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How to Use Your Own Router for Verizon Fios

by Josh Kirschner on March 25, 2020

For years, my family had a bundled package with Verizon Fios that included cable, VOIP and internet. But as my family’s watching habits turned to streaming, it was rare when we turned on the cable box. At the same time, Verizon’s costs have continued to escalate, including the ridiculous fees they tacked on to our already high bill. So, we made the decision it was time to cut the cord and move to an internet-only plan (we have been very happy with Verizon’s internet service). However, when I called Verizon to move to internet-only, I found that those plans would now include a new fee – a $12 a month router rental charge. That’s an outrageous amount to “rent” a router, especially one I’ve already had for years.

Could I use my own router? The Verizon cancellation department representative sounded surprised when I asked her and told me that if I used my own router, they wouldn’t be able to offer support if something went wrong. Given that I’ve never needed support for a router – ever – that was a risk I was willing to take. Also, using my own router would enable me to upgrade to a newer mesh wireless system in my home for far less than it would have cost me with Verizon equipment, so my kids’ bedrooms would finally get a WiFi signal.

Not surprisingly, instructions from Verizon on how to use your own router weren’t available on its main support site. A quick search on Google, though, turned up helpful advice from Verizon’s community forums and other sites confirming that using your own router with Verizon Fios is both possible and easy to do. Some of the steps are somewhat “technical,” but you don’t need to be a techie to follow them. Note: using your own router is only feasible for people who only use Fios for internet service. If you still have TV or VOIP service with Fios, replacing the Verizon router is a more complex process, and you may lose some features of your TV and VOIP.

Step 1 – Buy a new router to replace your existing Fios router

If you already have an old router sitting around, you can use it, but this may be a good time to upgrade for faster WiFi speed and better security. Ideally, you will want a router that offers gigabit WiFi speeds (though 100 Mbps should be fine for most people), and WPA2 encryption is a must – DO NOT use an old router that only offers WEP encryption.

When buying a new router, any current router from a major manufacturer should be fine. The TP-Link Archer A10 would be a solid choice (around $120 on Amazon). And our friends at Tom’s Guide recommend the TP-Link Archer A7 (around $65 on Amazon) if you’re looking for a cheaper option.

There’s no shortage of WiFi mesh systems, either. I set my network up using Eero Pro with two mesh “beacons,” which I had been provided for testing. It works great, but is pricey (retails for $399) and is overkill for apartments or smaller homes. Eero has less expensive choices (starting at under $100 on Amazon), or you could go with a system from Nest WiFi (starting under $200 on Amazon). Each of these also has the advantage of being relatively attractive, as far as WiFi equipment goes. There’s also the option to go with a WiFi range extender, which offers fewer features than a mesh system but comes in at a lower cost.

You will also need an Ethernet cable to connect your new router to the Verizon ONT (Optical Network Terminal) in your house. Get an inexpensive one on Amazon or your local Best Buy. You will need a length appropriate to reach from your ONT box to your router.

Connections on the back of Verizon Fios router

If your ONT is already connected to your router using Ethernet, you’ll just use the existing cable and proceed to Step 4.

Step 2 – Connect your existing Fios router to your ONT via Ethernet

Skip this step if your ONT is already connected to your router using Ethernet.

In a later step, we’re going to switch the internet output on your ONT from coax to Ethernet. To prepare for that, connect an Ethernet cable from the Ethernet output on your ONT to the WAN port on your Verizon router. The ONT box will look like one of these:

Verizon Fios ONT boxes

Verizon Fios ONT boxes from the left: Arris 100 GI4, Nokia 211, Tellabs 612

Leave the coax cable plugged in, for now, so you still have internet on your router.

Step 3 – Call Verizon technical support to switch your ONT from coax to Ethernet

Skip this step if your ONT is already connected to your router using Ethernet.

Call Verizon’s support number 1-800-VERIZON (1-800-837-4966) and follow the prompts to get to internet technical support. Once you get a real person on the line, let them know that you want to switch your ONT from coax to Ethernet so you can use your own router. When I called, the agent knew exactly what I needed and completed the request quickly (it will take a few minutes for the switch to go through). Your router should automatically pick up the Ethernet signal. While you have the agent on the line, verify this by unscrewing the coax cable from the router and make sure you still have internet access by opening a website on a laptop or phone (in airplane mode) connected to your WiFi network.

