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What To Do When Your Email Gets Hacked

by Suzanne Kantra on June 12, 2022

If your email account has been hacked, would you know what to do? Changing your password isn't good enough. You'll also want to make sure hackers haven't set up your account to let them get back in or to keep spamming, even after they are locked out. Here's what you need to do to get everything back in order and keep hackers out of your email account for good.

Concept drawing of email hacking: of a person using a fishing pole to phish email, a cracked credit card, a hazard sign, a person with a giant key unlocking a padlock, two envelopes, and a paper airplane.

1: Run a security scan on your computer

Run a full scan of your computer with your anti-malware software – don't do a quick scan, if that's an option. Sending email to your friends and family isn't the end goal for hackers. They want to separate you from your money and that means that they'll try to install keyloggers to get your passwords and other malware. We like Malwarebytes (free for Mac/Windows) as well as Avast Free Antivirus for Windows.

2: Change your password and security questions

The very first thing you should do is keep the hacker from getting back into your email account. Change your password to a strong password that is not related to your prior password; if your last password was billyjoe1, don't pick billyjoe2 – and if your name is actually BillyJoe, you shouldn't have been using your name as your password in the first place.

Use a password manager to generate a strong password and save it for future retrieval. I like Dashlane Premium ($4.99 per month with yearly billing), which includes a VPN, but there are numerous good options out there, including LastPass and 1Password.

If you want to create a strong password yourself, use a meaningful sentence as the basis of your new password. For example, “I go to the gym in the morning” turns into “Ig2tGYMitm” using the first letter of each word in the sentence, mixing uppercase and lowercase letters and replacing the word “to” with “2.”

Don't just change your email password. Also change the passwords of any accounts that share the same password as your hacked email account and even those that are variation of that password. As an extra security measure, also change the passwords for any sites that story your credit card information, like your Netflix, Amazon and credit card company.

For accounts that require security questions, change those as well. And if the questions are generic, like what's your mother's maiden name, lie when answering and record those answers in your password manager.

3: Reclaim your account

If you’re lucky, the hacker only logged into your account to send a mass email to all of your contacts.

If you’re not so lucky, the hacker changed your password too, locking you out of your account. If that’s the case, you’ll need to reclaim your account, which is usually a matter of using the “forgot your password” link and answering your security questions or using your backup email address.

Check out the specific recommendations for reclaiming possession of your account for Gmail, and Hotmail, and AOL.

4: Enable two-factor authentication

Set your email account to require a second form of authentication in addition to your password whenever you log into your email account from a new device. When you log in, you'll also need to enter a special one-time use code the site will text to your phone or generated via an app.

Check out two-step authentication setup instructions for Gmail, Microsoft’s and Hotmail, and AOL. And for a full list, check out 2FA Directory

5: Check your email settings

Sometimes hackers might change your settings to forward a copy of every email you receive to themselves so that they can watch for any emails containing login information for other sites. Check your mail forwarding settings to ensure no unexpected email addresses have been added.

Next, check your email signature to see if the hacker added a spammy signature that will continue to peddle their dubious wares even after they've been locked out.

Check your "reply to" email address. Sometimes hackers will change your "reply to" email address to one they've created that looks similar to yours. So when someone replies to your email, it goes to the hacker's account, not yours.

Last, check to make sure the hackers haven’t turned on an auto-responder, turning your out-of-office notification into a spam machine.

6: Find out what else has been compromised

My mother-in-law once followed the ill-advised practice of storing usernames and passwords for her various accounts in an email folder called "Sign-ups." Once the hacker was into her email, he easily discovered numerous other logins.

Most of us have emails buried somewhere that contain this type of information. Search for the word "password" in your mailbox to figure out what other accounts might have been compromised. Change these passwords immediately; if they include critical accounts such as bank or credit card accounts, check your statements to make sure there are no suspicious transactions. You should also consider adding a fraud alert or security freeze to your accounts with the major credit agencies.

