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Test Your Internet Slang: 10 Terms You Should Know

by POPSUGAR on August 07, 2015

by Jessica Chassin

Tumblr, YouTube, and Twitter have been leading the slang game recently. "Snatched" is officially the new "fleek," "sis" is the new "bro," and adding "boots" to the end of any adjective is totally a thing. Read on to learn all the new slang words the cool kids on Internet are using.

1. Extra

If someone calls you extra, you're either trying too hard or being over the top. Think Regina George's mom. However, anyone from a teacher who gives too much homework to that loud, drunk, birthday girl stumbling around in a plastic tiara can be described as extra.

2. Snatched

Snatched is the new fleek. It's used to describe anything that looks really good or on point. Anything from your eyebrows to your outfit can be snatched. If your eyebrows are slaying, they're snatched. If your outfit is slaying, it's snatched.

3. Sus

Sus comes from the word suspect. It's the Internet's word for sketchy or shady. Remember when Cady Heron gave Regina George Kalteen bars to "lose weight"? That was sus.

4. Sis

Sis is the new bro. However you'd use bro, just replace it with sis and you're good to go. Scott and Mitch of Superfruit use it nonstop, so that totally confirms that it's a thing.

5. Boots

Todrick Hall uses boots in a bunch of his most recent viral videos. You just add the word boots to end of adjective or verb to add emphasis to whatever you're saying. Let's say you're really tired, you can say you're tired boots.

6 Hunty

OK, so your hunties are your best friends or friend group. Taylor Swift is one celeb who's known for having the best hunties.

7. OTP

OTP stands for One True Pairing. Your OTP is a couple you are emotionally invested in. My OTP is Beyoncé and Jay Z. If they were to break up, I'd literally die.

8. Stan

Stan is the Internet's word for fan. If you're a Taylor Swift fan, you simply stan Taylor Swift. Stanning is also a thing. See Lohanthony lip-syncing Camila's part in a Fifth Harmony song? That's him stanning Fifth Harmony.

9. Legitness

The new "awesome" or "rad" depending on your generation. Often used in the form of "That was legitness!" to mimic the young boy whose YouTube utterance made this a viral hit among kids.

10. Ship

Ship is one of the most important terms on the Internet. It comes from the word relationship. You "ship" the two people you want to be in a relationship. So, if I think Olivia Pope and Fitz Grant should be together, I ship Olivia and Fitz.

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From neminem on August 07, 2015 :: 11:16 am

‘Ship’ and ‘OTP’ have been in pretty widespread use for at *least* 10 years. Maybe more, but I heard people using them in college.

Pretty sure you made the rest of these up, I live on the internet and I’ve never seen anyone use any of them :p. (I do see “legit” all over, but not modified into a weird noun/adjective - I hear people call things legit all the time, but I’ve never heard anyone say something was “legitness”.)



From Amy on August 07, 2015 :: 11:21 am

Agreed with Neminem — online soap fans have been using ship and OTP for at least ten years, maybe more (I remember using it on Usenet, which means they MUST be pretty old).

Also, “stan” is not just another word for “fan.” It’s a conflated word, from “stalker” + “fan.”  Stalker + fan = “stan.”



From Mike on August 07, 2015 :: 11:42 am

I’ll stick with “cool” and maybe “rad” ... these monkey-grumbling words taint fit for nobody.



From Chuck on August 07, 2015 :: 12:31 pm

I’m not concerned about being considered an old fogie - I’ve earned that right.  I am concerned about appearing stupid and uneducated in butchering the English language.



From Josh Kirschner on August 07, 2015 :: 1:10 pm

That sounds like the conversation I have with my kids every day.



From Julie on August 07, 2015 :: 3:23 pm




From MARK on August 07, 2015 :: 5:37 pm

This is just STUPID!  And I really mean SH*T !
Use a Dictionary people, we do not need new words to make up this CRAP !!



From Ron Ablang on August 10, 2015 :: 9:15 am

I haven’t heard any of these words being used in society.  I guess I’m just of a different generation.



From Matt on February 01, 2019 :: 1:13 pm

Hunty comes from the slang term “100” popularized by the 100 emoji
Meaning 100% authentic or 100% truthful
A great value to have in a best friend
Keep it 100 means no BS keep it real don’t lie
When T swift says Hunty she means my friends who keep it 100



From hexe on June 07, 2021 :: 7:37 am


“Hunty” comes from a cross between ‘honey’ and ‘See You Next Tuesday’—a way to address someone you were going to read, or someone you were responding to after they read you, without actually using profanity. Got its start in the LGBTQ+ community, hit the public ear with RuPaul’s Drag Race. Suggest it be used with great caution unless you really know the room.



From hexe on June 07, 2021 :: 7:43 am

I’m in my 60’s, friends, and have been hearing and using ‘Boots’ as an adjective modifiers since I was a little child. Messy-Boots, Silly-Boots, Sneaky-Boots…it’s been around only slightly less time than actual boots.

Picked up steam in pop culture during first season of Bravo’s “Married to Medicine”, when Quad started making reference to some castmates being ‘Shady-Boots’.


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