Step 4 – Release the IP address on your Fios router

Releasing your IP address from your existing Fios router allows the ONT box to assign the correct IP address to your new router when you plug it in. According to the Fios technical support rep, this should happen automatically after a short period of time, but you might as well do it manually just to make sure. To manually release your IP address, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your router settings either by typing or by going to (method depends on what type of router you have) and entering your password. This information will be in the sticker attached to your router.
  2. Click on My Network at the top of the page, then Network Connections from the left menu.
  3. Click where it says Broadband Connection (Ethernet/Coax)
  4. On the Broadband Connections Properties page, click Settings at the bottom.
  5. Scroll down and click Release under DHCP Lease. Then hit apply changes.

Step 5 - Factory reset your Verizon Router

Your Fios router has various types of personal information saved on it – the name of your WiFi network, your WiFi network password info, the MAC addresses of each device that connected to the router, etc. You will want to blow that away before returning it to Verizon by factory resetting the router.

There are two ways to reset your router. The easiest is to press and hold the red Reset button on the back of your router for at least 3 seconds. The second way is in your router settings. Log into your router, as above, and go to Advanced > Save & Restore > Restore Options > Restore Factory Defaults and select “Out of Box settings” in the dropdown menu. Then click the Restore configuration button.

Verizon Fios router reset

Once the router has been successfully reset, the login page for the First Time Easy Setup Wizard will display. You can now remove the Ethernet cable from your router, unplug it and pack it up for return.

Step 6 – Connect and set up your new router

Take the Ethernet cable out of your Fios router and plug it into your new router’s Ethernet input jack (could be labeled input, WAN, or something else that should be specified in the setup instructions), then turn on your router. The router should automatically detect the incoming signal from your ONT box and continue with the setup process. The process will vary by manufacturer and model, and by whether you have a standalone router or a mesh WiFi system, though it should be very straightforward. If all is good, then you can take that old router back to Verizon.

Step 7 – Return your equipment to Verizon

Once you elect to go with your own router, you have 30 days to return your Fios router to Verizon, or they will charge you a rental fee. Make sure you return the power cord along with the router. And get a receipt from the store confirming that your equipment has been returned.

How did the process go for you? Let me know in the comments, and if you’re having any difficulties, we’ll see if we can help out. And if you’re having issues with getting decent WiFi in some areas of your home, read our tips for getting better WiFi and faster streaming.

[Image credit: Techlicious/Verizon]


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From Jack M on April 26, 2020 :: 5:45 pm

If you pay for Gigabit connection which comes with a router and you want to use your own router, will Verizon provide a credit if you return the provided router?



From Josh Kirschner on April 27, 2020 :: 5:49 pm

If the router fee isn’t a separate line item on your bill, they probably won’t lower your bill if you return it because it’s part of the “gigabit package”. You can call ask, let us know what they say.



From Kevin T. Leftwich on May 30, 2020 :: 11:51 am

Hi Josh Thanks for the article. I have a Netgear c3700 modem router. It only has 2 ethernet LAN ports but no ethernet WAN ports. Will it work?



From Michaeljay H Bongiovanni on December 26, 2020 :: 10:46 am

It probably won’t work using a cable modem. You will need to get one that isn’t a modem/router combo.


From Dara on May 04, 2020 :: 4:39 pm

Thank you so much for taking the time to write this article. After hours chatting with Verizon, I stumbled upon your page and my WiFi was working within 5 minutes! Saved myself $300 from buying a Verizon router when I already owned one! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!



From Josh Kirschner on May 06, 2020 :: 10:51 am

I’m very glad the article helped you avoid more excessive Verizon fees.



From Bob D on May 12, 2020 :: 7:21 pm

Great article! Thank you.

My Verizon ONT connects coaxial for TV and ethernet for internet to a G1100. I have a GB plan. Can I buy a mesh router and move the ethernet on the ONT from the G1100 to a new faster router with more range? I’m fine with keeping the G1100 to maintain all cable and phone services.



From Josh Kirschner on May 19, 2020 :: 5:57 pm

If your G1100 is hooked up to the ONT via coax (as mine was), the answer is no. You can’t switch it to ethernet to hook up your own router without screwing up TV functions (there are some ways you can partially get around this, but it became more complex than I was willing to test, especially since I was dumping TV).

