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Choosing the Best Insurance for Your Phone

by Suzanne Kantra on March 01, 2021

Phone insurance and extended protection plans aren't cheap, but the investment can save you down the line should your phone get lost, stolen or damaged. Take the iPhone 12. While you may be able to get it for $0 down, a replacement will cost you $799 out of pocket and even a small drop can leave you with a cracked display that can cost hundreds to fix.

Fortunately, protection plan options are plentiful, but picking the right one can be complicated. Extended warranty plans only cover repairs when there's a mechanical failure. Other plans will cover accidental damage as well, but not loss or theft. And, different types of coverage come at varying price points.

So, which is the right plan for you? If you (or your child) is forgetful or accident prone, a full coverage plan may be best. Or, you may have enough coverage from your credit card company or home owner's

Pricing by Provider for an iPhone 12 and Samsung Galaxy S21 5G

  Best Buy Carriers Worth Ave. Group SquareTrade Major Credit Cards Homeowners Insurance AppleCare+

AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss
Samsung Care+

Samsung Care+ with Theft and Loss
Loss (except AT&T)  ✔     Varies
Theft (except AT&T)   (may expire after 90 days) Varies
Damage (may expire after 90 days) Varies
Mechanical / Electrical Defect N/A
When you can purchase Within 60 days of purchase Varies Anytime Anytime Automatic at time of purchase Anytime Within 60 days of purchase Within 365 days of purchase
Deductible $249 for loss or theft, $199 if device is replaced $140 - $250 $75 $149 $0 - $100 Varies $29 for screen repairs, $99 for other repairs, $149 to replace lost device $29 for all repairs, $99 to replace device due to repairs, $269 to replace lost device
Maximum claims in a 12-month period 3 2 or 3 unlimited 4 2 or 3 Varies 2 3
Cost for 2 years
$169.99 for 2 years or ($8/month for 24 months) for regular coverage, $269 for loss/theft $168-$312 $173 $216 $0, but for ongoing coverage (when available) you need to pay your monthly cellphone bill with your credit card Varies, but starts around $40 $149 / $219 $288 / $408
All pricing and plan data as of 3/1/2021


Many large electronics retailers offer phone insurance. Best Buy, for example, will insure a Samsung Galaxy S21 for two years for $8.99 a month under its Geek Squad Basic Protection plan. That covers malfunctions as well as accidental damage to the phone, but not loss or theft. For loss and theft you can step up to their $10.99 plan, Geek Squad Complete Protection.

Normally, there is no deductible for claims that are not covered under the manufacturer’s warranty – unless the device needs to be replaced. For replacement, there is a service fee ranging from $0 - $199 depending on the full retail value of the phone. There’s a limit of three claims within a rolling 12 months. You have to buy the Geek Squad Protection (Basic or Complete) with the product online or within 60 days of buying your phone in-store.


Apple and Samsung both offer insurance plans for their phones – AppleCare+ and Samsung Care+. Both provide basic insurance that covers accidental damage, including screen repairs for just $29. That’s a bargain considering that repairing screens on the latest iPhones and Galaxy models can cost hundreds without insurance. For other repairs you’ll pay a deductible, usually under $100 per repair. 

Samsung Care+ costs $3.99 to $12.99 per month, depending on the device. Stepping up to Samsung Care+ with Theft and Loss bumps monthly payments to $7.99 to $17.99 (not available in New York). The device replacement service fee ranges from $149 to $499.

AppleCare+ costs $79 (iPhone SE), $149 (iPhone XR, 11, 12 and 12 mini), or $199 (iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max) for a two-year period. For an additional $70, you can upgrade to AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss and the iPhone replacement fee is $149.

Both Apple and Samsung cover three claims per rolling 12-month period. iPhone owners need to enroll within 60 days of purchase. Samsung phone owners have a full year to enroll. 


For two years of coverage for mechanical and electrical failures as well as accidental damage—but not loss or theft—SquareTrade offers a warranty for any phone for $216 for two years. Plus, they nail you with a $149 deductible for every smartphone claim. SquareTrade does offer in-home repair for an extra $25 (where available). And, iPhone owners can bring their device into any Apple store for repair and SquareTrade will reimburse you. 

You can buy a SquareTrade warranty on all smartphone makes and models no matter where or when they were purchased—as long as they are working, in good condition, and you have proof of purchase. 

