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What is WiFi Calling & How to Get it on Your Phone

by Suzanne Kantra on December 07, 2022

Updated on 12/7/2022 with information on using WiFi calling with a VPN, current instructions on setting up WiFi calling, and new screenshots.

Most of us spend time in at least a few places where our phones just don’t work, whether it’s a room or two at home or at work, a favorite coffee shop, or some other signal-lacking location. That’s where WiFi calling can save the day. Instead of relying on the cellular phone network, WiFi calling and texting use an available WiFi network to place and receive your calls over the Internet.

What is WiFi calling

WiFi calling is regular calling on your cellphone, except your carrier routes the call over an available WiFi network instead of its cellular network. When you call, your phone automatically selects the best network – cellular or WiFi – you don't need to do anything.

How much does WiFi calling cost?

WiFi calling doesn't cost anything extra. Carriers treat your WiFi calls as though you were making a regular cellular call from the U.S. So whatever rates and fees apply to your regular cellular calls will also apply to your WiFi calls, including deducting call minutes from your monthly allotment if you don't have an unlimited plan.

WiFi calling is perfect for overseas travelers because there’s typically no roaming or international charge for making calls or sending texts back home. For making local international calls, you will be charged an international rate based on your international calling plan. And, WiFi calling isn’t supported in some countries, including China, Cuba, North Korea, India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.

If you use a VPN (virtual private network) on your phone, your carrier may charge you for calls based on the location of your VPN server if it's located outside of the U.S. Your carrier should inform you that you will be using international roaming when you first connect. However, it's wise to check your VPN server location before using WiFi calling or turn your VPN off before making calls.

While WiFi calling is available on most iPhones and Android phones, it isn’t automatically enabled.

How to make WiFi calls on an iPhone

To activate WiFi calling on iPhones, go to Settings > Cellular > Wi-Fi Calling and then toggle on "Wi-Fi Calling on This Phone."

Two screenshots of iOS 16 Settings. On the left you see the Cellular setting screen with Wi-Fi Calling highlighted in a red box. On the right, you see the Wi-Fi Calling screen with Wi-Fi Calling on This Phone highlighted in a red box.

How to make WiFi calls on Android

To activate WiFi calling on Android phones, you’ll generally find WiFi settings under Settings > Network & Internet (or Connections) > Calls & SMS, where you can then toggle on WiFi calling.

Two screenshots of Settings on Samsung phone running Android 12. The screen on the left shows the main Settings page with Connections highlighted in a red box. The screen on the right shows the Connections page with Wi-Fi Calling highlighted in a red box.

If you don't see these settings on your iPhone or Android phone, you can check with your carrier to make sure your phone supports WiFi calling. For T-Mobile, go to T-Mobile's Device Support page and look up your phone model. For A&T, check their list of phones that support WiFi Calling (this is a PDF file). For Verizon Wireless, go the Verizon's Smartphone Simulator page.

Once you activate WiFi calling, you dial or text as usual. The routing of your call or text is handled automatically in the background.

Note that some VPNs may interfere with your ability to use WiFi calling. In that case, you may need to either turn off your VPN to make WiFi calls or use split tunneling in the VPN settings to exclude your Phone app from using the VPN. Though I found that even split tunneling may not work with all VPNs or carriers. No matter what I tried, I could not get WiFi calling to work on a T-Mobile Android device while running Proton VPN.

How WiFi calling compares to cellular

The quality of your WiFi call depends on the speed of the WiFi network. If you're working from home or your office, you'll likely have the bandwidth needed (2-5Mbps) to carry on a high-quality call. However, if you're using a public WiFi hotspot, there is no guarantee there will be enough bandwidth for a high-quality call. Signal strength can diminish as more people attempt to use the same network, such as at hotels, airports, or athletic stadiums. As a result, you may experience dropped calls, poor voice quality, or a 1- or 2-second delay in the conversation.

Does WiFi calling drain or save your battery?

If you have poor cellular coverage and a decent WiFi signal, using WiFi calling will help save battery life – but only if you put your phone in Airplane mode to turn off your cellular radio. Regardless of whether you are using a WiFi or cellular network for calling, your phone will boost the cellular signal to establish a better connection when it has poor reception as long as you have cellular service turned on.