If your G1100 is already hooked up to the ONT via ethernet and your TV is hooked up via coax, then you must have a different ONT setup than I did. It “might” work to just swap out the router, but it would be something that would require either just trying or researching the specifics of your Fios device setup.


From Steve Hangiaras on August 24, 2020 :: 11:01 pm

Hi Bob - I was in the same situation as you.  Not sure if you eventually figured it out, but here’s what I did:

I have the GB Plan and the G1100 Router since I’m still using cable.  I followed Josh’s article and had Verizon switch my connection from Coax to Ethernet.  I connected an Ethernet cable from my ONT box to the G1100 router.  I eventually purchased a Mesh router - I connected an additional Ethernet cable from the G1100 router to the Mesh router. 

The mesh router works great.  I get about 850-900mb, download and upload.  My cable works great. Since there’s two routers connected, I basically have two seperate wifi’s in my home, but primarily use the mesh to connect my devices.

It’s not ideal having two routers connected, but was able to get the end result of the GB Plan through my Mesh wifi, while still using Fios for cable services.

Another note - I haven’t seen a seperate rental fee on my last few bills for the G1100 router.  I’m not sure if this is an oversight, but I don’t plan on calling Verizon to find out.

Hope this helps.  Thank you Josh for the article.  This was very helpful in getting my Mesh setup.


From peter kalanzis on January 28, 2021 :: 11:40 am

If you have fios TV and can do without the on your tv screen caller id its not too bad.

YOU should look at this great article written by JUstin Goetx, an IT pro who is off the charts, but the meat of it follows.

This assumes the original router is connected to the ONT by ethernet and coax. If it’s coax alone you can call verizon say: I need my FiOS Internet connection switched from MoCA to Ethernet at the ONT. This can be done remotely at no fee. If an incompetent refuses. either get them to elevate or hang up until you get an informed person.

YOU should look at this great article written by JUstin Goetx, an IT pro who is off the charts, but the meat of it follows.

  After your new router is set up and working, put an ethernet cable into a LAN port of your router, and into the Wan port of a verizon actiontec It should be a verizon fios router Verizon FIOS Actiontec MI424WR Rev. I The rev I is gigabit and still supported on the verizon system

Then connect the coax from your home to the actiontec, reboot the actiontec and your set top box(s).  Nothing like a killer mesh router that verizon cannot mess with and a dirt cheap solution. I am using wired backhaul on a mesh router system and my house is rockin’.


From Sheila on May 16, 2020 :: 4:05 pm

I have a Verizon box that is attached to a wall in my house.  There is no ethernet port on this box.  The Verizon tech I talked to on the phone said I have a splitter somewhere in the house with a port on it, but I don’t think that’s the case.  I have a MOCA adaptor and a NetGear router, but both will ONLY work if I have the old Verizon router powered on.  If I turn off the Verizon router, the COAX light goes off on my MOCA adaptor.  (I think this means the NetGear is acting as an extender?)  Is there a solution for this, or am I stuck either paying $15 a month or spending $300 for a new router?  FYI, I’m still using my VERY old Verizon router and haven’t installed the new one.  Do I need to use the new one to actually get the speed I’m paying for? 




From Josh Kirschner on May 16, 2020 :: 4:41 pm

First of all, are you using FiOS for TV and that’s why you have a MOCA adapter? If so, replacing the Verizon router is likely not an option (or not an easy one, at least). When you mention the “old Verizon router”, are you sure that is a router and not the ONT (optical network terminal) box? If it is the ONT, that would explain why your MOCA adapter loses connection when you turn it off. If your ONT is outside, can you confirm the model number? As far as I’m aware, all Verizon ONTs should have an ethernet cable jack.



From Sheila on May 22, 2020 :: 7:38 pm

This went to my spam so I missed it.  I just cut the cable so I no longer have FIOS TV.  I don’t have an ethernet port anywhere in my house - hence why I got a MOCA adapter.  I guess I don’t know what an ONT is.  I just have a small device that looks like a router (verizon refers to it as an Actiontec router)- it has an antenna (I’m old, cut me a break, Emoji) and yes, it has an ethernet jack.  There is just a “box” inside but it seemed like it was for when I had a landline - wasn’t sure it did anything - it had a battery in it that went dead.



