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Facebook Ad Copyright Violation Scam Used for Phishing Attacks

by Josh Kirschner on August 02, 2021

Recently, I reported on how fake copyright complaints were being used to spread ransomware to businesses. One of our readers saw that article and alerted me to a similar scam. In his case, the email claimed his Facebook ads were violating copyright and his business page would be disabled or removed if he didn't file an appeal. The specific text of the email reads:


Your recent ads have been reported for violation of Facebook ToS.

You have now (1) copyright strike, and we'll have to disable your ad account and take down your page.

To prevent that from happening, use the link below to submit an appeal:

This link expires in 24 hours.


Facebook Team

The link to the Facebook form (which has now been removed) brings you to this page with more "details" about Facebook's advertising policy, followed by a button to complete a form with your account details.

Fake Facebook appeal page showing text that reads Breaking the Advertising Policy. All advertisements and offer must practice trade policies. You may have broken some of the banned articles/rules on Facebook. Unsafe add-ons. Adult articles or services. Growth health articles. Hateful and degenerate language in communication, racism and offensive language. Non-physical items are prohibited on Facebook Marketplace, including but not limited to services, subscriptions, digital products or rentals. Below is a form which must be completed within 24 hours. If you do not complete the form your site will be suspended indefinitely. Followed by a button to continue.

There are a couple of clear warning signs that this isn't an official Facebook page; notably, the form being hosted on a URL (rather than directly by Facebook) and the general poor grammar of the page. But if you missed these clues and went ahead and completed the form, you just turned over your business's login credentials to these scammers.

Interestingly, the image used in the header of the fake Facebook appeal page is the same one used for a similar, though technically more sophisticated, Facebook phishing scam Sophos Security reported in October 2020. Whether this is the same group of scammers or another group trying to copy their methods is hard to know. It's also possible, though I haven't seen evidence of it yet, that this same social engineering method could be used to deliver malware, including ransomware, as I outlined in my prior ransomware article.

As we see with the Sophos example, scammers often will change up their methods and the language in their emails in an attempt to avoid spam filters. If you've received a similar message (on your site or via email), please post in the comments below so others will find it when doing a Google search and avoid the risk of having their Facebook accounts compromised.

[Image credit: Smartphone on keyboard via BigStock Photo, screenshots via Techlicious]

Josh Kirschner is the co-founder of Techlicious and has been covering consumer tech for more than a decade. Josh started his first company while still in college, a consumer electronics retailer focused on students. His writing has been featured in, NBC News and Time.


News, Computers and Software, Computer Safety & Support, Blog, Facebook, Privacy

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From Ivo on January 21, 2022 :: 2:29 am

The Attack started with the following email:

/Hello dear,

/Your ad has been reported for violating Facebook ToS.
/ /You have (2) copyright strikes, and we’ll have to disable your ad /account/page.
/To prevent that from happening use the form below to submit an /appeal:
/ /  !!! removed this for security !!!
/ /This link will expire in 24 hours.

/Thank You,

I followed the link - however on my iPhone mobile !
The page I landed on was
There I stepped through and gave the access code etc as described in your article above -
then very short moment later I got a warning from facebook
two of my posts have violated the guidelines -
same moment my friend got a notification about new posts on my facebook page - that post was indescribably disgusting video which I don‘t want to describe here.
A minute my account was blocked !

Currently, I am very upset - also about the fact that I was able to file an objection with Facebook but could not provide any information about what happened - Facebook instead tells me that they will investigate my objection and either reactivate my account or block it irrevocably.



From Josh Kirschner on January 22, 2022 :: 6:46 pm

I’m sorry this happened to you. If the scam was similar to the above article, then I’m sure the page you went to was not the actual Facebook mobile page, but a url designed to trick you into thinking it was (e.g., substituting zero for the “O”). This can be especially hard to spot on a mobile device.



From Claire Lu on January 25, 2022 :: 7:43 pm

Omg, same thing happened to me, as of right now it said three of my posts have violated facebook guidelines, what do we do in this situation? Will facebook recognize the fact that we were being scammed?