[Image credit: woman talking on cellphone in coffee shop via BigStockPhoto]

For the past 20+ years, Techlicious founder Suzanne Kantra has been exploring and writing about the world’s most exciting and important science and technology issues. Prior to Techlicious, Suzanne was the Technology Editor for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia and the Senior Technology Editor for Popular Science. Suzanne has been featured on CNN, CBS, and NBC.


Phones and Mobile, Mobile Apps, Tips & How-Tos

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From Gordon Helser on July 24, 2015 :: 2:54 pm

Don’t forget WhatsApp and Viber for wifi calling.  They let you send text, video and recordings as well.  I recommend WhatsApp.



From Gordon Helser on July 24, 2015 :: 3:00 pm

WhatsApp is also great for voice calls, text, video between your party on a cruise ship and for international calls, text and video.  On the cruise ship, each person in your party that wants to use WhatsApp needs to be on wifi, which costs money.  Royal Caribbean offers unlimited wifi for a week for about $50. per person on some ships, such as Quantum and Oasis.  And I assume Allure.



From Shahriar Baluch on July 27, 2015 :: 10:58 pm

very nice site   (:



From Ernesto Colina on October 09, 2015 :: 3:24 pm

Don’t waste your time with the “Big Carriers” get any prepaid one, anyone in Walmart will do and for “WiFi” Calling get :


GrooVe IP Lite Free

And if you are smart, use Vonage at home, install “Vonage Extensions” on your Mobile and call Internationally for Free, which BTW, supports WIFI calling.



From Kevin on October 25, 2015 :: 9:34 am

IPhone users: WiFi Texting and Calling is a show stopper for me. When I walk into a building where cell coverage is dead or cellular tower is down, local WiFi is then a logical back up. With Verizon’s terrible choice of launching it’s own, dysfunctional Verizon Message+ App to replace iMessage for WiFi messages and confusing integrated and redundant phone portal (Warning do not load that App), I will no doubt switch to TMobile who seems to be making better mission statements lately and leading the way in logic.



From Jimmy Bean on December 10, 2015 :: 1:37 am

Hilarious to mention there is no wifi calling in Syria. No food, no water, war, refuges, terrorists, torture, executions, gunfire and explosions everywhere and NO WiFi calling either??



From Suzanne Kantra on December 10, 2015 :: 12:12 pm

Yikes! When I updated the story, I just looked at the carrier info.



From Fritz on December 22, 2020 :: 4:08 pm

Next update
A warning that almost all Dual SIM Android phones have this feature removed

Very helpful to readers would be a list of Dual SIM Android phones that support this feature
For now, I only know of Oneplus 6 & 7, with Oneplus 8 currently locking it out with support *planned* in a future update.

Discovering that advertised WiFi Calling support has an unspoken “Single SIM only” disclaimer has been very expensive.

This deleted feature is selling a lot of iPhones…



From Heather on December 16, 2022 :: 12:31 am

In response to this I’m having this same issue with the unlocked phone I bought. Didn’t know it was such an issue with the duel sim card thing sane phone as my old contract one but diff models. And I have to use wifi calling to get call from lack of service in my area. Is there an option to change it?


From Masum Reza on March 27, 2019 :: 4:56 am

What’s so funny here???...Do you have any idea about them??? are commenting relying on your soft bed, how can u feel their trouble?...stop nonsense!!!!!!



From Skeptic on March 27, 2019 :: 5:17 am

@MASUM REZA I don’t think you understand the context. The person is saying it’s funny in an ironic way. They are acknowledging all the bad things going on in Syria and laughing about wifi calling being an issue.

English speakers often say things are funny or “hilarious” when they mean the exact opposite in truth. I could see how a language context barrier could exist here.



From Kristen Michelle McMillian on December 01, 2019 :: 4:14 am

That was a very nice response.


