good enough. You'll also want to make sure hackers haven't set up your account to let them get back in or to keep spamming, even after they are locked out. Here's what you need to do to get everything back in order and keep hackers out of your email account for good.

Concept drawing of email hacking: of a person using a fishing pole to phish email, a cracked credit card, a hazard sign, a person with a giant key unlocking a padlock, two envelopes, and a paper airplane.

1: Run a security scan on your computer

Run a full scan of your computer with your anti-malware software – don't do a quick scan, if that's an option. Sending email to your friends and family isn't the end goal for hackers. They want to separate you from your money and that means that they'll try to install keyloggers to get your passwords and other malware. We like Malwarebytes (free for Mac/Windows) as well as Avast Free Antivirus for Windows.

2: Change your password and security questions

The very first thing you should do is keep the hacker from getting back into your email account. Change your password to a strong password that is not related to your prior password; if your last password was billyjoe1, don't pick billyjoe2 – and if your name is actually BillyJoe, you shouldn't have been using your name as your password in the first place.

Use a password manager to generate a strong password and save it for future retrieval. I like Dashlane Premium ($4.99 per month with yearly billing), which includes a VPN, but there are numerous good options out there, including LastPass and 1Password.

If you want to create a strong password yourself, use a meaningful sentence as the basis of your new password. For example, “I go to the gym in the morning” turns into “Ig2tGYMitm” using the first letter of each word in the sentence, mixing uppercase and lowercase letters and replacing the word “to” with “2.”

Don't just change your email password. Also change the passwords of any accounts that share the same password as your hacked email account and even those that are variation of that password. As an extra security measure, also change the passwords for any sites that story your credit card information, like your Netflix, Amazon and credit card company.

For accounts that require security questions, change those as well. And if the questions are generic, like what's your mother's maiden name, lie when answering and record those answers in your password manager.

3: Reclaim your account

If you’re lucky, the hacker only logged into your account to send a mass email to all of your contacts.

If you’re not so lucky, the hacker changed your password too, locking you out of your account. If that’s the case, you’ll need to reclaim your account, which is usually a matter of using the “forgot your password” link and answering your security questions or using your backup email address.

Check out the specific recommendations for reclaiming possession of your account for Gmail, and Hotmail, and AOL.

4: Enable two-factor authentication

Set your email account to require a second form of authentication in addition to your password whenever you log into your email account from a new device. When you log in, you'll also need to enter a special one-time use code the site will text to your phone or generated via an app.

Check out two-step authentication setup instructions for Gmail, Microsoft’s and Hotmail, and AOL. And for a full list, check out 2FA Directory

5: Check your email settings

Sometimes hackers might change your settings to forward a copy of every email you receive to themselves so that they can watch for any emails containing login information for other sites. Check your mail forwarding settings to ensure no unexpected email addresses have been added.

Next, check your email signature to see if the hacker added a spammy signature that will continue to peddle their dubious wares even after they've been locked out.

Check your "reply to" email address. Sometimes hackers will change your "reply to" email address to one they've created that looks similar to yours. So when someone replies to your email, it goes to the hacker's account, not yours.

Last, check to make sure the hackers haven’t turned on an auto-responder, turning your out-of-office notification into a spam machine.

6: Find out what else has been compromised

My mother-in-law once followed the ill-advised practice of storing usernames and passwords for her various accounts in an email folder called "Sign-ups." Once the hacker was into her email, he easily discovered numerous other logins.

Most of us have emails buried somewhere that contain this type of information. Search for the word "password" in your mailbox to figure out what other accounts might have been compromised. Change these passwords immediately; if they include critical accounts such as bank or credit card accounts, check your statements to make sure there are no suspicious transactions. You should also consider adding a fraud alert or security freeze to your accounts with the major credit agencies.

7: Humbly beg for forgiveness from your friends

Let the folks in your contacts list know that your email was hacked and that they should not open any suspicious emails or click on any links in any email(s) that recently received from you. Most people will probably have already figured out that you were not the one recommending they buy Viagra from an online pharmacy in India – but you know, everyone has one or two friends who are a little slower to pick up on these things.