From Josh Kirschner on January 25, 2022 :: 7:51 pm

Are you receiving those warning via an email or on Facebook? If via email and you aren’t sure if it is real, go to Facebook directly (don’t click on links in the email) and you should see the messages in your account. Else, likely fake.

If you have already given your credentials to a phishing site, immediately log in and change your password if you still have access.

It’s also a very smart idea to set up two-factor authentication for your Facebook account to prevent you from falling for any potential future scams.


From Mark Warren on August 22, 2022 :: 11:27 pm

I got the same email
Hello Dear,

Your ad has been reported for violating Facebook ToS.

You have (2) copyright strikes, and we’ll have to disable your ad account/page.
To prevent that from happening use the form below to submit an appeal:

This link will expire in 24 hours.
I clicked through it not paying attention and it sent the links to my supposed violations. They were child porn and it Paid for an ad on my business account to send out child porn videos. Now I’m locked out.  I called the fbi


From Christian on January 28, 2022 :: 4:20 am

Same here. Got two of those mails yesterday. One to an address that I did use only for facebook…

The first link leads to a public post that on facebook can be viewed without havin to log in. A click to the link in that posts confronts me with a very red screen from chrome warning be that I’m about to visit a potential fishing site.

That page then can be filled with pretty much trash but still wants 2FA credentials. Seems I entered the wrong ones. wink



From Ivo on January 28, 2022 :: 6:30 am

meanwhile made invisible for 7 days - facebook support takes time -
being able to interact with my facebook community is an important factor of my professional existence - why is there no chance to contact support for these cases ?
do you have any secret tip for me what i can do in this situation ?
all links that supposedly help lead me to a lock screen with the following content:

“you have contradicted this decision
JANUARY 21, 2022
Account verification usually takes about a day.
Other Facebook users can’t see your account and you can’t use it.
What happens next?
We will take another look at your account. However, due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we currently have less review capacity available, so we may not be able to review your account again.
If we determine that your account meets our community standards, we will promptly reactivate your Facebook account.
If we determine that your account does not meet our community standards, we will permanently deactivate it. Note that you will not be able to appeal this decision again.”



From Farzana Shohel Rana on May 23, 2022 :: 9:35 am

Dear Facebook support team,
I respect the direction of the community and I always follow the guidelines of the Facebook community. I’ve used Facebook I’ve never violated community guidelines, your Facebook protection has been accidentally disabled somewhere in my account and help me get it back into my account.

Hello Sir, When I Open My Fb Id Shows Like this. You can not login at the moment. We’ll get in touch with you shortly after We’ve reviewed it. You’ll now be logged out of Facebook as a security precution. Sir this account was very important for me because i have some busssiness information in it sir please re open my id. Thankyou.
Sarder Shohel Rana



From Nichole on August 16, 2022 :: 1:55 am

This happened to me today. I received two of these types of emails. The first, titled “Ads Restricted, had a link that took me to a FB page and had me fill out an appeal. However, when I copy and paste the link in an incognito window, I’m taken to some group Page with postings I believe are from India.

Here is the 1st message:

Your pa⁣ge has be⁣en res⁣tricted from ru⁣nning Fa⁣ceb⁣ook A⁣ds re⁣garding Face⁣bo⁣ok Page Pol⁣icy vio⁣lati⁣ons.

Sin⁣ce your con⁣tent goes aga⁣inst our guideli⁣nes, curre⁣ntly you won’t be able to create any new campaig⁣ns.

If you think we made a mist⁣ake you can ask us to review our dec⁣ision, by fil⁣ling out the form bel⁣ow:[redacted]/

This link will be avai⁣lable for the next 48 ho⁣urs, if you don’t fill out the form you will lose access to your Fa⁣cebo⁣ok Pa⁣g⁣es which can lead to acco⁣unt deactivat⁣ion, as our team rev⁣iewi⁣ng time is lim⁣ited.