From Fritz on December 22, 2020 :: 4:13 pm

Funny is heavily used for sarcasm.  It means weird, suspicious, just plain wrong, it stinks like a week old fish and other ways of saying “this is wrong, be careful”

Reverse meaning is very common in English and tends to drive those learning the language right up the wall raspberry



From Jen Lewis on January 19, 2021 :: 5:05 pm

. . . is confusing, at best. There seems to be no agreement on the issue of WiFi on/off versus battery life. Some articles say it’s the WiFi ‘scanning’ that uses more power from the battery.


From Bo Mathis on February 13, 2016 :: 10:47 am

Don’t be fooled by 3 minutes of clear WiFi Calling using Sprint. You WILL eventually experience drops, garble, and a host of other potentially embarrassing issues. Sprint will of course blame your WiFi network. And in my case, I have FIOS operating at the highest speeds and have set the router to granting the highest QOS priority to WiFi Calling. Forget it.  It’s another POS service from Sprint, added to their long list of empty promises.



From Jarod Weaver on July 23, 2016 :: 1:47 pm

Let me just start by saying I done some research and fios os a competitor of sprint because it’s owned by Verizon. Don’t forget that. My research and googling led to that Verizon is intentionally making sprint wifi calling not work as it should while connected through their network to try to make you choose them as a carrier. I personally have comcast and my sprint wifi calling is awesome. It lets me make calls for as long as I need it as long as I’m connected to wifi because the only bad thing is it won’t fall back to Sprint’s network. The maximum at one call for my time on wifi calling would be 3 hours.



From Burt Daniels on December 22, 2016 :: 4:41 pm

This is definitely a possibility. Verizon could be causing some sort of problems with Sprint’s wi-fi calling on their network.  Similar to how Comcast was slowing down video streams from Netflix customers over their network. Anything is possible.



From Skeptic on June 03, 2017 :: 5:57 pm

I was super stoked to have wifi calling. I have sprint and use Comcast Internet. It’s so unreliable that I just have it turned off permanently. It always leads to embarrassing dropped calls and people can’t even hear you when it’s working. Over at least a dozen different wifi connections it has never been consistent in reliability for voice calls. For texting it’s great though.

It’s a great solution when I’m at work in a deep building with spotty service that kills the battery. It allows me to get texts and send them when I might not even have cell service. When I need to make a call I have to manually turn off wifi calling and wait 15 seconds for the phone to pick up the service signal.

After months of giving it yet another try after another at various locations, it always burned me 8/10 times and those few where people could hear me were always short calls less than a minute.

It’s a great idea in theory and I don’t get why it’s so crappy across the board. I’m sure eventually they will figure it out. I understand now why Verizon disables it on their phones, as people ignorant of their settings would associate it with Verizon’s superior service, hurting the brand.

Like people said, I also had issues with it calling people using Verizon, but then again I also had issues calling my wife on the same service plan using the same model phone. So I couldn’t fairly suggest foul play on Verizon from my own observations, but it wouldn’t surprise me.




From Lin Psimpsondottir on June 16, 2016 :: 8:49 pm

Calling out is well and good, but receiving them is equally important. Nothing said about that. Is this possible?



From Suzanne Kantra on June 17, 2016 :: 10:28 am

You’ll get better “reception” for incoming calls as well. I’ve received calls in places where there was no cellular service. It works just like you have regular cellular service.



From The Baroness In Oregon on June 17, 2016 :: 9:32 am

WiFi calling can be a great money-saver, but is it secure?  So others can use it, a public WiFi signal is not encrypted. If you are in your own home using your own WiFi for calls and your home WiFi is encrypted, then yes it’s safe.  If you are outside walking around or in a public place and you glom onto a free signal, then you are just as open to your call being overheard or your phone hacked-into as if you were using public WiFi with a tablet or laptop.  Remember, any time you use a public signal you are open to hackers/eavesdroppers, and the more devices using that public signal, the weaker it will be for each user.  This goes for WiFi in hotels, airports, shopping malls, libraries, etc., too.  If you have Comcast internet at home, there may be a second “radio” in the router that provides free WiFi for people within a certain radius of that router.  Mine did, and I called Comcast and made them inactivate that second radio.  All I’m saying is, be careful with free WiFi!