7: Humbly beg for forgiveness from your friends

Let the folks in your contacts list know that your email was hacked and that they should not open any suspicious emails or click on any links in any email(s) that recently received from you. Most people will probably have already figured out that you were not the one recommending they buy Viagra from an online pharmacy in India – but you know, everyone has one or two friends who are a little slower to pick up on these things.

8: Prevent it from happening again

While large-scale breaches are one way your login information could be stolen, many cases are due to careless creation or protection of login information.

A look at Nord Security's worst passwords reveals people still choose common passwords and passwords based on readily available information, making their accounts hackable with a few educated guesses. Easy passwords make for easy hacking, and spammers use programs that can cycle through thousands of logins a second to identify weak accounts.

Picking a strong password is your best protection from this type of hacking. It also is prudent to use a different password for each site or account. So, make sure you use a password manager, like Dashlane, LastPass, and 1Password, to keep track of everything.

Limit the amount of personal information you share publicly on social media. Hackers use this publicly available personal information to help answer security questions that protect your accounts.

Bookmark websites that you frequently use to access personal information or input credit card information. This will prevent you from accidentally landing on a site that hackers set up to catch people mistyping the site address.

In a friend's case, her passwords were pretty good and there was no malware on her computer. But she was careless about where she was logging in. On a recent trip overseas, she used the computer in her hotel lobby to check her email. That was a bad idea.

Computers in hotel lobbies, libraries and other public places are perfect locations for hackers to install key-logging programs. The computers are often poorly secured and get used by dozens of people every day who don't think twice about logging into their email or bank accounts or entering credit card information to make a purchase. The best practice is to assume that any public computer is compromised and proceed accordingly.

Updated: 6/12/2022 with new resources

[email hacking concept via BigStockPhoto]

For the past 20+ years, Techlicious founder Suzanne Kantra has been exploring and writing about the world’s most exciting and important science and technology issues. Prior to Techlicious, Suzanne was the Technology Editor for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia and the Senior Technology Editor for Popular Science. Suzanne has been featured on CNN, CBS, and NBC.


Computers and Software, Computer Safety & Support, Tips & How-Tos, Privacy, Tech 101

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From Naomi Bar-Lev on June 23, 2022 :: 10:21 pm

My hacker is a police officer and who is friends with my boyfriend’s grown daughter and ex wife. In ,2013 she invaded my email and created a console with work space. They have am authenticator and certificates and super admin access to everything 10 years later and local law enforcement thinks I deserve this. Can not seem to get this resolved. They are on every phone and browser hacking away with 5500 AWS hackers to date this month on one computer. D drive partitions created by them to prevent me from getting rid of them and gaining owner access back. Geek Squad knew who the were and were purposely avoiding a real clean….. They really have disabled me and any business. Same take over with ADt and now VIVANT,my property like my computers starting with Gmail are thoroughly vandalized.



From Stumped on August 14, 2022 :: 6:33 pm

Not sure how this happened but at a hotel and someone called to try to get credit card info, acting like staff. They were able to get my email address and phone number only. Within a few hours the person got into my email (I have NO IDEA how) and put in some acct key. Luckily I was able to keep my yahoo account, at least for awhile since I am waiting right now for him to start attacking it again, because we kept fighting back and forth on resetting the password. Luckily so much of using the phone number he put in my account and mine that the system put a 24 hour hold on it. Anyway, the person was able to get his phone number and email address into some of my other banking and credit card accounts before I got them out. EVERYONE please use notification because this is what saved my accounts from me becoming a victim of loss, I hope. It was inconvenient contacting all my companies and putting a freeze on my credit. Not sure I will be able to keep him out since I am stumped as to how he got his phone number and emails into my accounts that I have no clue how he knew about. He didn’t have enough time to look around in my emails so this is very confusing. Scary times to think someone can cause this much havoc with just those two things. Not even my name.