8: Prevent it from happening again

While large-scale breaches are one way your login information could be stolen, many cases are due to careless creation or protection of login information.

A look at Nord Security's worst passwords reveals people still choose common passwords and passwords based on readily available information, making their accounts hackable with a few educated guesses. Easy passwords make for easy hacking, and spammers use programs that can cycle through thousands of logins a second to identify weak accounts.

Picking a strong password is your best protection from this type of hacking. It also is prudent to use a different password for each site or account. So, make sure you use a password manager, like Dashlane, LastPass, and 1Password, to keep track of everything.

Limit the amount of personal information you share publicly on social media. Hackers use this publicly available personal information to help answer security questions that protect your accounts.

Bookmark websites that you frequently use to access personal information or input credit card information. This will prevent you from accidentally landing on a site that hackers set up to catch people mistyping the site address.

In a friend's case, her passwords were pretty good and there was no malware on her computer. But she was careless about where she was logging in. On a recent trip overseas, she used the computer in her hotel lobby to check her email. That was a bad idea.

Computers in hotel lobbies, libraries and other public places are perfect locations for hackers to install key-logging programs. The computers are often poorly secured and get used by dozens of people every day who don't think twice about logging into their email or bank accounts or entering credit card information to make a purchase. The best practice is to assume that any public computer is compromised and proceed accordingly.

Updated: 6/12/2022 with new resources

[email hacking concept via BigStockPhoto]

For the past 20+ years, Techlicious founder Suzanne Kantra has been exploring and writing about the world’s most exciting and important science and technology issues. Prior to Techlicious, Suzanne was the Technology Editor for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia and the Senior Technology Editor for Popular Science. Suzanne has been featured on CNN, CBS, and NBC.


Computers and Software, Computer Safety & Support, Tips & How-Tos, Privacy, Tech 101

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From nancy on November 11, 2011 :: 12:22 pm

I did not use the computer in the lobby, but my own personal MAC in a hotel room in a very touristy town, using the hotels wi fi connection to check my e-mail. The next day, everyone on my contact list received an advertisement for a cream said to be effective for enlarging and revitalizing a certain male body part. Ii went to everyone I know, including my ex husband, my in-laws, my priest, and the ladies in my Bible study group. Fortunately a lot of the info they used was old or a no reply address, so I knew about it immediately.



From LeLia J Jones on May 21, 2021 :: 8:13 pm

I have been going through this for a whole year the sheriff’s in Lancaster California still haven’t did nothing they still let this go on with my name everyday I’m suffering and I’m going through this of them still in multiple money from the state and the federal God knows when will it stop can someone help a black woman out that have been going through this for a whole year there by myself and living off of a fixed income with the peoples in my building smiling laughing Green in my face everyday to steal my money Lord knows when it’s going to stop well who can help me the mayor the sheriff’s nobody trying to help me I am on a fixed income living alone by myself God knows I need help



From Rich Moser on November 11, 2011 :: 12:27 pm

It hasn’t happened to me, but I have received e-mails from a couple of friends whose e-mail had been compromised. But I’ve been assuming that it could also happen via someone sending out mass forwards to large mailing lists. If only one of somebody’s 100+ mailing list contacts chose to sell the entire list to a spammer, then it could happen very easily that way too, right? (Of course, this would be much easier if the original sender was negligent by including the entire list in such a way that everyone could see it.)



From Josh Kirschner on November 12, 2011 :: 12:03 pm

There are many ways that spammers can acquire email lists - from screen scraping robots, to database hacking, etc. But this is different from email hacking, where they actually access your account in order to send emails from your email address. Spammers love this second method because we’re much more likely to open and click on links in an email from someone we trust.

I wouldn’t worry too much about a friend or acquaintance selling their lists. The value of a single email address is so low that it only makes sense to do this in volume.



From Eddie Husband on February 20, 2018 :: 9:31 pm

Is my case hopeless my emails,banking,,Google are being hacked. What do I do the phone companies employees are idiots. The companies themselves aren’t helping.