Worth Ave. Group

An insurance policy from Worth Ave. Group covers a cell phone for accidental damage such as drops and spills as well as theft, fire, flood, natural disasters and lightning strikes. All coverage is based on the dollar amount you want to be covered. So for an iPhone 12 or Galaxy S21 (with $800 coverage), you’ll spend $173 for two years with a $75 deductible. And, like SquareTrade, you can purchase your insurance at any point as long as you have proof of purchase. Worth Ave. Group is unique in offering unlimited claims.


AT&T’s Mobile Insurance offers coverage for accidental damage and out-of-warranty malfunction of your phone for $8.99 per month. You'll need to purchase protection within 30 days of phone activation to enroll (AT&T has open enrollment now through 3/31/2021). When making a claim, you'll need to pay a $25-$299 deductible. See the full list of deductibles). Screen repair deductible is $49. You can make two claims in a rolling 12-month period with a maximum of $2,500 per claim.

For $9-$19 per month, Sprint Complete offers full coverage: loss, theft, accidental damage and mechanical or electrical breakdown. You'll need to purchase protection within 30 days of phone activation to enroll (check for open enrollment dates if your 30-day window has passed). You'll need to pay a $25-$140 deductible for repairs (see the full list of fees and deductibles) for each claim. Screen repairs are a flat $29. Device replacement fees range from $50 - $275.  You can make three claims per year with a maximum claim of $2,000 per claim.

T-Mobile’s Protection <360> offers you full coverage–loss, theft, accidental damage and mechanical or electrical breakdown–for $7-$18 a month. A non-refundable deductible for repairs of $20 to $199, depending on your device, is applied to each claim. Screen repairs are a flat $29 for iPhones (first two repairs) and $99 for most other devices. Device replacement fees range from $10 - $499. You can make three claims each year with a limit of $1,500 for each claim. You'll need to purchase protection within 30 days of purchase or upgrade from T-Mobile or an authorized T-Mobile channel (check for open enrollment dates if your 30-day window has passed).

Verizon bills $14-$17 for loss, theft, accidental damage and electrical or mechanical failure after the manufacturer's warranty expires. There's a deductible of $99-$199, depending on which model phone you have. You can make three claims per year for a total of $1,500. Typically, you'll need to purchase protection within 30 days of when you upgraded or activated your device (check for open enrollment dates if your 30-day window has passed). 

Pricing by Carrier for an iPhone 12 and Samsung Galaxy S21 5G

  AT&T Mobile Insurance T-Mobile Device Protection Sprint Complete Verizon Protect
Deductible $49 for screen repair,
$250 for other repairs
$29 for first two iPhone screen repairs, all other repairs $99, $249 device replacement $29 for screen repair, $140 for other repairs, $275 device replacement $29 for screen repair, $199 for repairs, $249 device replacement
Cost for 2 years
$216 $432 (full coverage) $288 (full coverage) $408 (full coverage)
Claims & coverage
2 claims per 12-month period, claim maximum of $2,500 3 claims per 12-month period, claim maximum of $1,500 3 claims per 12-month period, claim maximum of $2,000 3 claims per 12-month period, claim maximum of $3,000
All pricing and plan data as of 3/1/2021

Major Credit Cards

There are two ways that credit cards can provide coverage for your phone. First, many major credit cards extend the manufacturer’s warranty by a year or longer, though it varies depending on the card. Many also cover loss from theft or damage within the first 90 days after purchase.

You can also get theft and damage coverage from select cards if you use them pay for your cell phone service, including cards issued by Wells Fargo, Chase Ink Business and Citi. So, check your card benefits.

Homeowners/Renters Insurance

For larger purchases, such as premium smartphones, some insurance companies will let you attach a rider to your homeowners or renters insurance, which will specifically cover that purchase. Smartphones are usually covered in general by homeowners and renters insurance under the same conditions of your general insurance policy. You'll want to check with your provider to find out your options.

You'll also want to find out how filing claims for your smartphone, if you don't have a rider, may impact the fees you pay for your overall homeowners or renters insurance and whether repeat claims could lead to your insurance company dropping your coverage.

Updated on 3/1/2021

[Smartphone with broken display via Shutterstock]

For the past 20+ years, Suzanne Kantra has been exploring and writing about the world’s most exciting and important science and technology issues. Ten years ago, she founded Techlicious, which serves the role of that tech-savvy friend you can count on to share tips and tricks to get the most out of technology; whether that’s saving time in our hectic schedules, discovering new ways to enjoy our personal interests, or keeping up with the latest technology trends and styles. Before that, Suzanne was the Technology Editor for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, where she hosted the radio show “Living with Technology." Previously, she served as Technology Editor for Popular Science Magazine. She has been featured on CNN, CBS, and NBC.