From Josh Kirschner on May 24, 2020 :: 6:24 pm

The Actiontec router is the old router Verizon supplied to customers. I’m surprised you still have one as they tried to force everyone to stop using it back in 2016. Whatever the COAX input of that router is plugged into is your ONT (the one on the outside of your house?), which should have an ethernet port. It is the model of that device we would need to know (is it the Tellabs 612 pictured above). And no, you won’t get optimal speeds with that old Actiontec router.

I’m still not clear why you have a MOCA adpater plugged into your Actiontec router to power yet another Netgear router when you should have been able to connect them via ethernet. If the two routers are right next to each other, it’s just duplicative - the Netgear is not acting as an extender unless it is distanced in another part of the house.

The box inside with the dead battery is the power backup for your VoIP line in case your home loses power. If you don’t have the line anymore, then it no longer serves a purpose.


From James Tumminelli on February 24, 2021 :: 1:20 pm

So if i replace the fios router with the dream machine pro. BTW my ont is already ethernet to my fios router. I can release the ip address and then hook the Dream machine right to the ont to be used as secure gateway.  i can then just plug the fios router into the dream machine and only connect the coax for the TV portion.  I am also using Tivo and that gets guide and its stuff from ethernet already but it requires the coax to get tv content.  I think this will work.



From Greg on May 19, 2020 :: 4:41 pm

Hi Josh,

Fios is relatively new in my neighborhood and I don’t think anyone in my condo building has it yet.  I assume that means there’s no ONT on-site, and certainly not one for my specific unit.  Can I subscribe to internet-only and set up with Eero or similar, or do they need to install something that will incur additional charges?  Or is the ONT free and can I connect Eero via Ethernet? 




From Josh Kirschner on May 19, 2020 :: 5:48 pm

If Verizon has set up your building for Fios, than there is a box somewhere (probably the basement) that can be used to supply service to each unit via a fiber optic cable. Each unit should have its own ONT, which will convert the signal from the fiber optic cable into a digital signal, which can then run to the router, TV box or VoIP device. Verizon will need to supply the ONT box and there usually isn’t a separate charge because it’s required for any type of Fios service, though Verizon may charge you a set up fee to install service in your apartment.

Once the ONT is installed, you should be able to use your own router. Verizon may insist you install with their router so the tech can make sure everything is working and any issues aren’t related to your router. If they do, you may be able to return the router after install for credit. Verizon also may not give you a break for using your own router if you sign up for a two-year new customer special package where the router rental is bundled into the price.



From Sheila on May 23, 2020 :: 10:52 am

I just cut the cable so I no longer have FIOS TV.  I don’t have an ethernet port anywhere in my house - hence why I got a MOCA adapter.  I guess I don’t know what an ONT is.  I just have a small device that looks like a router (the Verizon referred to it as an Actiontec router)- it has an antenna (I’m old, cut me a break, LOL) and yes, it has an ethernet jack.  There is a “box” inside but it seemed like it was for when I had a landline - wasn’t sure it did anything - it had a battery in it that went dead.



From Sheila on May 24, 2020 :: 8:29 pm

My MOCA connector is NOT connected to the FIOS router.  It is connected in another room to the COAX cable where I used to connect my TV. This is why I was so baffled that my internet went out when I turned off the old router - I guess I didn’t properly comprehend the articles I was reading.  I thought I was making my own (different) connection to the internet that was coming in to the house.

When I called to cancel my cable and upgrade my internet plan (yup, I had one of the REALLY bad ones) the person on the phone told me that if I wanted faster than 100 mbps (she helpfully pointed out that 100 and 200 were the same price - like somehow I wanted to pay the same price but get less) a tech would have to come to my house at some point (when it was safe due to COVID19).  When I FINALLY looked at the box for the router that the person on the phone insisted I needed it said that I needed to connect this new router via COAX and ethernet both.  I DID connect it via COAX and with my present set up, I have run an internet speed test and have the exact same speed as I did with the old router.  I’m actually getting between 25 and 26 mbps download, at best - nowhere near the 100 mbps I’m supposedly paying for.

I am making the assumption that they need to send the tech to put in an ethernet outlet as I do not have one in my house. I’m sure you are probably correct - the ethernet connection is outside - they never brought it in. I’m hoping that once he puts this outlet in, I can at that point return the FIOS router and just use my Netgear router.