From Lawanna Lowery on January 06, 2022 :: 11:12 am

Actually I think they’re helping quite a bit just the wrong person


From angel slone on July 14, 2018 :: 4:31 am

You apparently don’t know much do you. They are accessing phones . androids first then every account they can get fro bitcoin. Look it up and how the hackers do it. The guy I live with may wind up killing me its Jim and 30 other hackers and now I had to get the feds involved but I may be not saved for trying to put that many in prison. This is crazy and I’m being erased 4 phones now and I’m stuck here in his house. They are tied into the phones by rooting apps into the drive that access your whole phone there using your phone. As there’s the VPN and IP . everything and not even my phone company can get them out. Google apps 800 number sent this to the feds to get them involved for me . no police or security apps or factory hard reset so I’m out another phone again. I’m scared but its not rite and I’m putting it out everywhere I can. I don’t know what else to do



From Lawanna Lowery on January 06, 2022 :: 11:08 am

I’m dealing with the exact very same thing!!! Nobody believes me I swear as I’m syping he’s putting predicted words or she they idk but then they bring me to this site and I don’t even have a computer my LG phone is what’s hacked and I’ve told Google this a million times!! They’re Google developers who’s attacking and harassing me!! I’m good to just do without an account


From MaryAnn Dunham on November 03, 2020 :: 12:16 am

Over a year ago someone hacked into my email account and every single day I receive between 90-110 messages from Mailer-Daemon that are all notices to tell me that messages to one person were undeliverable. I’ve never heard of this person, Don C, nor have I ever sent him an email. I have to delete these emails off of my phone each day.
Our email carrier is yahoo. One of our sons is a computer techie who has ALWAYS been able to fix anything computer, iPhone, or iPad-related, but he hasn’t been able to get rid of it. We changed my password, but that didn’t do anything.
I’m looking for advice…



From Josh Kirschner on November 04, 2020 :: 12:34 pm

Those messages are being sent by an external server, so there is nothing you can do to stop them from being sent. But you can simply create a filter in Yahoo settings, under “more settings”, that will send those messages directly to trash based on the sender or specific body text (e.g., the guy’s email address).


From Atthony Roland on August 19, 2021 :: 3:37 pm

Good day, writer’s & reader’s. Similar situation., but through an google link called a, 10 minute window to shut down phone , reset factory system an clear the threat however, in the interim I loose my possibility of gaining the access to uploading my email to the next open & legal phone do to the emergency life line of the phones importance & continuing lost , of phones in the past that had been backed up from my actual name. So I decided to look into Help Cloud in my most recent days an still waiting for an phone call I have to receive from the help cloud front desk that shall release all the necessary codes /  or password preference’s that were used for the last two emails. An this beautiful woman decided to keep doing research to solve the problem. So overall I just am missing the chance to wait around at a place that is @ 15 min. intervals causing the wait to be even more trouble-some for a quick call back that will release that exact help from help cloud. Hush the truth with, that, which is a giving to all customers today & call the Help Cloud. My opinion written in bold font….. Truthfully people.


From Lawanna Lowery on January 06, 2022 :: 11:15 am

I have that’s just one name he uses Tommy Britney Anderson so does the diomand expert and 5hose giys


From Nikki @ Mommy Factor on November 11, 2011 :: 1:23 pm

this recently happened to me after traveling outta state and using the hotel internet access.  I changed my password after finding out but didn’t think about checking my email settings. Thanks for that tip!



From JustMe on November 11, 2011 :: 9:05 pm

Yes. Every once in a while I get email sent to my own address from my own screen name.  It obviously is spam but I do wonder how they were able to do that.

Secondly, I have a former ex who somehow (perhaps because I once checked my email on his computer) found access to one of my email accounts.  He went through the messages and subsequently wrote to one of my friends who advised me to beware of my ex.  I received a call one morning at 6am that this ex had sent 4-5 lengthy emails to my friend while I was sleeping.  Now that is something I still haven’t been able to resolve.