Phones and Mobile, Cell Phones, Tips & How-Tos, Tech 101, iPhone 6

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From Colleen on September 17, 2014 :: 1:35 am

For an iPhone,Applecare is $99.
“Every iPhone comes with one year of hardware repair coverage through its limited warranty and up to 90 days of complimentary support. AppleCare+ for iPhone extends your coverage to two years from the original purchase date of your iPhone and adds up to two incidents of accidental damage coverage, each subject to a $79 service fee plus applicable tax.”



From Suzanne Kantra on September 17, 2014 :: 12:06 pm

Yes, for iPhone definitely something to consider! I’ve added the info on AppleCare to the chart above for easy comparison.



From Randolph on September 16, 2016 :: 6:24 pm

I’ve always thought this a waste of money for an adult that doesn’t go clubbing, until my wife had someone toss something in her purse and, Broken Screen!!

Apple replaced it for $129, but they don’t have sense enough to offer the insurance after you’ve had a problem—my wife would have spent $200 for the insurance, as the phone was only 4 months old.

They really are missing opportunities, she couldn’t be the only one who would add the coverage if offerred!!



From Frank on November 03, 2017 :: 4:15 pm

Isn’t AppleCare $129 for an iPhone 8?  You have $29 for screen and $99 for other repairs, but that’s the repair cost WHEN you have AppleCare I believe.



From Suzanne Kantra on November 06, 2017 :: 10:39 am

You’re right Frank. It’s $129 for the plan and then $29 for screen repair. and $99 for other repairs. The costs were flipped in the chart. I’ve fixed.


From Bruce Jamieson on March 06, 2018 :: 1:50 am

My huge problem with these insurance schemes is that you give them your well cared for phone with an issue and they give you someone else’s refurbished/reconditioned phone in return.  What kind of life did that old phone have?  I often had problems with the replacement phone.  With local professionals charging $99 to replace a screen, I decided it was best to roll the dice and SELF-INSURE my iphone 8.



From Angelo Maimone on October 21, 2014 :: 5:31 pm

As always you leave out Who has been in the mobile device insurance business for 15 years. So your readers can be educated on the BEST insurance for any cell phone not just the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, I will tell them the FACTS! Esurranty offers more coverage, has same day repair at over 300+ locations Nationwide and customers don’t have to be reimbursed. They pay their deductible of between $50-89 depending on the device and that’s it. If there is no place close, they give you a smartphone loaner phone delivered next day with all the shipping materials needed to send your device in for next day repair as well. There is no better insurance for yo



From Josh Kirschner on October 21, 2014 :: 7:01 pm

Well, “as always”, we try to identify the best services for our readers. Having never heard of your company before, I did a little research.

Nowhere on your site do you indicate who your underwriter is for the insurance you offer and I couldn’t find eSurranty as a registered insurer in the State of Florida where you’re based. Can you clarify that? It’s obviously important when considering an insurance plan so you know they’ll be there to honor your claim when the time comes.

Also, I found a bankruptcy filing from a year ago for eSurranty ( That’s a little disconcerting, too, without a good explanation.



From Angelo Maimone on October 21, 2014 :: 8:49 pm

Mr. Kirshner,
Thank you very much for bringing to my attention your concerns and what you have, and have not found regarding our company. I appreciate any constructive criticism. To start, let me say that the previous post was not directed at this site and it’s authors. I actually meant to take out the heading part of it where I state that you leave us out. Now, as far as the underwriting inquiry. We underwrite our own policies as we have demonstrated the financial stability to do so to the proper authority in our state. There is a financial bond in place to protect our policies holders should we not be able to continue in business. As far as a bankruptcy filing, we have never filed bankruptcy. The filing you see was done by a former employee that used parts of our company name, information and address but did not complete the action as we were made aware of it and filed a motion with the courts to halt any action. We have been in contact over the last year to get this removed as part of our company but have been told that since the filing was incomplete and not done by a corporate officer that more legal measures would have to be done. At this moment we have not found the necessity to spend money on doing this. Regarding our claims, we have partnered with repair centers throughout the USA & Canada to offer same day repairs to all of our customers so there would never be a time where they would not be able to utilize this service. Once again, I appreciate your constructive criticism and look forward to answering any further inquiries you may have.