From Josh Kirschner on May 24, 2020 :: 11:42 pm

Keep in mind when doing speed tests that it’s best to do it by connecting your computer directly to your router with ethernet. If you’re connected with WiFi, then you may be limited by the speed of your WiFi. For older computers and routers that only have 802.11 G, your max WiFi speed would be 54Mbps, at best. Even with ethernet, many older devices will be limited to 100Mbps.



From George on February 26, 2022 :: 6:19 pm

I am puzzled by this. I found your article, read it and I can’t figure out why is there a coax cable anywhere in the picture if the internet signal gets to the home through the fiber optics? O.o



From Josh Kirschner on March 02, 2022 :: 7:48 pm

The signal comes to your home via a fiber cable. That cable goes into the ONT which converts the optical signal into a digital signal, which is then output via coax or ethernet into your router.


From Matt Combs on December 13, 2020 :: 11:04 pm

For any plan over 75 Mbps, the Ethernet outlet has to be activated in the ONT and you need your router connected to it. The Ethernet will “carry” your internet service at full speed. The reason that Verizon wants your router connected with both the coax and Ethernet is that the g1100 is a combo of a router, wireless access point, and moca bridge. The coax connects into the router so the moca bridge can transfer the internet through to your settop boxes as they are IP based. This is needed for Video on Demand, the guide, and certain telephony services on the TV one boxes.



From Fios tech on June 19, 2021 :: 6:42 pm

Newer gpon ont models can do 100/100 on coax.



From Deci Bella on May 25, 2020 :: 4:06 pm

Thank you, Josh, this is the most helpful article I’ve found on the subject.



From Anthony on May 25, 2020 :: 6:15 pm

Hello Josh,

Do you think having a connection from the ONT to the router via Ethernet provide better speed than using Coax? Could I also place the MOCA to go from the router to the STB?. Or should I keep using Coax and place the MOCA between Coax and the router? Thank you.



From Josh Kirschner on May 25, 2020 :: 8:53 pm

Both coax and Ethernet should offer plenty of bandwidth, so that shouldn’t be a reason to replace one with the other. If you have a STB, you should keep things as they are. Switching your router to use Ethernet will shut off the coax output, and that can create issue with getting all the functions you need on your STB, such as video on demand.



From BYE FIOS ROUTER on May 26, 2020 :: 10:27 am

This article came at the perfect time, bye bye fios router and hello $15 savings. I already had the wifi eero mesh system so it worked perfect for me. THANK YOU!!



From RG on May 26, 2020 :: 3:11 pm

Thinking about getting my own router. Do you know if the nest system is compatible with FIOS?



From Josh Kirschner on May 26, 2020 :: 3:51 pm

Any standard router or mesh WiFi system should work fine with the Fios ONT. And the Nest WiFi system is one that we recommended in our story on how to get faster WiFi streaming.



From Mark on May 26, 2020 :: 4:43 pm

Hi, Josh.

Thanks so much for writing this article. I’m confused about step six, when you say to use the same ethernet cord that was plugged into the fios router to the new one.

Which ethernet cord are you talking about? For my situation, I’m using two: one for the ONT to the router, another for the computer to the router.

I’m using a Netgear Nighthawk AC2300.

When I connect the ONT to the router via Ethernet, the router lights are good but I still can’t connect to the Internet. Any advice?



From Josh Kirschner on May 26, 2020 :: 4:49 pm

There is an Ethernet cable that ran from your ONT to your Verizon router. Unplug that cable from the Verizon router (but keep it plugged into the ONT box) and plug it into your new router (Netgear, in your case).

For troubleshooting, in step 3, did you have internet using your old Verizon router via Ethernet? Did you release the IP address in step 4?



From Mark on May 26, 2020 :: 5:01 pm

Thanks for the clarification.

> For troubleshooting, in step 3, did you have internet using your old Verizon router via Ethernet?

I did have Internet when I connected my computer, via Ethernet, to the Verizon router. Thats how I was able to factory reset and release the DHCP.

> Did you release the IP address in step 4?

Yes, I did that.

My main problem seems to be my router’s inability to obtain an IP address. Via my router’s settings, it detects an internet connection, but when I try connecting a device to it, an iPhone in this case, I get an error that says the phone connected to the router but there’s no Internet connection.



