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3 Ways to Find Out if Your Spouse is Using Ashley Madison
This weekend, it was revealed that popular adultery website Ashley Madison fell victim to a hacking group called The Impact Team. That group says it now knows the identities and contact information of over 37 million cheaters who have used the site, mainly in the U.S. and Canada. And unless the Ashley Madison site is taken down for good, the criminals warn, they’ll publicly reveal the company’s complete client list.
Of course, this particular story is still unfolding. The identities of most of those millions of cheaters are still cloaked – for now. The Impact Team has released a few customers’ names and details to prove it actually had stolen the data, but it appears that Ashley Madison has had some success in taking down links and slowing the data’s spread. It’s yet unknown whether – or how or when for that matter – the identities of the 37 million cheaters will be revealed.
Concerned that your wife or husband might be cheating on you using the Ashley Madison site? There’s no need to wait for the hackers’ next move – there’s plenty you can do to find out if your partner is cheating (or has cheated) via Ashley Madison right now. Here are some smart first steps to take if you really must know.
1. Look for the Ashley Madison app
While it’s unlikely that a cheater would keep the Ashley Madison app on their phone’s home screen, there are a number of ways to hide apps on iOS and Android. If your partner uses an Apple iPhone, you can find the app anywhere on the device by performing a Spotlight Search. Touch the middle of your screen and then swipe down. On Android devices, you’ll want to open the menu in the app drawer and select “Show hidden apps.”
2. Look at your credit card statement
Ashley Madison is a paid service, so if your significant other is using it, there’s bound to be evidence hiding in your financial records. In the past, the company has showed up on credit card statements as “Ashley Madison,” but more recently, it’s been appearing as “AMDB.” The site changes its billing ID frequently, so keep an eye out for the site’s telltale $19 recurring monthly charges and $49 message access fees. Cheating with Ashley Madison, it seems, is incredibly expensive to do.
It’s also worth noting that many people purchase subscriptions through the Ashley Madison mobile app. Keep an eye out for unusually large iTunes charges – in-app purchases can range from $19.99 to $99.99. You can view these past purchases in the iTunes Store, but specific details may be locked behind your partner’s Apple ID, even if Family Sharing has been enabled.
3. Look at their browser history
Many cheaters use their browser’s incognito mode, delete their browser history and erase all their cookies after visiting personals sites. Not all do, however, and plenty who do occasionally slip up and forget to erase their tracks. Keep an eye out for visits to sites like Ashley Madison and Adult Friend Finder, along with visits to more innocent personals sites like Match.com or OKCupid.
Update 8/19/2015: You can now download the full data file with profile information on all cheaters from PirateBay.nm.
Update 8/24/15: You can lookup hacked Ashley Madison email addresses directly through ashley.cynic.al. However, be aware that any email addresses checked could potentially be stored and tracked by the site.
[AshleyMadison, Man texting mistress via Shutterstock]
Smart people don’t use their real email addresses, get prepaid or secret credit cards, and don’t log in from their smart phones. So yeah, your spouse can still be on any adult site they chose without you knowing it.
Anybody with half a brain knows. The plain and simple of it is if people are mentally stable and not prone to bouts of paranoia then if they are looking at this article they already know and are just in denial or like myself not trying to get raked over the coals again by a person who thinks they can have their cake and eat it too. Personally I’d rather move to Saudi Arabia for a few weeks and then just randomly let it slip what I already know and watch the problem fix itself. People who knowingly take part in this activity are cowards and basically thieves. If people would just be adults about these things there’d be a lot less hate over it. I’m not running a brothel. I’m not in the business of paying all of someone’s bills so they can go be a sneaky ass whore. If I was I’m obviously not doing very well as she has yet to bring me any money. Both emotionally and financially marriage is an investment that typically ends up one sided in one fashion or another. I made a bad investment. As have many of the people here. The problem is you can’t just take your losses and walk away because they seem to think they’re entitled to more of your money and property for the privilege of possibly being exposed to stds and having giving a person with neither a backbone or any honor or integrity whatsoever a free ride. I don’t often agree with Arabic law but in this case they got it right. Red queen all of them.
So my brother-in-law was caught using the site half a year ago although he’s never owned up to it ... Says he met a couple of women that never could perform…anyways he has contracted AIDS and I would love to know information on who all he has been with to make them aware of that they need to tested ...tho he says he never touch anyone..I don’t believe him ... Anyone’s interested in helping me I will give you his name
So basically spy on your husband by looking at his phone, looking at his credit cards and checking his browser history. Great plan. Be sneaky because you’re upset that he MIGHT b sneaky.
Here’s a novel idea. If you don’t trust your husband enough to ask him face-to-face then marry somebody else you’re with the wrong guy
I trusted my wife for 43 years only to find out she’s a sexual narcissist and has been cheating on me the whole time . At 63 now she’s gaslighted me ghosted me divorcing me taking my disabled son whos 37 and so confused about WHY but she blamed it on me . During this i had several heart attacks strokes and now cancer she doesn’t shed a tear one , cause that would make it tougher to dial 911 while she lied to the cops and now has restraining orders against me and i cant see my son or go to my house and shes out screwing around every night . I wish i was SNEAKY not STUPID
I did not even know what Ashley Madison is until I found it on his email and decided to Google it.
Im not familiar with this site at all but I did find it in my husband’s email. When I went to account it had zero credits and no sent messages. Is their a possibility where he clicked some ad or established an account without paying or doing something to see what it is about? I know i sound like im giving him the benefit of the doubt but dont want to jump to conclusions. Im wonderful how worried I should be . I mean i want to rip his head off seeing this but trying to see other sides of it.
You can set up an account for free, so many people just set up accounts for the fun of it. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the vast majority of accounts on there are just curious people who have no intention of actually using the platform for hookups.
Please tell me how you were to find him on there? I don’t have access to my husbands email etc I threw him out but need confirmation. I typed in a phone number off his call logs which says my stepson but led me to that site
From Pamela Harley Thompaon on August 20, 2015 :: 2:29 pm
Back when I was dating a cheater… He let me use his computer and his phone until he started cheating. These pointers are for women who date obvious idiots. 2nd step is when they suddenly lose their tiny minds if you pick up their phone or ask them for the new password to their computer because, they changed it for no reason and, now they won’t tell you what it is! Personally, I never mixed bank accounts or shared credit cards with this type.