From Josh Kirschner on November 12, 2011 :: 11:56 am

Spoofing email addresses is pretty easy. It doesn’t mean the email was actually sent by you, just that the email header was modified to make it look like it was.

If your ex is still accessing your account, you should follow the steps above and, if necessary, contact the authorities. Accessing someone else’s email account without their permission may be a crime, depending on the circumstances.



From Liaqat Ali Khan on April 05, 2012 :: 3:30 am

I am sorry to say that the above article is ill-advised and is contrary to its heading. My yahoo account was hacked about an year ago and still I am unable to get it back. The hacker had already changed the password and secret questions, and so my email is not in my control. Whenever, I tried the proceedure to recover, they asked me the first question/step as:
Step #1 - enter your password
Step #1 - Change your password

Is it not inappropriate ? or even silly ?

There must be some easy, and staight way to recover it. For example, the concerned email administration should ask the original email owner to produce a couple of addresses of his recent incontact or email copies of a couple of his past emails correspondences.
Someone else may convey a better concrete solution on the problem of recovery of an hacked email.
Thank you



From Josh Kirschner on April 05, 2012 :: 8:40 am

Yahoo doesn’t make it easy to contact them, but we tracked down the link. Go to this page and follow the steps to let them know that your Yahoo account has been compromised: You can also get to that page by going to, clicking “Account Information” and then the Contact Yahoo button on the right.

Fill in the dropdowns and then click the “Email Now” button. You will be asked to provide account information, including your former security question answers. You can also try calling this number for yahoo Customer Support: 866-850-4303 toll-free (Open 7 days a week, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time). Be prepared for a long wait.

Hope that works for you.



From Liaqat Ali Khan on April 05, 2012 :: 9:17 am

First I make a correction to my last comment, I had meant “hotmail” account instead of “yahoo” account. In fact, about an year ago, both of my hotmail and yahoo accounts were hacked on the same day by a hacker (due to my mistake that I was using the same password for both, which no one should do). This happened due to the reason that I entered my password when a new (fake) window appeared on the screen and asked me to enter the yahoo password, while I was already login in this account. The hacker sent the following usual message to my several incontacts:   
““Am sorry I didn’t inform you about my trip to Greece for a program unfortunately for me I got robbed on my way to the hotel where i lodged along with my Cell phone and my luggage and since then i have been without money
  I’m having problem paying my hotel bills and the hotel manager won’t let me leave until I pay my bills.
  Please I need you to loan (€1,600 Euro = 2,265 Dollars) or any amount you can help me with, I’II refund it back to you as soon as I’m back with no delay, I give you my word.
  Please let me know immediately if you can be of help to my situation.”“
On my contact to the hacker by email, he replied:
““This is what i do for a living so if you are ready to pay i will send your password the amount you will pay is 1000$ so reply back as to send you the details for the transfer. thanks “”

I was able to recover my yahoo account after a bit of struggle (and in this case I got empty “sent mails” folder and one year past emails deleted from “Inbox”, but still unable to recover my “hotmail” account.
I still stress on my point that “hotmail” and other email accounts administrations should pay special attention on the recovery of hacked emails.
Please repeat for me easy proceedure to recover “hotmail” account.



From angel slone on July 14, 2018 :: 4:15 am

Mine been hacked by my boyfriend. Check in settings on your phones and look at what all they access. Its for bitcoins ththey are hackers stealing these and all accounts you own they do it through your phone number and have full access to everyone and everything. I thought I was going crazy he evenade me think I was gonna be killed I called my mom and said goodbye. I know all names of all his people doing this . ice been through 4 phones now and all the apps are ghost apps or over lays all fake and all access everything in your android or computers. He watches me tracks me and I feel so violated id rather be beaten and drug outside and rapped. I have contacted google app 800 number and they are turning it over to the feds and I’ll corporate to the fullest I have everything around the house in his hand writing to prove it . he also did 27 yes in the feds for robbing banks. Soon as they help me IMA ask to be moved to another city. I’m scared I already know to much he has had me kicked out of two places I’ve tan to recently so I have noplac e to go he is everywhere. All my accouns have been deleted my fb of ten yes don’t exist at all. He is putting himself back in prison not me and that’s the only way I can look at it with out it tearing me apart cause I love him. That’s what the emails,phone numbers are about. They are hard to track but I got all the notes numbers and some addresses he is gonna hate me but I already hate him for scaring me to death



From John Horner on November 04, 2017 :: 6:13 pm

Dear Suzzanne,

Thankyou for your comments on recovering from hacked email account and for preventing this hacking.