Thank you for helping us grow toget⁣her, as we are enh⁣ancing fu⁣rther Fa⁣ceb⁣oo⁣k qual⁣ity com⁣munity exp⁣erince.

Fa⁣ceb⁣ook A⁣d Man⁣ager Te⁣am.

Your page has been scheduled for review, after violating Terms. lf we don’t hear from you within 48 hours, your page will be automatically unpublished and deleted.

The 2nd one, titled “Policy Issues” takes me to a recently made FB page and prompts me to clink another link. This link brings me to red page warning letting me know I’m entering a phishing site.

Here is the second email.

Repeated violations could lead to your Page being deleted. Learn more about this policy.

If you believe your account was reported by mistake,
submit an appeal by visiting your support inbox below:[redcated]

Lucie Maks

I have two-factor authentication already enabled on my account but I’m still going to change my password as a safety precaution.



From Michelle on August 31, 2022 :: 4:45 pm

Is there any way to report this? I’ve received 2 emails that were pretty much identical… at first, I didn’t think anything beyond scam, but since I work with Social Media and manage various accounts I felt I had to investigate before assuming.

Beginning of emails:
Your account has been scheduled for review after violating Facebook Terms. If we don’t hear from you within 24 hours, your Facebook profile will be automatically unpublished.

Would love to know if there’s a way to report/banish, or even protect me more.



From Josh Kirschner on September 06, 2022 :: 9:33 am

Yes, go to the linked page on Facebook the scam is directing you to and report that page as a scam or fake page.



From B on September 05, 2022 :: 4:10 pm

this is the one I just received:

Hi UserID 7896132465,

Your ad has been reported for violating Facebook ToS.

Your page appears to contain copyrighted material owned by a third party, such as a video or background audio.

If you believe that your page has been reported by mistake, can you please appeal by following the link below.

If we do not receive an appeal within 24 hours, this could cause to your account to be disabled.

Thank you,
Best Regards, AdsOperations Team Facebook.



From Tom on September 10, 2022 :: 6:46 am

Their “Meta for business” “appeal” page I received in their email message (NO notification was posted on my Facebook biz account) is leading to the following link on Facebok, which I reported to facebook:



From Carrie on January 24, 2023 :: 7:16 pm

Just got this email today, I double checked and my ad account and page are fine.

Dear Meta User The Vintage Bee ,
Some of your page’s content violates our terms and conditions.
All advertising must adhere to the Meta Copyright Policy.

If you believe this is incorrect, please use the form below to file an appeal:

If we do not hear an appeal within the next 24 hours, we must follow the decision above.



From Noshair on January 31, 2023 :: 5:11 am

This is the email I got today.
Some of the content on your page violates our terms and conditions.
The Meta Copyright Policy is in force for all advertising.

Please fill out the following form to submit an appeal if you believe that this is incorrect:

We will have to close your account if you don’t get in touch with us within the next 24 hours.

When i clicked through the link it says “this content isn’t available”
What possible precautions should I take to secure everything.



From Gordon on February 25, 2023 :: 6:22 pm


Your page Angel The Kitty has been reported for violating our Terms of Use.

Your page appears to contain copyrighted material owned by a third party, such as a video clip or background audio.

If you believe that your account has been reported by mistake, you may appeal by following the link below.

Please note that if we do not receive an appeal within 24 hours, this could result in the permanent loss of your account.




From Lynne M on March 24, 2023 :: 6:46 pm

We’ve notified you that your page is in violation of our terms of service.

There appears to be background audio or video on your fan page that is protected by the copyright of another person.

Got this variation today: 
Your account may be permanently suspended if you continue to abuse Facebook’s services.

If you believe your page was incorrectly reported, please use the URL provided below to file an appeal.

Appeal Here

Please be aware that your account access may be restricted if your appeal is not received within 24 hours.
Meta Team.