From Suzanne Kantra on June 17, 2016 :: 10:46 am

When you make a call with your smartphone, the data is encrypted before it’s sent over the network. This is true whether you’re using regular cellular service or WiFi calling over a public WiFi network.

If you’re not using your carrier’s WiFi calling, but rather a calling app, you’ll want to ensure that your calls are being encrypted on your device. Apps like WhatsApp and Skype do encrypt your communication. For others, make sure to check in the app description.



From Karen on September 20, 2017 :: 1:43 am

But…..we’re already being spied on, eavesdropped on and privacy compromised.



From Fritzr on December 22, 2020 :: 4:22 pm

All you need to intercept a cellphone call is a cellphone receiver that does not filter out signals intended for someone else

What secures the call is the encryption applied by the handset.

The most famous intercept device for cellphones is called “Stingray”.  Stingray has some extra value features such as emulating a cellphone tower that is capable of forcing your phone to connect using insecure encryption. (Very popular toy in DC)

Don’t trust long distance communication that is not encrypted at the source.  All communication channels that use public infrastructure are subject to intercept by bad actors.



From Jay on June 17, 2016 :: 1:41 pm

Don’t you think everyone should be using a VPN no matter where they are? Project Fi uses WiFi for everything, if WiFi isn’t available while traveling in the US it will switch between Sprint, T-Mobile or Consumer Cellular, for data usage, whichever signal is strongest.
It is also available in the Caribbean. Data costs $10/GB no matter how many GB’s you use.
I’ve been using it on a Nexus 6P/Nexus 9 for about 5 months now and haven’t had any problems.



From Chad on July 01, 2016 :: 11:16 am

When I have wifi calling turned on, is it active anytime there is a wifi signal, or does the phone evaluate which signal is better and use the best signal?

I have poor cell service at my house, so I want to use wifi calling there. But if I am at a coffee shop with spotty wifi but I have great cell service I would want it to use the cellular signal.  Do I have to switch that manually or will the phone decide which to use a relatively decent/accurate manner?



From Jay Lose on July 01, 2016 :: 11:30 am

Hi Chad, I’m not sure about the other cell services, I had Verizon before switching to Project Fi, but Project Fi will use wi-fi as it’s first choice for making calls, if that signal isn’t strong enough it will automagically switch to either Sprint, T-Mobile or Consumer Cellular.
When I was on Verizon they didn’t have wi-fi calling at that time. I think now days most carriers do.
Hope this helps.



From Ann on July 20, 2016 :: 12:00 am

Chad, AT&T tells me that if you have wi-fi calling activated, it will make the switch IF the cellular network signal is not strong.  I have only been using it for one day, but it seems that it auto switches to wi-fi when the cellular network signal is weak and then switches back to your carrier once that signal is strong again.



From David on August 17, 2016 :: 8:51 am

I’ve tried WiFi calling and it works fine unless the receiving party is blocking WiFi calls. I’ve run into this on several occasions recently.



From David on September 27, 2016 :: 1:06 am

I want to correct this articles because under the wificalling for AT&T says that the S6 has it. However it does not. Your articles neglects to elaborate that just because the maker SAMSUNG has it in the features and specs of the phone. Ultimately the setttings, configurations and update the phone needs has to be deployed by in this case AT&T. well here we are a 1 1/2 years later and the Galaxy S6 by AT&T model SMG920-A. ABSOLUTEY DOES NOT HAVE THE WIFI CALLING WORKING. In fact I was fraduently sold one by an ATT sales rep atr a store I went to with no intention to buy one. But was assured this would resolve my cell reception at home. well had problems with reception past the 14 day return period and now they woill not make good on the fact that i waws lied to and sold a phone that for over a year and half has never had the wifi calling working. Today is September 26, 2016 and i am writing the CEO of AT&T. Just something the public needs to know.



From Suzanne Kantra on September 27, 2016 :: 3:16 pm

Have you installed the latest update from AT&T? It’s supposed to make Wi-Fi calling available on the S6. The instructions for getting the update are here on the AT&T site:!/wireless/KB426709

Let me know if it does or doesn’t work.