John Horner



From Been Hacked on April 05, 2012 :: 8:37 am

Co-workers and nosy family members hacked my accounts by answering the secret question that is asked when you “forget” your password. I recommend that you provide a secret answer that is not the actual answer to the question. Don’t forget your answer and don’t trust others with this information. I would like email accounts to prominently display the last date and time the account was accessed.



From Carol Stewart on April 05, 2012 :: 8:58 am

After reading your article last week on removing viruses, I followed your advice and ran 2 anti-virus programs (avast, avg) plus Malware. Both Malware and Avast picked up one virus each and the viruses were removed.

As I have more than one email account (one for personal, one for consulting work and one for school) I occasionally receive a “suspicious” email from one email account to another email account. The problem is I can’t determine which email account has been hacked (I often log into them all in one day and then not again for several days). And if I am reading your post above correctly I assumed by getting rid of the 2 viruses last week this would have stopped the suspicious emails.

After running the anti-virus programs last week, no more suspicious emails until yesterday - I received one.

Is there a process that I should follow to ensure this problem is solved for good? In other words what possibilities exist that this suspicious email would pop its ugly head up again? Did I miss something in following your instructions the first time or just by logging into my former “hacked” email account the virus was reborn again?



From Josh Kirschner on April 05, 2012 :: 9:55 am

If your account was hacked because of malware, removing the malware will prevent your accounts from being hacked again, but you still will need to “unhack” your accounts. That means following steps 1 & 2 above, including changing your security questions, alternate email addresses, etc.

Also, since you said you found viruses on your computer, can I assume that you weren’t running anti-malware software? If not, make sure you don’t keep getting reinfected. Malwarebytes doesn’t offer ongoing protection unless you buy the premium version. Check out our Security Software Buying Guides for our picks.

If you provide more information about who your email provider is and what the “suspicious” messages say, I can perhaps provide additional tips.



From David Steckler on October 17, 2019 :: 2:16 am

I’ve lost 38 google email accounts and 3 yahoo accounts! The hacker I met on Facebook and then my 2 sons told me she was on BACKPAGE! I have pictures of her; but not her name! She has broken in my hotel room and took my IPAD PRO AND TOOK PICTURES OF MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND SOCIAL SECURITY CARD AND MY CREDIT CARDS! She is changing my security questions and is still causing CHAOS ON MY IPHONE! I do have some one hopefully trying to contact her in my iPhone! But
I’ve been to the FEDS AND THEY STATED TWICE THAT THEY DO NOT HANDLE IDENTITY THEFT CASES!! She knows everything about me and of course she is using my compromised google email accounts on my bank and credit card accounts! And she has been doing this for 2 1/2 years! But I just caught on 18 months ago; since I’m far from a computer Guy! I can’t call any of my creditors and pay my Bills! I would be very Gracious if you can lend me a direction of what are who to contact please? Sincerely David Steckler!



From Angie on September 06, 2012 :: 12:27 pm

A while back I got an email from someone which had “hidden text” that I only realized some 6 months later.

\t�-$� �DC�c��L��M8�D<�

Since then, I have found a worm in C:$Recycle….
&  this has been popping up constantly

Do you have any idea what could be going on? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!



From Josh Kirschner on September 06, 2012 :: 1:27 pm

Hidden text isn’t likely the cause of your problems.  It’s usually used by spammers to help evade spam filter detection and I’m not aware of any way that malware has been installed through text in an email.

Can you provide more details on why you think you have a worm in your recycle folder? And which antivirus program are you using?

I would also recommend that you download and run the free version of Malwarebytes and see what it says - it will usually pick up things other programs miss.