From Radha Stirling on April 25, 2023 :: 6:56 am

I never click directly on a link sent via email but rather go to Facebook’s website directly and look for notifications.  I received an email

Hello Dear,

Your ad has been reported for violating Facebook ToS.

You have (2) copyright strikes, and we’ll have to disable your ad account/page.
To prevent that from happening use the form below to submit an appeal:

This link will expire in 24 hours.

Facebook Inc
6528 Willow Road, Menlos Park,
CA 955025316


As if Meta is going to send an email “Hello Dear”.  Sadly, more resources need to be put towards these phishing scams that are extremely damaging to people.



From Michael on April 27, 2023 :: 2:53 am

Dear ! XXX YYY
We are writing to inform you that your ad account has been found in violation of our policies. We take the safety and well-being of our users very seriously, and we expect all advertisers to comply with our guidelines.

To ensure the continued use of your ad account, we require you to submit an appeal through the button below. This appeal will be reviewed by our team, and we will get back to you with a decision within 2 business days.

This is a final warning: if no action is taken, your account will be permanently erased within the next 24 hours.

Thank you for your time and for being a part of our community.

Meta Pro Team

This message is an automated email. Please do not reply.
Meta Platforms. 229 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10007



From Amir on May 03, 2023 :: 8:42 am

hi! I received this email
Dear , Botiga
We are writing to inform that your Advertising account has been found in violation of our policies. We take the safety and well-being of our users very seriously, and we expect all advertisers to comply with our guidelines.

And for a moment of stress I clicked, i use mac but nothing was download, We are using Mac system, what we should do?
Because I wrote the info and the apeal
What we should do?
the link was




From Josh Kirschner on May 03, 2023 :: 9:57 am

If you provided them information, which I assume includes your Facebook login info, you should immediately change your Facebook password and set up two-factor authentication on your account (if it isn’t set up already). Otherwise, you are at high risk of having your Facebook account compromised and getting it back can be very difficult.



From Luis Perez on June 03, 2023 :: 7:35 pm

These are getting more professional and looked almost legit.
What got me was that the “buttons” at the bottom of the page did not click into anything.

Subject: your access to your Page (user) have been revoked due to a violation of our acceptable use policy.

Body: Hello (user)
Your page has been scheduled for deletion because it goes against our Community Standards on Intelectual Property.

If you want to cancel the deletion of your page or retrieve any of the content or information you’ve added, please submit a report on link below. Otherwise, meta will start deleting your page in 2 days. After 06 June 2023, you won’t be able to access the account or any of the content you’ve added.



Meta support team



From Siegfried Langer on July 07, 2023 :: 2:41 am


this morning I received the following e-mail from
Dear, Siegfried Langer - Autor

Your Ads Account will be permanently restricted within next 24 hours due to violation of Our Community Guidelines or Ads Policies.

To help keep Facebook open and welcoming, we try to prevent people from unintentionally misusing Facebook, even if you felt that what you did was acceptable.

Our Community Standards apply to everyone all around the world, and to all types of content:

  Respecting intellectual property
  Integrity and authenticity
  Content-related requests and decisions
  Violence and Criminal behavior
  Objectionable content


To keep the continued use of your ad account, we require you to submit an appeal through the button below. This appeal will be reviewed by our team, and we will get back to you with a decision within 3 business days:

This is a final warning: if no action is taken, your account will be permanently erased within the next 24 hours.

Meta Pro Team
This Message is an automated email. Please do not reply.
© Facebook. Meta Platforms. Inc. Attention. Menlo Park. CA 95025



From Jonathan Michael Berman on July 09, 2023 :: 5:55 am

Got the same email just now, I did go to the form, didn’t fill it out, looked at the return email and knew it was fake:

No way would facebook be sending from



From Maksym Semenov on July 24, 2023 :: 5:16 pm

Rule Violations | Meta

Hello @mebli.stolytsi,

We have received reports that you have violated our rules regarding your account.
We reviewed your account and decided to deactivate it.
Your account will be deactivated within 24-48 hours.