From Burt Daniels on December 22, 2016 :: 4:35 pm

Using public wi-fi, use a VPN app.  Play store has many.



From jennifer on April 11, 2017 :: 3:04 pm

I can’t get WiFi on my T-Mobile phone or make calls the only thing i can do is text.



From Jenna Mendal on March 03, 2018 :: 6:45 pm

I like Wi-Fi calling, and have enabled it on my two iPads; however, it is not terribly reliable.  Every so often, maybe after a week or so of working fine, I’ll try to make a call on my iPad, and it tries to go through Wi-Fi to my iPhone, which is NOT what it’s supposed to do. When it works correctly, my iPhone can be turned off and the call still goes through perfectly.  When it fails I have to reboot the iPad and it starts working again. Also, occasionally, out of the blue, iPad will pop up a question, “Would you like to upgrade to Wi-Fi calling?” which of course means that it has forgotten that I already upgraded to Wi-Fi calling a week or two ago.  Calls to AT&T are useless, as the “techs” don’t seem to even understand how Wi-Fi calling is supposed to work.



From Judy Fitz on November 21, 2018 :: 7:10 am

I have virtually no cell coverage in home without signal booster which is no longer supported. Verizon recommended wifi calling as alternative which works great on prepaid Verison account but is not available on postpaid plan at all. I found this out the hard way after switching to postpaid and then having to switch back, reactivate account, get new password and make friends with Verizon customer support. It took days.



From Ed on March 19, 2019 :: 11:31 am

My 3g Verizon extender stopped working last Friday. They sent me a new 4g extender, coming in the mail today, for free.



From Ed on March 19, 2019 :: 11:42 am

I used Verizon WIFI on a recent cruise. Turn phone to airplane mode, turn on WIFI calling, and subscribe to the cruise ships internet or use at free WIFI spots at port. All call to U.S. numbers are free, but call a foreign number, even in port standing outside the store and you pay long distance from the U.S. Face time, Google duo, facebook calling, etc all work for free.



From Warren Wind on April 05, 2019 :: 2:18 pm

If Wi-Fi calling is enabled and there is a strong cellular signal, which service (wi-fi or cellular) handles the call as default?  I am hoping that cellular is the default and wi-fi only takes over if the cellular signal is weak.  Can someone answer this question for me?  thanks



From Josh Kirschner on April 08, 2019 :: 12:02 pm

Each carrier may implement Wi-Fi calling differently, though you can often set whether you would like cellular or Wi-Fi to be preferred. For example, if you look at the last picture above in the article, you can see where “Mobile preferred” is selected on Wi-Fi Calling.



From Skylar Bruton on April 29, 2019 :: 12:19 am

I have the watch and it says it’s using WiFi calling.  When actually it’s not letting anything have built in security and privacy as it states. Everything is public.  WiFi calling shouldn’t even be on.  Actually I don’t know which one.  Because even tho they are supposed to be paired the watch will ring but the phone won’t or visa- versa and you cannot switch the call from one device like you can when they are pared.  And they only give me to answer only on many calls to the phone.  Sounds rah silent and discrimatory to me.



From SusanLK on June 22, 2019 :: 1:29 am

Bought a refurb iPhone 6S, added the WiFi network in my house (Comcast) to the phone. But when I tried to enable WiFi Calling, I was denied. Currently I have TracFone month-to-month and when I called them they said I my SIM card did not “support” WiFi calling and I had to PURCHASE TracFone SIM card. This sounded strange b/c that means my use of WiFi (at my house and wherever else I find an available WiFi) depends on having a SIM card that “understands” TracFone cell service, but if using WiFi, I’m NOT using the cellular network, so why must I install a special SIM card for WiFi use?



From Fritz on December 22, 2020 :: 4:36 pm

WiFi calling needs to be supported by the handset and be activated by the network service provider for your account.

It is possible that the SIM card service provider has not activated the service on their end.  If you can contact the service provider the SIM card belongs to, have them “activate WiFi Calling” for your SIM.

Tracfone is telling you to use their SIM as they have no way to do server side activation for another company’s SIM.