Let me know what you find.



From angel slone on July 14, 2018 :: 4:24 am

Bitcoin hackers . but they also use your info on prepaid cards to launder them into cash after stealing all my accouns and four phones and S’s number have been taken . no security will work its all by your phone number . and they take over your phone completely. U can only access what they want you to. Every app is a overlay. And ghost screen . I only know cause my bf is doing it and I found out a month ago and the feds are now in it. Look at all your apps in settings and see what they control on your phone and you will see they all have access to everything even cMers and video he even texts my friends. Now I have only 3 im in Texas with no family and stuck with no where to go he is sleeping behind me but I’m sure he will know in morning and what my messages have said but I just wanted to get this out and help others. I’m scared I know to much and one of his people of 30 that are all hackers or workers to get names and phone numbers will kill me soon but I want people to know



From Mary on September 06, 2012 :: 3:48 pm

Where do I find mail forwarding settings?



From Josh Kirschner on September 07, 2012 :: 9:28 am

Your fowarding settings will be i your email settings, but where will depend on who your email provider is. If you can’t find them, contact your email provider. For SuddenLink:



From Angie on September 07, 2012 :: 10:31 am

So, I installed malwarebytes & it deleted several things. Thanks! 

Quarantined Object: 57ed2173.qua
Definition File:
(if any of this means anything?)

I’m currently using Free Antivirus, but am willing to buy one if needed. I had asked my IT consultant & he thought this was enough.  I’m concerned because with my job I get highly confidential client emails. I could get in serious trouble if the information gets out.

I am forced to correspond by email with an individual who could potentially be trying to monitor my emails. Ironically, the strange lettering was at the end of one of their emails. My Outlook has also popped up warnings when I try opening their emails saying that there is external content in the email that could be harmful? I store all correspondence from this person in a designated file. Many of the stored emails from them have been deleted somehow & they know information that there is no possible way of knowing? I am most deffinately not a paranoid person, but am beginning to wonder if I should start being?



From Josh Kirschner on September 07, 2012 :: 10:57 am

Can you confirm who makes your “Free Antivirus”? There are very good free programs and ones that are next to useless. However, if you’re using it for work, upgrading to a paid antimalware suite is well worth the small investment:

Outlook may pop up that message when it detects files of a type that could be harmful (e.g. executable programs). It doesn’t necessarily mean that they are harmful. But it doesn’t mean they’re not, either. So never open a file that comes through your email unless you’re very sure what it is.

With a good antimalware program in place, you should be pretty safe. If you’re concerned about whether he may have access to information he shouldn’t, make sure you change any passwords that allow access into your system/servers, including email logins, network logins, etc.



From Angie on September 07, 2012 :: 11:04 am

Sorry, I thought I typed in Aviria, but my auto correct must have cut it out. Thanks for the link. I’ll deffinately check it out!!



From Maureen McDonald on March 30, 2013 :: 12:04 pm

this is the 3rd day of a violent hacking episode by someone i know who is viewing me as a personal competition on, or threat.  initially she hit my FB acct-  posting under my name.  she began spamming at lightening speed… then disabling gmail, google , apple, chrome overnight to where my accounts were suspended from too many attempts to reconcile.

i found a computer recovery service with whom i work daily since then.  she also hacked my iPhone 5, stealing text messages, and disabling blue tooth and apple.

the recovery services understand your fears, and are money well spent.  for me, $200.-/ year   i also see someone at the apple genius bar tomorrow.

caution:  notify friends.  i generated a mass message on Facebook.  you will need roughly 3 new e-mail accounts for backup.  good luck!



From Nancy on April 11, 2013 :: 6:01 pm

Does anyone know how to recover your contact list after your email has been hacked.  I can no longer
get into my account to recover my files.



From Josh Kirschner on April 12, 2013 :: 12:41 pm

Most email providers have a way to recover your account after it has been hacked. You don’t say who your provider is, so hard to provide more details.

Beyond that, it’s always a good idea to sync your email contacts to your phone and computer (e.g., Outlook) so you have a backup if you lose access.



