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How to Stop Ads in Your Facebook News Feed

by Josh Kirschner on August 27, 2015

If you're a regular user of Facebook, you're no doubt familiar with sponsored ads popping up in your Facebook News Feed, woven in with posts you care about from your friends and family. And chances are you're not happily smiling when you see them, unlike these two ladies in a Facebook ad promotion. You just want the ads to stop.

Facebook ads

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to stop ads from appearing in your News Feed. However, by understanding the ways advertisers use targeting to determine who sees their ads, you can use that same information to make yourself undesirable to advertisers and, therefore, far less likely to see ads in your News Feed.

1. Demographics

Demographic targeting is one of the key ways advertisers pick their audiences. After all, if you're selling diapers, it's a lot more cost effective to target new mothers than 70-year old seniors. So the key is to make your demographics unappealing to advertisers. Here are the demographic targeting options Facebook offers and how you can use them for your benefit

  • Location—Leave your address blank or change to a foreign location unlikely to be targeted by advertisers (e.g., Guam).
  • Interests—Facebook lets advertisers target people who have "expressed an interest in" or Liked pages related to a topic. So the fewer pages you Like or comment on, the less likely you will be targeted by advertisers.
  • Age—Age is a heavily used factor in ad targeting. However, few advertisers are targeting centenarians. So add 100 years to your age. Born in 1974? Let's change that to 1905 (the farthest back Facebook allows you to choose).
  • Gender—Did you know that in addition to "male" or "female" (which are widely used as targeting factors) Facebook also allows to pick a "custom" gender? I'm sure you can come up with something interesting for this one.
  • Other demographic factors, such as Language, Relationship, Education (including fields of study), Work (employers, job titles, industries, office types), ethnic affinity, Parents, Life Events (engagements, long distance relationships, Friends of newly wed) can also be used for ad targeting. So, the fewer of these items you have in your profile, the less likely you are to be targeted.

Facebook targeting options

2. Your interests

This one is pretty basic: "Like" pages about heavy metal music? You're going to get targeted for the new Metallica album. Be judicious with what pages you Like to limit how often you will be targeted.

3. Your behaviors

Ever wonder how much Facebook really knows about your life? Quite a bit. By combining your profile information with data about how you interact with Facebook, and even data from third party data brokers (Acxiom, Datalogix and Epsilon), Facebook may know more about what you're up to than many of your closest friends. All information which advertisers can then use to target you. For example:

  • Facebook knows if you're currently traveling by comparing your Facebook logins with your home location.
  • Facebook knows if you're a baseball fan, by analyzing how often you interact with baseball content.
  • FaceBook knows if you have a child who is about to graduate from high school, by analyzing your relationships and the age and education status of those relationships.
  • Facebook knows if you've recently purchased a new home.

This is a trickier area to manage. Unless you stop posting and interacting with content—which is the whole purpose of being on Facebook in the first place—this data is out there on you. Again, by limiting the demographic information you provide and reducing extraneous interactions with pages, it makes it more difficult for Facebook to extract behaviors that advertisers can target.

4. Friends who "Like" too much stuff

You know exactly who I'm talking about. That annoying friend of yours who, for some unknown reason, insists on Liking pages from dozens of major advertisers, like Applebee's or Starbucks. And since Facebook allows advertisers to target "Friends of people who like your page", now you're seeing Applebee's ads in your news feed. You often know if you were targeted based on a friend who likes a page because the name of your friend shows up in the ad.

Facebook ad with friend's name

How do you stop this? Yell at your friend to stop serial liking pages. They deserve it.

You can also prevent advertisers from using YOUR name to promote their business to your friends. In your Facebook Settings, under Ads:

  • Turn off permission for third party sites to use your name and picture (not currently used, but something Facebook may make available in the future)
  • Turn off “Pair my social actions with ads” so your name isn't used in ads to your friends. Or else your friends will yell at you. And you will deserve it.

5. Ads based on your use of websites or apps off Facebook

You look at a pair of shoes on Amazon and then every site you go to has ads for that same pair of shoes. In advertising parlance, that's "retargeting". Facebook allows advertisers to "retarget" people who have visited the advertiser's website or app off Facebook, which may result in more ads showing up in your news feed.

If you don't want companies to use information based on your activity to target ads, you can opt out through the Digital Advertising Alliance (US), Digital Advertising Alliance Canada or the European Digital Advertising Alliance. Because retargeting uses browser-based cookies, you will need to opt out for each browser you use (mobile and desktop). However, for Facebook specifically, you only need to opt out in one browser and it will automatically apply your choice everywhere you use Facebook.

[Image credits: Facebook]


Facebook, Computers and Software, Tips & How-Tos, Privacy

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From Pointing out the obvious on November 17, 2016 :: 7:13 pm

Funny how your site also shows targeted adds that are obviously pulling from some of the same sources as FB. I guess that’s why you’re so informed. It’d be nice if ALL sites stopped this, or at least the the ones with articles belittling FB for things they themselves seem to be doing. Kudos though for getting around Adblock by embedding them in your site directly. Not many sites have figured that one out yet.



From Merry Wooten on July 24, 2017 :: 6:20 am

This is my first experience of having a page that I opened to view blocked with a large pane of text stating that I would not be allowed to view the content unless I took off my ad blockers.            I was trying to look up information, as I had been perusing several posts, looking for updates on Senator John McCain’s recovery when the huge screen popped up blocking the view of text and stating that I would not be allowed to see the text because I was using ad-blockers.                    How do you block CONTENT BLOCKERS that keep you from reading text on a news feed or a poster’s page?