From Mary Haas on October 28, 2019 :: 10:00 am

Just a fast thank you. Recently got att and cant afford the bill so will connect to wifi here at the nursing home to stay in touch with family



From LYNND on November 03, 2019 :: 7:33 pm

I wish TracFone and their family of companies would get their story straight on WiFi calling compatibility. The CDMA network SIM cards they’ve been selling are 4G/LTE compatible but the “Advanced Calling Features”, which you need to enable WiFi calling, are missing even on VoLTE-connected phone (in my case an iPhone).

One of the draws for people to go the prepaid route is if they don’t have good enough service where they live or work by any major carrier to justify paying a premium for “call failed” headaches through postpaid. So the thinking on the part of such customers is, just carry a prepaid phone for when you’re elsewhere and have the service.

For me, Total Wireless seemed like a hard-to-beat option because they use Verizon service at a fraction of the cost of postpaid or even Verizon prepaid. I get the same number of bars (reception) as another member of my household on Verizon postpaid (for a work phone). What they don’t tell you when you buy and activate a phone on a prepaid carrier such as Total Wireless (TracFone) is that they don’t enable otherwise compatible features like WiFi calling.

That wouldn’t be so bad except that their agents will direct customers to a TracFone lookup, which is supposed to tell you if your phone and SIM are compatible for the purpose of enabling WiFi calling after the fact. However, when asked why the lookup fails their customer service agents will say they do NOT support WiFi calling on Total Wireless — at all. If that’s true, why is it that the TOS refers to WiFi calling and some of their phone agents, too, will tell you to put in a request to activate the feature by using TracFone lookup? Why ask customers to jump through the hoops if the hoops are a complete waste of time because NO phone can use WiFi calling?

In my case, I was prompted by the TracFone website after a phone/SIM card lookup to call a toll free number to inquire about a SIM exchange. However, in every case the Total Wireless agents claim they do not do any SIM exchange!

Either the agents are poorly trained or the TracFone company is engaging in dishonest business practice because they have a whole system set up to supposedly allow customers with compatible phones to be provisioned after the fact, only to deny that such a thing can be done.

I took the time to call and email in an FCC request that the regulations be changed to allow WiFi calling on ANY phone that supports the feature and is on a compatible band (i.e. VoLTE). It should NOT be lawful for a carrier to block a method of calling that may be necessary for consumers who live in low-coverage areas to dial out in an emergency. Any alteration to the phone firmware, SIM or customer account that effectively robs a consumer of the ability to use a method of dialing out for emergency services should be against FCC rules. (I wouldn’t have thought of this, honestly, if I hadn’t been the victim of one such emergency wherein my call could not connect on my own property — something that would have been feasible IF my phone was allowed to call out over my WiFi.)

I share my experience to encourage anyone who agrees with me to contact the FCC and second this observation — for customers who cannot keep their cellular calls connected, blocking WiFi calling on an otherwise compatible phone with VoLTE/HD capacity should be against the law.



From I think on February 05, 2020 :: 5:11 am

I may be wrong, but i think every single cell phone whether corrected to any phone service or not (in the States) can dial 911.  I think that this was before wifi calling.



From alymar kean on March 24, 2021 :: 11:48 am

I have the same problem. No Wi-Fi calling on my new Samsung A10e. I must go outside to use my new phone. Upsetting.



From Josh Kirschner on March 24, 2021 :: 5:04 pm

According to Tracphone, their phones should have WiFi calling enabled ( What issue are you facing with your Samsung?



From Rupesh Chikop on January 10, 2020 :: 2:28 am

The Indian service provider called as Airtel has introduced wifi in few cities of India.



From Jen Lewis on January 19, 2021 :: 5:11 pm

. . . is confusing at best. Some articles tell us it’s the wifi ‘scanning’ that uses more battery power. Which is it?



From Josh Kirschner on January 19, 2021 :: 6:46 pm

We answer that in the story, and it depends on where you are and how you’re connected. “In poor cellular coverage areas where you have a decent WiFi signal, WiFi calling will help save battery life. In cases where you have low or no cellular signal, you may want to consider turning off cellular to preserve your battery. However, if you are not connected to a WiFi network, leaving on WiFi can drain your battery.”


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