Rules You Have Breached

• Sharing copyrighted content.
• Artificial likes and followers.
• Unwanted content and messages.

Fill out the appeal form to view and appeal complaints.

Objection Form:

We work for the safety of our community.

Thank you for your understanding.

Sequence Number: 983737382

© 2023 Meta Platforms 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 9627520808



From Kseniia Minakova on August 11, 2023 :: 2:16 am

От: Appeal Report Case 304192745 <>
Date: пт, 11 авг. 2023 г. в 01:18
Subject: Ad Account Update : Review Requested , Національний політехнічний інститут

Dear XXXX,
Meta has scheduled a procedure for your website to be removed in accordance with the community’s rules.

As the governor of the territory, you’ll acquire this knowledge.

If you think there is a misconception, please communicate with us by submitting a complaint prior to the page being permanently removed.

Facebook Help Center

I value your commitment and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Meta Team.



From Kenny Scantz on August 12, 2023 :: 9:20 am

I just got this today without any notifications from Facebook. Titled. Your ad has been removed for violating Facebook’s policies.

The URL looks a bit suspect but the page looks genuine.  The email also came from Meta for Business <> At first I thought it was genuine due to me just launching a new post boost, but then I remembered my business conducted with meta comes through my personal email and not my business website.

Dear,  Simply Transfers
Within the next 24 hours, your ad will be removed as it infringes upon Facebook’s Community Guidelines or Advertising Policies.


To expedite the recovery and validation of your ad, we ask you complying with our policies and verify the information by clicking the button below:

This is final warning, without any action taken, your ad will be permanently removed.

The Meta for Business Team



From Trudi Brown on August 16, 2023 :: 6:33 am

My friends account was disabled because of this crap. and she cant seem to recover it either
we tried putting in a review request, but the request got denied immediately and Facebooks help center seems to take you around and around in circles

Is there ANYTHING that can be done to get her personal page back or is it gone forever?

This was the email she received.

Immediate Action Required: Account Violation Notice

Contact photo
From   Meta for Business <>

Date   Today 3:32 pm
Priority   Normal
Summary Headers Plain text

We trust this message finds you well. It is with a sense of responsibility that we bring to your attention a critical matter involving your account’s recent advertising content. Regrettably, our review has detected that your posted content does not align with our Community Standards and fails to meet the required criteria for advertising.

Specifically, the reported violations include:

Inappropriate Content: The content shared in your advertisement does not meet the community’s standards for respectful and acceptable communication. This includes any form of offensive language, imagery, or messaging.

Misleading Information: The advertisement appears to provide misleading or false information, which can be confusing or detrimental to our user community.

We understand the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful online environment for all our users. Given the severity of these violations, we urge you to take immediate action.

To address this issue, you are kindly requested to submit an appeal within the next 24 hours. The appeal process allows you to provide clarifications, evidence, or corrective measures you have taken to rectify the violations. Failure to initiate an appeal within the stipulated timeframe may result in the temporary suspension of your account for a duration of 90 days.

Your cooperation in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated. By working together, we can ensure a positive and respectful online experience for all our users.

Thank you for your prompt attention and action.

Best regards,

Meta Pro Team
This message is an automated email. Please do not reply.
Meta Platforms. 229 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10007



From Josh Kirschner on August 16, 2023 :: 10:11 am

Unfortunately, the Facebook support process for reporting a hacked account is the only way to go for personal accounts. If it were a business account, she could go through the business advertising support, where she would have a shot at getting to a real/useful person to get things sorted.



From Johanna on August 21, 2023 :: 4:58 pm

This is the text of the Private Message. There is no way to report it or connect with anyone in Help.


Your page has been reported many times and will be suspended due to a violation of copyright terms. If you believe this is an error, please follow the steps below by submitting the appeal form.

If we do not receive an appeal form within 24 hours your page will be permanently unpublished.