From Karokola on September 04, 2013 :: 12:40 pm

i Forwarded mail to all of my email contacts and some of my friend saw my contacts that i forwarded to,now they are using such contacts! how do i remove my contacts from their contact lists because they are disturbing even my boss and my private people!please help..



From elizabeth ramos on February 20, 2014 :: 5:22 am

After getting my first SmartPhone back in 2010, (vowed not to do that as I recall!) my then (now deceased) boyfriend, took it upon himself to create my very first email account. After that…oh my god! I had to contact the FBI to report that my Identity had, in fact, been stolen,and everything I had worked for 30 + years for had been paid out to stranges, claiming to be ME!!! Its been years and though my life has changed in so many ways for the worse because of it, I am certain the malcreants will be caught, and dealt with accordingly by authorities! If any of the bastards would find the courage to face me, I would be most pleased to deal out my own brand of justice!
Youre website is very informative. Thanks for the tips, and comments, I feel not so ridiculous now, knowing I’m not the only one in Cyberland who’s experienced sad problems using email accounts online!
Hackers have a place in this world…just stay the fuck away from me n mine! Please! There’s nothing left for them anyways.



From Jeffrey Deutsch on November 21, 2014 :: 6:55 pm

...set up two-factor authentication in advance.

Also, when typing your password type in a few dummy characters. Then use the mouse to highlight the dummy characters and hit the Delete key.

Finally, if your site is one of those that enables you to use on-screen “typing” (that is, displaying a keyboard on the screen itself so you use your mouse, not the keyboard at all, to log in) use it!

By the way, Josh, thank you for giving us the Yahoo! contact information!

Jeff Deutsch



From Jeffrey Deutsch on November 21, 2014 :: 7:08 pm

Thanks in advance!

Jeff Deutsch



From Justine O'Toole on October 01, 2015 :: 6:34 pm

you forgot to mention that ’ Malwarebytes ’ does NOT work on Mac



From paul on May 21, 2016 :: 12:26 am

my fiances in manila has her yahoo email hacked,the person also stops me from communicating,its difficult to tell her she doesnt know,the person deletes my reply,and selects what messages to also i recieve,so basically we cant communicate at all this person said to me even if she changes password she can still get back in she deletes important emails of my outlook address and is stopping us from communicating i have to send her emails in order to keep her up on details of our apartment and so fourth,i cant send anything to her without this person getting it first then deleting it.



From Cailey Day on December 23, 2017 :: 5:45 pm

Just recently I was e-mailing my twin sister Mahiya, when all of a sudden a message I didn’t remember sending popped up. My sister had replied to it, saying:

Cail why did you watch those videos they are so weird!!!!!!

I wrote back, annoyed, replying that I didn’t know where the message had come from… Mahiya then asked my why in the world I had chosen to present a project for Band *we used Google Classroom* I told her I hadn’t, because I had stage fright. I think I’ve been hacked!!! What should I do?



From Pauline on January 30, 2018 :: 7:35 am

I received a threatening email this morning claiming that if i dont give them 300 bitcoin then they would expose all of my personal and work related emails to my contacts/social medias. What should I do? They gave me 24hrs since opening the email…
I did not reply simply put it in my trash bin but I am still terrified they will use this against me for life!



From Josh Kirschner on February 01, 2018 :: 2:06 pm

I’ve seen multiple reports of this type of scam, many threatening to blackmail you for supposedly watching porn, and this sound very similar. I’m assuming that the email you received was very generic sounding, with no personal information about you that would in any way indicate this was anything more than a mass phishing attack?



From Wally Robins on February 14, 2018 :: 1:29 pm

Mr. Kirschner,
I received the same threatening email regarding watching porn and being videoed through my webcam. Demanded 360 bit coin within 5 days or would send to my contact list. I’ll admit I’ve watched porn before, so am a little worried. Terribly embarrassed to ask this, but was I mistaken to have deleted the email? If this is a phishing attack what should I do next to try to preserve my email security? Thank you for any advice.