From Josh Kirschner on May 26, 2020 :: 6:00 pm

For Step 3, the question is did you hook up your old Verizon router to the ONT using Ethernet (after removing the coax cable) and were you able to successfully connect to the internet with just Ethernet hooked up to the Verizon router (it doesn’t matter whether your computer was connected via Ethernet or WiFi)? Trying to confirm whether the Ethernet output from your ONT was ever successfully switched from coax.

If the switch from coax to Ethernet wasn’t completed on your ONT, your router may still detect a signal but it won’t have internet.


From Martin on June 10, 2020 :: 9:19 pm

Does this guide also apply to the G3100? I’ve run into issues with having multiple subnets over MoCa in my upstairs office. Ideally I’d like all my traffic to run over my owned router.



From Josh Kirschner on June 10, 2020 :: 9:41 pm

The process above is around setting up the Verizon ONT to handle your personal router. What Verizon router you are currently using shouldn’t make a difference. My understanding is that the G3100 connects to the ONT via Ethernet already (I could be wrong about this), so it would be very simple to hook up your own router (release the Verizon router IP address first) and see if things are working better for you.



From Srini on August 20, 2020 :: 11:49 pm

Hello Josh,

I have fios tv and internet. The G3100 has an incoming coax from the ONT as well as an ethernet from the ONT.

I just purchased a mesh system and wondering how should i go about it.

Could i do the following?
- keep the G3100 as currently configured.
- Turn off the Wifi on the G3100
- Connect my new mesh router to the G3100 via ethernet.

Or would you think there is a better way to do this?

Thank you!



From Josh Kirschner on August 24, 2020 :: 1:05 pm

I don’t have the equipment to test the options, and the Fios routers can get wonky when adding a mesh network. But I’ve seen people reporting success (and issues) with a couple of strategies.

The first is what you’re suggesting. Kill the WiFi on the G3100 in the settings then connect the mesh network to the Ethernet port of the G3100.

The second is to take the Ethernet directly from the ONT into the mesh router, then send Ethernet from the mesh back into the G3100. Again, turning off WiFi on the G3100.

As I said, both methods seem to work for some (but not all users). You could try each and see which works better for you. Let me know what your results are.


From Michael LaPlatney on June 12, 2020 :: 3:20 pm

If I connect to the ONT directly with Laptop, I get about 300 down and above 900 Up.  If I connect my new Gigibit router directly to ONT I get about 300 down and 300 up. If I put the Verizon router in bridge mode and pass IP from ONT along to my router, I get the same results as if I was directly connected with my laptop. - about 300 down and above 900 UP. As soon as I connect through the Verizon router (with default settings, not in bridge mode) I get 900+ by 900+.  Any ideas what is going on here?  I’ve been getting the run around with Verizon for nearly 2 weeks.  2 Techs were here at the same time… they tested their equipment directly from the ONT and got the same results. Saw exactly what I see.



From Josh Kirschner on June 22, 2020 :: 9:26 pm

It’s not clear exactly which devices you’re using to measure the speed in each scenario or the connection method, but I will throw out some ideas. First, not all “gigabit” routers provide full 1GB wireless. Some “gigabit” routers only offer gigabit through the wired LAN connection. Similarly, 802.11ac routers may offer over 1GB of total WiFi capacity, but that capacity will be split among all the connected devices.

The latest Verizon G3100 router has WiFi 6 (802.11ax). So if you’re connecting with another WiFi 6 device (e.g., the iPhone 11) to measure WiFi speed, you will likely see much faster results than with a non-WiFi 6 router.

Let me know if that might correspond to your situation.



From Michael LaPlatney on June 23, 2020 :: 9:17 am

So. I get all that. I’m referencing ONLY Wired connections. If I connect my laptop directly to the ONT, I will not get more than 300 down and then I’ll get 900+ up. - Consistently. If I connect my Gbit Router, Netgear AC1750, and then I only connect my laptop through the router (ports are at 1000)  I can’t seem to get more than 300 by 300. If I put the Verizon router in the loop, set in bridge mode, I get back to the 300 by 900+. If I use just the verizon router with my laptop, I get 800+ down and 900+ up. - None of this make sense based on what I know.