From Mike on November 02, 2017 :: 12:33 pm

Blocking ALL ads on Face Book is relatively easy. Just install Adblock Plus this has now started automatically blocking the annoying stuff that appears in your news feeds ... brilliant ..... and if you click the Adblock plus logo and select “Block element” then point mouse over bits you want to block until the unwanted section turns yellow then just accept.

I now don’t get frustrated by the rubbish companies crank out. ... Face Book is a social platform not an advertising platform interspersed with the odd bit of social chat



From Gary on April 24, 2019 :: 9:51 am

I hide literally every ad see on facebook. And if given the option, block the advertiser so won’t see any ads from them again. I find that for the most part this keeps my feed ad free. Once in awhile a get a bizzard of ads, I think tye’re testing me. I block the all and then for the next few months I dont’ see ads anymore.
I suspect they profiled me as hostile to advertising and slow down what they show me.
Also agree the having no likes, not clicking on any company site from a friends cross reference.. all helps.



From Tom Griffith on September 12, 2019 :: 12:41 pm


Guam is, and has been part of the United States for decades and decades.

You’ve mentioned it as a “foreign country.”

Shame on you!



From Josh Kirschner on September 12, 2019 :: 1:05 pm

You’re absolutely correct. Edited the article above to remove that reference. Thanks!



From Effendi on September 27, 2021 :: 2:02 pm

Rubbish ADS SPONSERED COMPANY…[redacted language]



From Bob Cornacchioli on October 02, 2021 :: 5:04 pm

all of a sudden FB is generating an post advertising how other would see my ad.  I didn’t create an ad and want this message - This is how your ad will look to other users, but only you can see this preview.
Please help



From Josh Kirschner on October 03, 2021 :: 5:49 pm

Usually you only see that option if you are posting on a business page, not your personal feed. Is this happening in your personal feed?



From Bob Cornacchioli on October 03, 2021 :: 5:56 pm

Is on my personal page.  I have another page… for my business but I didn’t think I set it up as a business page.  I will look there.. that said it’s definitely showing up on my personal page



From Josh Kirschner on October 03, 2021 :: 6:00 pm

Are the posts being suggested for ads in your personal feed those you originally made on your other page? If so, this is “normal” - it’s Facebook’s way of trying to get more money out of you for your business, even in your personal area. This is the case for me, as well. I will see promotion suggestions for posts on our Techlicious page in my personal feed. There’s no way to stop it.



From Bob Cornacchioli on October 03, 2021 :: 6:02 pm

I deleted that post on the business page..
Let’s see what happens now..



From PatH on April 28, 2022 :: 1:55 pm

I followed the direction above and still receive 20 to 25 ads every day. The ones that upset me most are the ones in a foreign language…Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and more! The location on my Facebook settings is USA.
Before Facebook change to Meta I got one or two ads. Out of curiosity I clicked on one of the ads and across the top of the page there is a banner stating the information is not shared with Russia. WHAT!!!!
I also keep getting “Game” suggestions.  I don’t play any games period never have and will never!
I have less than 100 friends. I see more ads in my feed than posts.



From Joshua Lee on April 28, 2022 :: 6:39 pm

This article is outdates and should be taken down. noting in FB’s preferences blocks ads at all. and even clicking “Hide Ad” hasn’t worked for a while. So again this article is completely useless and borders on misinformation at this point in time.



From Joshua Lee on April 28, 2022 :: 6:40 pm




From PatH on April 28, 2022 :: 7:21 pm

I’m thinking seriously of deleting my fb account. The frustration isn’t worth it!

Thanks for the reply



From Josh Kirschner on April 28, 2022 :: 7:29 pm

This article is seven years old, but the information is still largely accurate. As I said in 2015, “Unfortunately, there is no direct way to stop ads from appearing in your News Feed. However, by understanding the ways advertisers use targeting to determine who sees their ads, you can use that same information to make yourself undesirable to advertisers…” Will this cause you to see fewer ads vs seeing ads that have no targeting in the current Facebook schema? That’s hard to say definitively, but it’s possible the methods in the article may lead to lower ad density, and will certainly help you reduce the amount of information you provide to advertisers for targeting, if that is a concern.

FWIW, we almost never take down articles (most other media sites do not either) because prior articles are important for archive purposes and often retain some relevance. We always have clear publication dates to inform readers as to an article’s age. When an article is still receiving high traffic, we will keep it updated, as necessary, and update the publication date, as well, to reflect the new content.



From Pete on June 09, 2022 :: 5:26 pm

I block everything, Facebook says you won’t see this ad again, but they lie. It comes up again and again. I get stupid useless irrelevant ads every 4th post!
This is filthy as it makes me hare Facebook people for doing this!
I have recently started receiving sexually explicit àds, so I screenshot and send them to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) complaining but nothing changes. I tried posting a complaint on the ad itself but Facebook says I cannot post because it has been removed, but it keeps coming back..
Facebook is a lying stupid miserable company who should be taken to court



From Bonnie Hilton on June 14, 2022 :: 12:38 pm

What is cost



From Christine Panzram on September 24, 2022 :: 6:18 pm

Why is my facebook account full of adds on mu new Samsung phone



From Marcy Ortega on October 02, 2022 :: 12:43 pm

Facebook is targeting me with totally random stuff. I’ve never played a game on FB and get tons of those ads. I also get ads in Korean from Korea and also France - totally in French. I am from USA. I cannot speak or read French or Korean. It’s gotten to the point where I rarely go on the site anymore.



From Matts on January 05, 2023 :: 5:05 am

Download social fixer add-on (chrome) and it blocks all ads


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