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5 Fun Santa Activities You Can Do with Your Kids

by Suzanne Kantra on December 23, 2010

Create a little Christmas magic for your child with these sites, apps and services that provide a direct connection to Santa.

Track Santa
On December 24 at 2 AM ET, the NORAD Santa Tracker site will show Santa as he checks his list and prepares for his global chimney tour. Then, NORAD will track his every move throughout the night, with real-time Google Earth and Google Maps reports.

Hear Navigation Directions in Santa’s Voice
“Are We There Yet?” Santa’s voice can guide you on your journey to wherever you’re celebrating this year with Waze, a turn-by-turn navigation app for iPhone and Android phones.

Create a Magic Santa Video
Create a personalized video message for your child from Santa at or using the free Magic Santa iPhone app. The video includes your child’s picture, name, age, special accomplishment and a toy Santa might bring.Magic Santa video

Text Santa a Message
AT&T Wireless customers can text “SANTA” to 1224 and receive a note from Santa himself. Kids can reply with their wish list. The entire text conversation is free.

Take Santa’s Good List Quiz
Has your child been naughty or nice? Have your child take Santa’s Good List Quiz online quiz to find out.Santa's Good List


Family and Parenting, Baby & Toddler, Kids, Tips & How-Tos

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