From Josh Kirschner on August 25, 2022 :: 12:17 pm

After that person called you, did you get any type of message on your phone asking you to verify your account or something similar from Yahoo? If so, that may have been a fake message sent by the scammer to get your authentication code to recover the password on your email account. See this story for more information on how the scam works:



From anonymous on August 24, 2022 :: 4:07 pm

Ok so this is a stretch but here it goes. Why is it thst every time I access a porn site, porn hub, xvidoes, xhanster are the only ones, I always get a notification about the nextday saying can’t sign in on my email app on my android phone. They change my yahoo email password somehow and on tik tok, fake sex acounts will follow me and Their bio says sex for dating woman and sites. How are they getting this info?? I don’t download anything. I use free VPN services to try and hide my IP. I don’t even click on links or add in the porn sites. All I do is click the video. Even the ads that play before the video will say click to skip nd i don’t do that. So how am I getting viruses from reputable porn websites…also I have verison digital secure app and it will run a scan finding virus definitions. But again all I do is click the videos nothing else.. I don’t click fake emails, I don’t give out any personal info. So please someone explain to me how on my android just by accessing websites and clicking videos my email get hacked and they have access to my tik tok account. Who welse knows what they have access too. I only know based on notifications I get so if I don’t get a notification, then what other info do they have. Its crazy and telling to stop going to porn sites is not a solution….do i need to use a burner phone so the info they collect won’t have anything? Its like my phone gets digital herpes accessing these sites lmao.



From Josh Kirschner on August 25, 2022 :: 11:57 am

I’m not clear that anything nefarious is happening from what you describe. Not sure why you get logged out of Yahoo daily (maybe that is part of the app’s security), but it sounds like you’re able to log back in so your password hasn’t been changed? Simply visiting the porn sites you mentioned (those are some of the highest traffic sites in the world) won’t impact your device.

And it’s not at all unusual to have sexbots/accounts follow you on social media channels - we all get those.

So I think it is less digital herpes and more just normal itching.



From anonymous on August 25, 2022 :: 4:25 pm

I am surprised you replied and I appreciate it because it is a serious concern. But to clarify, it only happens when I visit porn sites and I don’t visit porn sites daily. Its about 1-2 times a week and only after I visited a porn site that it will kick me out of my yahoo email app an ask me to sign in which I try and can’t so I go through forgot password. Also I have Google Remember my saved passwords so I don’t have to. Also if I access a porn site from Chromes incognito tabs it will happen every time. But if I use firefox it won’t happen as often and if I use a vpn on chrome it still happens and with Firefox higher chsnce of it not happening meaning not getting my yahoo email password changed. Not as far as sex bit’s, i never had them follow me until I visited porn sites so I do have to say it aonds like somehow my data is being sold for the sex bots to get my personal data. I just find that its too much of a coincidence not for someone to be hacking my emails im just curious on how they do it. Like I said I don’t download anything or even click on the ads to skip them on the videos.



From Monica Slater on October 02, 2022 :: 7:25 am

I clicked several links to a phishing email including one that looked like “Dick’s Sporting Goods.” I removed the Gmail account from my phone. By doing that did it stop the spam attack? Would my personal computer be safe as the account remained?



From Bea Orr on October 06, 2022 :: 11:26 am

thanks for above advice. One of my emails used for everything - literally - is in the process of being taken over though I am resisting. also my phone number - to what extent or how I don’t know - and recovery emails both needed for two step verification. This email was used for my Microsoft account - which they have taken over and which I am trying to recover and they are using my iCloud account using this same email address (my email address is different for the Mac.) these people seem desperate for access to someone’s account that isn’t theirs - mistakenly assuming their stuff will be safe(r). if they only knew. your life becomes a continuing adventure of changing passwords, changing pass words, and changing passwords. took a look see at one the password storage services mentioned above and it includes PASSWORD SHARING!. Yes - that’s necessary because passwords must be shared frequently in the business setting! and have you checked out SYNC? if not, ur in for a treat! I am going to keep trying to recapture this account. My guess since I wasn’t immediately aware, they have 16 tons of crap stored on it and it is rare for me to sign in (pure torture) to that account. I have some suspects.


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