From Josh Kirschner on February 14, 2018 :: 6:01 pm

These are phishing emails sent to thousands/tens-of-thousands/millions of people, knowing that a large percentage of those people will have viewed porn online and hoping to find a small percentage who will be scared enough to send in money without thinking things through. The scammers have no personal information about the people they’re emailing, they haven’t hacked your computer and have no idea what sites you’re visiting. Deleting the email is the right thing to do.



From Wally Robin on February 14, 2018 :: 6:11 pm

Thank you for getting back to me and for the reassurance. Lesson learned by yours truly for sure, in more ways than one!! Have a great rest of your day!



From MsMe on March 13, 2018 :: 10:23 pm

I work for a midsize company approximately 60 employees and we all work in Microsoft outlook to send and receive emails.  Resently, our contact list was stolen and they are sending out emails to all of our customers wanting them to pay invoices.  The email is not from us but they always sign our name.  They stole contacts from one e mail, our customer service departmen, our other e mail lists seem to be fine. Today we had a fraudulent phone call posing as our bank and they talked to our CFO and they had all of our personal information they were trying to get her to transfer money.  Luckily the bank (real bank) noticed a fraudulent transaction and they called us.  We have IT company coming in tomorrow to check all our computers.  Very scary, I hope they didn’t access all our e mails because there is personal info in them.



From Josh Kirschner on March 14, 2018 :: 9:01 am

The first thing your company needs to do, if they haven’t already, is to notify all of you customers and make them aware that this information was taken and they need to be aware of phishing scams. Not only is this the right thing to do from an ethical business perspective but, in some places, it’s the law.

The second scam you mention, the fraudulent bank transfer, is a very common scam that has hit many companies and even some government institutions. That said, since this scam is well known, companies should have clear controls to prevent unusual wire transfers and CFOs should be well aware of this risks.

Obviously, I don’t know your company or the details, but from what you’ve described it has serious internal security and control issues. The IT company may be able to do a scan for malware and perform a forensic analysis of any breaches (assuming they’re qualified to do so), but it sounds like there’s a lot more that needs to be done.



From Deborah on April 16, 2018 :: 1:50 pm

I was locked out of my gmail account. When I changed my password, I found dozens of emails to people I don’t know in the Sent folder. As I was deleting them, I found three emails that were sent: they had my email, IP address AND my password!

How did they get my password and IP??? I have changed and updated my security, but this is very confusing to me.



From Josh Kirschner on April 16, 2018 :: 6:44 pm

There have been a number of data breaches that have revealed user credentials. If you had shared your email password with your login for one of the sites that was breached, that could be how your password was revealed. You can check whether that is the case:

It’s also possible to get your password through a key logger. Have you every logged into your email via a public computer in a hotel, airport or anywhere else? See

Your IP address could also have come from one of these breaches, though are you sure it is your actual IP address?



From Deborah on April 17, 2018 :: 12:36 pm

No, I am very careful about my security. I never play the games and apps on Facebook, and I haven’t traveled in a long time.

I don’t use Yahoo. And I was mistaken… not my IP address, my SMTP in gmail was listed.

When I show original, I get this info (I replaced my old password with word password):

Bcc: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ([])
      by with ESMTPSA id h26sm2330069qkj.18.2018.
      for <>
      (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128);
      Tue, 20 Feb 2018 05:38:24 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
X-mailer: PHPMailer 5.2.23 (
Subject: invoice for NL6372
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 14:38:22 +0100

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)



From Deborah on April 17, 2018 :: 12:38 pm

email protected replaces my email address in this post.


From Deborah on April 17, 2018 :: 12:40 pm

[email protected] replaces my email address in your post


From Josh Kirschner on April 17, 2018 :: 2:29 pm

In the example above, the email header showed your actual password in plain text? That’s really bad. Not even sure how that could happen unless something is badly misconfigured on the spammer’s email server. So not only does the hacker have your password, but anyone receiving the spam could find it…

(ignore the javascript stuff. we have technology on the site that blocks emails addresses so they can’t be scraped by bots. It should still show for humans, but it doesn’t seem to be working with the latest versions of Chrome)

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