Meta Team



From Yash on September 04, 2023 :: 3:37 am

I contacted meta customer support and they said it was scam. I clicked on verify entered my password then it said :

Thank you for verifying your account. Please wait and do not change your information within next 48 hours while we review your case.”“

Dear, Name of App,
In the next 24 hours, your ad account will be restricted due to violations of Facebook’s Ads Policies and Community Guidelines.

Our Community Standards apply to everyone all around the world, and to all types of content:

Wrong information.
Discriminatory activities
Illegal products and services.
Deceptive or fraudulent activity.

If you think your ad or business account was disapproved or inappropriately restricted, you can request through a button below:

This is final warning, without any action taken, your ad account will be permanently restricted.

The Facebook Ads Team



From Kinga on September 25, 2023 :: 6:42 am przez
11:39 (1 godzinę temu)
do mnie

Wyświetl oryginalną wiadomość
Nie tłumacz automatycznie dla języka: angielski
Podobnie jak w przypadku poprzednich naruszeń, ten konkretny błąd często pojawia się na kontach:

Twoja reklama została ustawiona do wyświetlania na fałszywej platformie wymiany walut. Wykryliśmy, że Twoja kampania reklamowa potencjalnie wykorzystuje osoby fizyczne poprzez złośliwe działania. Publikowanie lub udostępnianie danych osobowych, w tym danych karty bankomatowej, jest surowo zabronione. Niezastosowanie się może skutkować usunięciem Twojego postu i strony reklamowej.

Twoje konto zostanie tymczasowo zablokowane do sprawdzenia z powodu naruszenia naszych warunków, obowiązujące od: 30 września 2023 r.

Podkreślamy znaczenie poszanowania treści reklamowych, użytkowników i optymalizacji ich doświadczeń.

Jeśli masz dalsze pytania dotyczące wyżej wymienionego błędu reklamowego, nie wahaj się przesłać skargi do naszego dedykowanego profesjonalnego zespołu, aby uzyskać szczegółowe wskazówki, klikając przycisk poniżej:

Jeśli masz inne pytania, skontaktuj się z nami, korzystając z powyższego linku.

Zespół MetaPro

Ta wiadomość jest automatyczną wiadomością e-mail. Proszę nie odpowiadać.
Metaplatformy. 229 Park Ave S, Nowy Jork, NY 10007



From Cristina on November 08, 2023 :: 7:20 pm

Hello ,Xperience 360 Studio,
We’ve observed that your recent advertisement on our platform doesn’t conform to our advertising guidelines. In order to uphold a secure and respectful atmosphere for our users, we recommend that you review our policies and make any required modifications to your ad.

If you are confident that your ad complies with our policies, you can request a review by clicking the “Confirm” button below. Our team will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your appeal and deliver a prompt response.


We’d like to emphasize that continuous violations of our policies could result in the deactivation of your advertising account.

We genuinely value your commitment to maintaining the safety and respectfulness of our advertising platform.



From We also received one of these on November 30, 2023 :: 2:19 pm

Hello ____,

We hope this message finds you well. Following a thorough examination by our support team, it has been brought to our attention that your recent advertising campaign is in violation of our copyright and hate speech policies. To ensure the continued show of your ad account, we strongly advise you to take proactive steps by submitting an appeal at your earliest convenience.


Neglecting to address this issue promptly may result in potential ad account restrictions.

Best regards,
Meta Business Partner

This message is an automated email. Do not reply.



From Small Business on December 02, 2023 :: 3:49 pm

Important Notification:

Your Facebook page is scheduled for permanent deletion due to a post that has infringed upon our trademark rights. We have reached this decision after a thorough review and in accordance with our intellectual property protection policies.

If you believe this to be a misunderstanding, we kindly request you to file a complaint seeking the reinstatement of your page prior to its removal from Facebook.

Request for Review:

We understand that this situation may impact your ongoing business operations. However, please be informed that if we do not receive a complaint from you, our decision will be final.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Facebook Support Team

© Noreply Facebook. Meta Platforms, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025


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