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Washers That Sanitize

by Lisa Milbrand on July 03, 2009

Your regular, run-of-the-mill wash cycle will do just fine at clearing away that ketchup stain or grass smear. But what if you want to ensure the stomach bug from your son’s sheets or the bacteria on a grimy kitchen towel don’t stick around—or contaminate the next load?

That’s where washing machines with sanitization cycles come in handy. They heat the water (or steam) temperature, and the garments in them, to at least 165 degrees to do away with any nasty microorganisms left in your clothing. An added bonus: Sanitization also kills odor-causing bacteria—so that stinky old dog bed may get a second life.

Be sure to look for a seal from NSF International, a consumer health and safety organization. Their seal of approval means that washing machine eliminates 99.9 percent of organisms in a test “sanitization” wash cycle.


Health and Home, Cleaning, Health & Fitness

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Samsung Front Load WasherSamsung Front Load Washer Models WF448AAW ($1,399, white) and WF448AAP ($1,499, platinum) This 4.5-cubic-foot steam washer releases silver ions to neutralize odor-causing bacteria—even in cold wash cycles. It also receives high marks for its Vibration Reduction Technology.
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