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Watch Out for These Apple ID Scams

by Elizabeth Harper on August 10, 2017

While many security threats target Windows and Android, Apple users shouldn't let their guard down. Phishing scams, which convince you to hand over passwords and other personal data, can affect anyone — and scams targeting your Apple ID have been making the rounds. In these scams, you're contacted by someone claiming to be from Apple Support telling you that your Apple ID has been hacked. They may contact you by phone, email or text message, and they can seem very legitimate. These scammers often stress serious consequences if you don't address the hack right now,  counting on your fear to make you act fast. But if you hastily click a link or hand over your password, a scammer could have just taken control of your account.

The biggest clue that these messages don't come from Apple itself is that they'll ask for your username, password, credit card number, social security number or other personal information — things Apple itself would never request. When you give it out, these thieves can gain easy access to any information you keep on Apple's servers, like emails or iTunes purchases. Further, knowing your password and identifying information can make it easy to guess logins on other accounts or even steal your identity.

The best way to avoid being scammed is to be aware of how these scammers con people out of their personal information, so you know when you're being played. Here are some warning signs:

  • Requests for personal information. As we mentioned above, this is the biggest clue something is a scam. Apple will never ask you for your password or credit card number.
  • Phone calls, emails or text messages out of the blue. While Apple can send emails and alerts when you make purchases or log in from a new computer, Support agents won't contact you unless you've contacted them first. You should always be suspicious of unexpected messages claiming to be from Apple.
  • A message that just seems odd. It may come from an address or phone number not associated with Apple, be formatted strangely, or include typos and misspellings. If anything seems wrong, it probably is.
  • A message that stresses dangerous consequences if you don't do something immediately, like click a link or give someone your password.

If you receive a suspicious message, never give out personal information or click links and contact Apple directly to verify whether the message is legitimate. And if you think your Apple ID may already be compromised, change your password immediately and set up two-factor authentication to secure it further

[Image credit: iPhone with keyboard and mouse via]


Privacy, News, Computers and Software, Computer Safety & Support, Phones and Mobile, iPhone/iPad Apps, Blog

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From Hassan Hersi on June 15, 2019 :: 2:42 am

Hi my Apple ID his Not Working Plz I need help
Thank you sow much



From Barb Thorne on June 26, 2019 :: 7:42 pm

A couple days ago I got a contact with Apple asking if a made
A $1600. 00 on a game. It might of been my grandson but he is not to make any purchase and especially. Not this big of one. Can Apple delete this if I have been charged?



From Josh Kirschner on June 28, 2019 :: 12:46 pm

Apple will allow you to request refunds for in-app purchases. You can learn more about that process here:

The fact that Apple contacted you is a good thing, it means they saw the charge as unusual. However, you should also be careful that it wasn’t a phishing message/call from someone trying to get your Apple ID and login info.If you have questions about suspicious charges, it’s always better for you to contact Apple directly rather than replying to a message.



From Linda Stotz on September 12, 2019 :: 11:21 am

I just got a call from 800-969-7498 from a person who gave his name as Danny who is definitely from India originally.  Claimed I was hacked by someone in Houston, Texas.  I am in Florida.  Said he could block this hacker.  Asked me to go to my laptop and follow his instructions.  I hung up.  Is this call really from Apple as he claimed?  What to call if I get enother call from Apple like this?



From Josh Kirschner on September 12, 2019 :: 12:10 pm

Apple would never call you with this type of claim. Never provide your information to anyone who calls you or allow them to access your computer in any way. If in doubt, hang up and call Apple directly or visit one of the Apple stores for assistance.



From Lois McMillan on September 28, 2019 :: 10:17 pm

I got an email saying there was activity in my billing account I’m scared to go in that account it might be a scammer, please help



From Josh Kirschner on September 30, 2019 :: 10:37 pm

There’s a good chance that email is fake (here’s how to tell if an email is spoofed). To be safe, it is always best never to click on those emails. Instead, contact Apple directly through or via your local Apple Store.



From Tanja Fleischmann on May 31, 2020 :: 7:57 am

I received this email did it come from the App Store
Purchase Receipt Your purchase has been succeeded from Apple [ Purchase No.672812 ].png


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