From Josh Kirschner on June 25, 2020 :: 10:01 am

I couldn’t come up with any ideas for what could be causing the situation you’re seeing, so I reached out directly to my contacts at Netgear. They offered to connect you with their support tech to see if they could help diagnose what’s going on and then we could report on it here. If that’s of interest, I sent you an email to what I believe is your correct email address. But if you don’t get that, you can respond to me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).


From Rebecca on June 20, 2020 :: 7:59 pm

Hi Josh,
Thank you so much for the wonderful article. I’m switching from Comcast to Verizon, and I have a tech coming in to set everything up on Wednesday. I’ve opted to use my own device, but now after reading your article I’m concerned that without having a fios router I can’t set up my own router. Is that correct? Is there anyway I can set up my router without the fios router? I have Ethernet cable and I was planning to ask the tech to switch my ONT to Ethernet, but no fios router :(



From Josh Kirschner on June 22, 2020 :: 9:06 pm

You should be able to set it up with your own router from the get-go. Though for an initial set up, Verizon may strongly recommend having one of their routers because if there are any issues, the tech may be unwilling to resolve them if there is non-Verizon equipment.



From Ali on June 30, 2020 :: 11:54 am

Would this router be compatible? Are there any speed losses if I’m using my own router?



From Josh Kirschner on July 01, 2020 :: 12:06 am

I haven’t researched Google WiFI compatibility with Verizon Fios, but there isn’t any obvious reason why it shouldn’t be fully compatible. Since Google WiFi doesn’t use 802.11ax, it isn’t capable of true gigabit WiFi, like the Verizon G3100, but I doubt you would notice a difference in speed under most normal usage.



From AL on July 05, 2020 :: 12:38 am

Hi Josh,

Great article, I want to check with you and see if my understanding is correct. I have an old Actiontec Verizon router that still works. I have read about this and it is currently hooked up with ethernet and coaxial out ONT box.

If I get a Linksys that I read online was a compatible router will the following steps work:

Release the old router in settings and move ethernet from Actiontec into wan of the new router. Then take a LAN ethernet from the new router and connect to wan on old Actiontec. As I understand that makes the Actiontec work as a bridge with the coaxial still attached and both routers powered up. This way it won’t affect my Fios tv features and I use THE new router to distribute the internet to my various devices.Is thiis correct?



From Josh Kirschner on July 06, 2020 :: 9:34 am

I didn’t research the requirements to keep the TV functions working properly, as it wasn’t the set up I was using, and the goal was to reduce the rental fees/costs with the assumption that you didn’t already have a paid-for Verizon router. From what I recall, Verizon was going to charge a monthly fee for keeping your old Actiontec router, even if it was already paid for?

In any case, if your plan is to keep both, if you have issues using the Actiontec in bridge mode, as you suggest, maybe you could also try going the other direction and hook the Linksys to the Actiontec and use that in bridge mode, if you’re looking for updated WiFi capabilities. Though you would be limited by the Actiontec’s Ethernet speed (is it using 100Mbps?).



From AL on July 06, 2020 :: 10:58 am

Hi Josh,

Thanks for reply. I decided not to mess with it as I started reading about latency problems. If I didn’t have the money for new g3100 router I’d try it but better wifi speed is the goal so I ordered the g3100.Hopefully it is as good as the reviews I’ve seen.



From Harshad patel on July 07, 2020 :: 8:51 am

I have both either net ont and coax ont connected to g1100. can I connect either net ont to Google wifi router and replace g1100 with cheaper Verizon router just for TV using coax ont?

after searching a lot I found your article very useful. thanks a lot.



From Josh Kirschner on July 07, 2020 :: 9:33 am

When you say replace the G1100 router with something cheaper, what would that be? You’re going to need a Verizon router to handle your TV watching and don’t know what supported Verizon router you would get that would be cheaper than your G1100.



From Matt Combs on December 13, 2020 :: 10:43 pm

Just need to add a correction here. Verizon uses port forwarding for video on demand, caller ID, and the guide as their boxes use the internet to pull this information.  This is done on their own routers as well.  If you are already using a g1100 check out those settings and write down all of the port forwarding they use. You can mimic the settings on on the Google router. After that, you really only need a moca bridge to bring the internet to the set top boxes.  I use the GoCoax moca 2.5 adapter. It’s around $55. You can completely eliminate the verizon router while still keeping all of the services from TV.


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