From JOY on June 10, 2017 :: 2:11 pm

Angelo- Why do you lie so incessantly? I sent you back our phone and we have signature confirmation that your company (fake virtual office for anyone who is wondering) now has it. Therefore, you should have already sent me back my ORIGINAL PHONE that you stole. No replacement, no repair. You have STOLEN MY PROPERTY. The police have been called. So has just about any other authority that can be notified of your criminal and fraudulent business practices. To anyone wondering about me? Just message me and I’ll send you all the emails, screen shots, etc to prove it. You asked me to sign a ‘confidentiality agreement’ so I could get the insurance claim THAT I PAID FOR? Are you kidding me? PEOPLE- DON’T BUY ESURRANTY. EVERYTHING I’VE STATED ARE FACTS.


From Joy on June 10, 2017 :: 2:20 pm

Josh- I have had a HORRENDOUS experience using Esurranty. They have asked me to sign a confidentiality agreement to keep my story quiet, which I won’t. I would have revised things if they kept their end of the bargain with what I purchased. They’ve stolen my phone and my money. There are literally 1000s of reviews out there that tell the true story of this company. Almost exactly the same stories. Any reviews that are positive are on the ‘ease of purchase’. Any positive reviews from people who have actually claimed are from friends and family- the same names and bogus profiles on all sites that allow reviews. Trust me, I’ve been tracking this a while now. Since 3/20/17 to be exact. Almost every single review from those who actually used Esurranty are negative. This company DID indeed claim bankruptcy, if you do your research. They change the name slightly to continue their business practices as a new company, with the same bad behavior. In my opinion, what the below poster, Angelo Maimone, does is start companies defrauding people, like sell video game systems with no intention of ever mailing them out. At Christmas time no less. Ruining children’s holidays for his own buck. I have so much information, you should contact me. It would make for a great article how this person has carried on for so many years. Good luck to you, and don’t recommend this company in any future articles. Buyer Beware!



From Rob on April 26, 2017 :: 2:11 pm

Conflict of interest at all?



From JOY on June 10, 2017 :: 2:14 pm

Rob- have you had a horrendous experience with Esurranty as well? Read my comments above and below this. I had more hope for humanity that people like this didn’t exist. I have several reviews up all over the place. And interestingly enough, he’s had to shut down some of the places he puts himself, as more and more reviewers are finding out about the true nature of him and his company.



From James on September 01, 2017 :: 2:28 am

Someone is posting on eSurranty’s behalf. eSurranty is the worst company out there. Take a look at all the complaints filled against the company. Stop promoting your own company!



From Kim on November 02, 2014 :: 11:25 am

I found your post very helpful. I am a new AT&T customer and recently purchased 3 new smartphones; an iPhone 6, Galaxy S5, and an HTC1 M8. The sales rep at the AT&T sold me on the multi-device protection plan which is $29.99/month. Up to three devices are covered at any one time with 6 claims in a two-year period. I have read the terms and conditions. In order to get all 4 smartphones in our house protected (my daughter has a previously owned iPhone 5) and to make a claim, I would have to de-register a device and then register the device for which I would like to make a claim. What they don’t tell you in the store is that if I have already made a claim on a device and I de-register it, I cannot re-register it to make another claim. It seems like a lot of hoops to jump through to get all of the smartphones in my house covered. It just doesn’t feel right.
I have three teenagers in my house who are very hard on their phones, so I feel like I need to do something to protect these very expensive mobile computers. I am going to purchase AppleCare for the iPhone and probably Squaretrade for the other devices. I am also going to check into the homeowner’s insurance rider as well.



From Shari Harris-Dunning on February 26, 2015 :: 3:14 pm

I have Worth Ave Group.  I filed a theft claim, supplying them all the necessary documentation.  Three times they denied the claim, using the “mysterious disappearance” clause. I did complain to BBB and have filed complaint letters.  They have agreed to process the claim, “in good faith”, but they also have the right to decide how on the settlement options: (1) We will pay the current cost of repair or replacement but not exceeding the lesser of the following options:

a)The full cost of repair including parts and labor;

b)Replacement cost at the time of loss or adjustment based on a Refurbished item of like kind and quality;

c)Replacement cost at the time of loss or adjustment based on a New item of like kind and quality;

d)The coverage amount listed on your Declaration page;

Of course they are going with the lowest amount (at cost refurbished).



From Jan Miller on September 08, 2015 :: 4:19 pm

Hello Ms. Dunning,

We’re sorry that you weren’t pleased with our handling of your claim. If you could give us a little information, we would like to look into the matter for you.
First, has you claim been settled since you wrote your comment in February, 2015? If so, did we make you whole again with regards to your phone?
If not, please let us know where we went wrong in providing you with the service you expected.

