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How to make LED bulbs last longer

by Josh Kirschner on July 26, 2024

LED bulbs are a far more cost-efficient, environmentally-friendly option than traditional incandescent bulbs. With a life expectancy of 20 years or more (25x longer than incandescent), the energy savings from LED bulbs will more than make up for the higher initial purchase price. However, if your LED bulbs burn out quickly, those cost savings are lost.

Closeup image of a hand changing a lightbulb

To understand why people may experience premature LED failure and how to make our LED bulbs last longer, I spoke with Martin Cross, Managing Director at INUI, a UK company specializing in the design, research and manufacture of LED lighting.

According to Cross, there are three critical components of an LED bulb: the LED chip, the LED driver (AC to DC converter) and the heat-sink. When manufacturers skimp on costs for any (or all) of these pieces, it can lead to early failure of the bulb. Cheap LED chips are more susceptible to overheating, which can “greatly shorten the life of the chip." The LED driver must supply a very stable current, or it can cause the LED chip to burn out; Cross says that low-cost power supplies may have very few safety features within the electronic circuitry designed to supply stable voltage and current to the LED chip. And if a company uses cheap, thin metal that has poor heat conducting qualities for its heat-sink, it won’t do its job of keeping the chip cool.

Read more: These Clever Outlet Covers & Light Switches Have Built-in Nightlights

How to make your LED bulbs last longer

So, if you want to make your LED bulbs last longer, here are three steps you can take to get the most out of your investment:

Avoid cheap, no-name LED bulbs

Low cost may indicate that the manufacturer cut corners on components, making the bulb less able to withstand heat or current issues. If you’re not familiar with LED brands, check reviews before you buy and make sure those ratings aren't inflated by fake reviews.

Check the expected bulb lifespan

While LED bulbs can last for more than 20 years, many are rated for much lower lifespans. Check for the "average life" of the bulb, so you're not unpleasantly surprised. For instance, a bulb with an average life of 25,000 hours will operate for 9.7 years if it's on 7 hours every day. However, I've seen bulbs rated for 7,700 hours, which will wear out in about 3 years.

Don’t use LED bulbs in enclosed fixtures or recessed cans

When LED bulbs are used in enclosed fixtures and recessed can, excess heat can build up, unless the bulb is specifically rated for that purpose. You can find enclosed fixture rated bulbs on Amazon for less than $2.00 per bulb.

Use dimmable LED bulbs and dimmers designed for LED bulbs

Dimmers that aren’t designed for LED bulbs may not supply the correct current, which can cause flickering, damage the circuitry and shorten the life of your bulbs. Always use a dimmer that is made for LEDs. I experienced this exact issue in our bathrooms when we switched to LED bulbs. Our dimmers were older Lutron models that were not rated for LED bulbs and we had frequent failures. I upgraded to a Lutron occupancy sensor dimmer that is rated for LEDs (a great option if your kids always leave the lights on, BTW) and have had no issues since. Similarly, if you are using a LED-compatible dimmer, always use LED bulbs that indicate “dimmable” in the description to avoid circuitry damage.

Read more: How to Buy the Right Light Bulb

Updated on 7/26/2024 with current pricing and bulb lifespan information.

[Image credit: Hand changing LED light bulb via BigStock Photo]

Josh Kirschner is the co-founder of Techlicious and has been covering consumer tech for more than a decade. Before founding Techlicious, he was the Chief Marketing Officer for Inform Technologies, a start-up provider of semantic technology to media companies. Prior to Inform, Josh was a SVP and Managing Director in the financial services industry. Josh started his first company while still in college, a consumer electronics retailer focused on students.


Tips & How-Tos, Health and Home, Home Improvement, Lighting, Money Savers

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From Loren Lewis on August 10, 2022 :: 4:07 pm

Now I know why the LEDs in my drop ceiling recessed fixtures have been failing.



From JT on August 10, 2022 :: 8:03 pm

So let me get this straight, the LED cost more because it will supposedly last 20 years (have yet to have a LED or compact fluorescent last 5 years).  But then we need a new $100 fixture and $25 switch that are LED compatible.  That LED bulb would need to last 150+ years to offset the cost of the old $1.25 bulb that usually lasted 3-5 years.



From Randy Grein on August 11, 2022 :: 10:14 pm

JT, the only thing you missed was the cost of electricity, which if far more than the cost of either bulb. If you’re cash strapped (like me) use traditional switches.

I have strings of LED Christmas lights that have been in continuous operation for about 20 years. My house has has been fully LED for about 7 years (started over 12 years ago. In that time I have had 3 failures. It sounds like you have a problem, and discussion with a qualified electician may turn it up. The savings are substantial.



From Sharon Murphy on December 28, 2023 :: 3:18 pm

20 years?  I am lucky to have any LED bulb last over 2 years.  I write the date on each bulb as I replace.  I have used every brand and type and this is in three different houses so it isn’t the wiring.



From Harold on January 02, 2024 :: 11:30 am

It’s not the wiring, it’s the LED bulbs.  It’s been my experience compact fluorescents and incandescents will typically have a longer lifespan than LED.  LED bulbs also have annoying failure modes such as flickering, flashing, and going dim. I’d rather pay a little more for electricity and have a better quality light source than LEDs.



From Mogent on July 26, 2024 :: 3:01 pm

LED bulbs are horrific. The light is harsh, and my expensive bulbs start flickering within weeks. It is not good for the environment to have to go through twelve bulbs in the time it take to go through two incandescants. This article was not particularly helpful at all. It does not help you find the brands that use good components, you just have to use trial and error, which is expensive and wasteful. Does anyone know where I can even find incandescants? Does your grandma have a stash? Help!



From Josh Kirschner on July 26, 2024 :: 3:31 pm

When bulbs are flickering and dying quickly, there is something wrong with the circuit they are attached to. Either you have an incompatible dimmer or an issue with the wiring or power. FWIW, you don’t need to spend a lot on LED bulbs. I buy mine at Costco and Target and they work fine

If you find the light to be harsh, you’re probably buying bulbs that have a high Kelvin rating (i.e., they provide a cold blue light, rather than a warm light). For general use, I recommend bulbs rated at around 3200k. You can learn more about bulb color ratings in our guide for How to Buy the Right Light Bulb.



From Jerry G on July 27, 2024 :: 5:59 am

If I am not to use LED bulbs in an enclosed light fixture what type of bulb is to be used - incandesent bulbe are not available?



From Josh Kirschner on July 27, 2024 :: 4:32 pm

As I mention in the article, there are LED bulbs that are specifically rated for use in enclosed fixtures. See the link in the article for a wide selection on Amazon or look for the language on the box in-store.


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