Like you, I too have been the victim of a “mysterious disappearance” loss. That kind of loss means that there was no sign of forced entry to the place where the stolen item was located, nor was there any indication of a burglary (damage done by thieves, witnesses to a crime, etc.) The term ‘mysterious disappearance’ means “it was here, but just disappeared”. The only way to substantiate such a claim is to provide a police report. In my own situation, my obtaining a police report resolved the matter for my insurance company. Were you able to get a police report and submit it to our claim department?
Lastly, regarding the settlement options; the reason that we include the value of a refurbished item is that once we repair your device, it is technically a “refurbished” device. If some entity can provide you with a refurbished device for less than what you could repair it, wouldn’t it make sense to get that already refurbished device? I hope that explains our position. But please let us know if you want more information or are still dissatisfied. We’d like to work with you to make you a happy customer.



From Carter Newton on August 21, 2015 :: 2:25 pm

I have self repaired broken glass with a kit (now quite cheap via Amazon) on earlier iphones; now I am worried that an attempt (clearly the cheapest option at 15 to $20) will void any insurance . This re an iphone 6+ that is 5 months old. Any insight?



From Josh Kirschner on August 24, 2015 :: 9:52 am

Whether a self repair will void warranty coverage depends on the language of your agreement with the insurance carrier. Apple’s warranty says you should not open the device and they won’t cover damage caused by self repairs, but it doesn’t explicitly state that doing a self repair voids the warranty.



From Carter Newton on August 24, 2015 :: 10:28 am

Many thanks, Josh!



From Nat on August 22, 2015 :: 2:02 pm

I usually get the monthly coverage.  My “rule of thumb” is to discontinue it when the new model comes out. If I lose or damage it, I can either replace it on ebay or get the new model.  I have a Galaxy Note 4 and the Note 5 just came out.  Time to drop the insurance.



From Randy on August 23, 2015 :: 8:19 am

At this point in my life, had I bought ‘extended warranties’ on most applicances, cars, etc. the dollar amount would be in the Hundreds of Thousands….they’re nothing but a waste of money IMO…I never would have made a claim.



From MrPete on December 16, 2015 :: 6:24 pm

In the legalese of Square Trade coverage ( they say the total value of their coverage is the “Coverage Amount” which is equal to the price I paid for the phone:

Coverage Amount: The purchase price of the Covered Product

But if I get a great deal on my phone—whether the $150 discount for committing to two years, or paying $0.96 on Black Friday… legally they are only willing to cover 96 cents!

I want to assume this is “just a typo” but it is a HUGE legal hole :(



From L A Graham on September 16, 2016 :: 4:11 pm

I had - read “HAD” - the AT&T insurance that’s offered in the monthly billing to cover my granddaughter’s iPhone.  The phone began to malfunction badly and was replaced under the insurance policy.  What we were NOT told when we agreed to the insurance was that under that particular policy at that time there was a $150 deductible for iPhones (we were told $50 deductible by in-store rep) AND the replacement phone she was given under the police was a used/reconditioned phone - which had more problems than the phone it replaced.  Since that time we have opted NOT to have insurance coverage; the sum of the deductible and monthly premiums don’t make it cost effective - particularly when what you get as “settlement” is a used and often defective phone.



From Scott Neader on September 19, 2016 :: 7:20 pm

I’m looking at buying a used phone on eBay and I was surprised that, at the time of checkout, I can add a 1-year warranty for $52 or a 2-year warranty for $78, with NO Deductible. It says “Covers all hardware & electrical failures starting on day 46 after item purchase. We fix it or pay full replacement cost in 5 business days or less (free 2-way shipping for repairs). 100% Parts and labor, no deductibles or hidden fees. Transfer or Cancel any time (full refund in first 30 days). When I look on their own website, there are no deals like this—so this is just a heads up to those that are looking to buy a phone on eBay.



From bRIAN on October 16, 2016 :: 8:22 pm

Hi there—Just a note that Worth Group *does* cover Android phones.

I just purchased a policy myself today, and prior to doing so, had looked at Worth Group at least 6 months ago—and they covered Android phones back then too.

Just wanted to let everyone know that of the several options presented, Worth Group is available to them regardless of phone type—and they cover for loss/theft—my deciding factor!



From Amber on May 29, 2017 :: 3:47 am

I am looking for a phone insurance company, and from everything I’ve seen WAG covers theft, but not loss—-a very important point, and what caused previous problems posted on this page. If they covered basic loss, there would be no stumbling block of “mysterious disappearance” which they will not cover. This means people who leave a phone on a plane and it is never found/turned in or have it taken from a table in a coffee shop or pickpocketed from a coat or bag cannot successfully file a claim. This loss/disappearance shortfall is the only reason I’m still looking for other options after researching Worth Avenue Group.



From Clarence Bethea on November 03, 2016 :: 8:30 pm


Great write up on the options that are out there for consumers. I would love you to take a look at and see the value that we offer. We work with a great insurance company, offer some of the best pricing out there, are web and app based and service our customers.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)



From Chris Paulson on November 28, 2016 :: 4:52 pm

Upsie seems a little scammish to me. No phone number on site, no service agreement to review before purchase and some research shows their underwriter “New Leaf Service Contracts” has less than stellar performance with credible review sites including BBB. Buyer Beware



From Clarence Bethea on November 28, 2016 :: 5:09 pm

Upsie a scam?

We do most of our business through email and chat. We are a tech company and to keep prices low, we prefer to work this way. A lot of tech companies work this way.

On every page of our site, we have terms and conditions right under pricing. We are very transparent. We don’t hide things. Here’s a copy of our terms.

Also, we do not work with New Leaf anymore. We changed carriers June 1.

If you have anymore questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me directly! .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)



From kevin T. on January 15, 2017 :: 12:24 pm

While the carrier’s insurance is easy to set up requires little thought their customer service will prompt you to take another look at options.  Try their phone line and it will take you 10min to get to a person.  Prompt after prompt with no option like 0 to get out.  My recent experience is an S5 replacement that came with a bad battery.  After spending hours setting it up only to unplug it and have it constantly reboot.  To add insult to insufficient quality control the agent would not send out a replacement next day as the website states.  Instead they are shipping out regular fed ex as this is a continuation of a claim and not an original claim.  Ie…I have to suffer for their issues.  When escalating the issue I was sent to a corporate phone bank where I was told I would get a call back in 48 hours.  Terrible!!  I’m thinking other options even at a higher price would be better.



From Joy on June 10, 2017 :: 2:06 pm

Whatever you do- do NOT use Esurranty as cellphone insurance. They are a complete fraudulent company who steal from their consumers. They have stolen my money and my poor son’s iPhone. They won’t call you back, they won’t have communication with you unless you try to make their life a living H**L with reviews and social media. They tried to make me sign a confidentiality agreement to keep my story quiet. A gag order? For insurance I paid for and they won’t honor? Get real, #esurrantysucks



From Amir on October 11, 2017 :: 12:10 am

This is a company you cannot trust. What ever you do, do not signup with company. Here is my horror story: Initial contact was made early August and was good with their employee Sean Hansen, and then it went downhill. I got the warranty and as my luck had it, I broke the screen on the phone. Sent it to them for repairs. Didn’t hear anything back. Sent them an email and was told that it would take 10 business days for Samsung to repair the phone. 10 Business Days later, after not getting any update, I contacted them and was told my phone was locked to Samsung and Google and they couldn’t replace the screen. Wait, since when does a phone need to be unlocked to replace a screen?

Especially since it’s factory reset per their instructions. I sent a heated email and he didn’t respond. Finally responded with a rude email telling me that if i was rude in my email again then he would not respond. Great customer service? NO! He then stated that my order to repair the device would be canceled and phone sent back. Now it’s been over 2 months and the company still has not sent the phone back, has not responded to any emails and has basically stolen a $1,200 phone.

Also the CEO Angelo has been accused of Scam and Fraud. Search the court records in FL. He also has numerous companies that have been opened and closed / bankrupted. Also info available on the SOS website for FL. DON’T TRUST THIS COMPANY.



From John Steffens on November 03, 2017 :: 10:53 pm

I stumbled onto the MOTO G5 Plus at COSTCO on sale and the “budget” phone had all the things I needed (with none of the Bloatware I hate) and for the price I could replace it a heck of a lot cheaper than wasting money on insurance.



From Joy on December 04, 2017 :: 8:33 am

If you have a good option to choose your Smartphone Insurance Plans, it will not be a mistake. I think Smartphone Insurance product like Kupukoo is a better choice.



From Rhett Murdaugh on March 22, 2018 :: 5:40 pm

Someone stole my brand new iPhone X and my boyfriends iPhone 6 at the same time.  Worth ave sent me a check for the both of them. It took a few months but in the end it was worth it and there was no deductible.  A great company to deal with and I highly recommend them.


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