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The Best Men's Electric Shaver: Panasonic Arc5 ES-LV65-S

by Robert E. Calem on December 30, 2013
five stars out of five

After reviewing the options and hands-on testing, the Panasonic Arc5 ES-LV65-S wins our top pick for the Best Shaver on the market with its superior shave and a history of glowing reviews.

Panasonic Arc5 ES-LV65 Shaver


UPDATE 11/01/22: There's is an updated model of the Arc5 (ES-LV67-K) now available on Amazon for $178. It has the same shaving technology as our recommended Arc5, with some minor updates to the design and battery display, and it comes in at a much lower price.

For clearing away facial hair, men have two choices: a modern electric shaver or the age-old razor and blade. I have favored electric shavers over razors for nearly 30 years, and through the decades I've used and tested various models from three leading brands—Braun, Philips Norelco, and Panasonic.

Today, my shaver of choice is Braun's top-of-the-line Series 7 model 790cc–4, which I started using after its debut in 2010. The Series 7 also ranks at the top of Consumer Reports' shaver test. And to-date, Braun still has not announced any intention to replace it with a new top model.

Nevertheless, I wanted to know: What is the best men's electric shaver now, at any price? Is there a newer shaver from any brand that's better than the Braun Series 7? To find the answer, I searched the Web for reviews of an assortment of shavers from various brands, compared technical specifications and prices, then tested out the top contender head-to-head against my beloved Series 7.

I discovered the Series 7 has been equaled in user reviews online, by the Panasonic Arc5 model ES-LV61-A—an electric shaver with five blades, two more than the Series 7.

To see if I would agree, I contacted Panasonic to request a review unit. I learned that there is an even newer Arc5 model that is just debuting in stores— the ES-LV65-S—that shares all the best features of the LV61, plus adds a new "stubble sensor" that automatically detects your beard's density and adjusts the shaver's motor speed to optimize cutting ability.

With review unit in hand, I went about testing the ES-LV65-S against my tried-and-true Series 7. While it was a close call, the Panasonic ES-LV65-S gets my pick for the best electric men's shaver based on its superior shaving results, even if it comes at a stiffer price.

Better technical specifications

The Panasonic Arc5 ES-LV65 carries a stunningly high $499.99 manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP), which is nearly double the $269.99 MSRP of the Braun 790cc. But the price of the ES-LV65 is quickly dropping, currently available for $399.99 on And, helping to justify that staggering price differential, a comparison of both models’ technical specifications does give the edge to the Panasonic shaver:

  • Whereas the Series 7 utilizes three cutting blades (two at the front and back edges and one in the center), the Arc5 has five: two at the front and back edges, two adjacent to these, and one in the center.
  • Whereas the Series 7 has a powerful motor that keeps the shaver’s cutting head moving at a super quick speed of 10,000 vibrations per minute — to help lift hairs off the skin and prepare them to be cut — the motor in the Arc5 is 40 percent faster, vibrating the cutting head at a rate of 14,000 cycles per minute.
  • Unlike the Series 7, which integrates all of the blades and foils in a single replaceable cartridge, the Arc5 has separately replaceable foil and blade cartridges, allowing users to economize by buying only new blades if they so choose. However, there is a caveat: The cost to replace the Series 7’s single cartridge is lower than the cost to replace the LV65‘s separate cutter and foil, at $33.99 and $69.95 respectively. (I did find an Arc5 combination cutter and foil package on sale at recently for only $67.98.)
  • The new “stubble sensor” in the LV65 automatically detects the beard’s density and adjusts the shaver’s motor speed to optimize the device’s cutting ability.
  • Both the Series 7 and the Arc5 feature 100 percent waterproof bodies, so they can be rinsed clean under running tap water. But the Arc5 is marketed as a “wet/dry” shaver that can be used with shaving foam or gel if desired, and the Series 7 is not.

Like a vacuum cleaner for your face — but the head is huge

An on-paper comparison is one thing, an on-face comparison quite another.

Indeed, like a facial vacuum cleaner, the Arc5’s five-bladed shaving head erased my beard stubble quickly and efficiently, sometimes needing only one stroke to clear an area of my face, even with two-days of growth. And, overall, it completed the shaving task in as few or fewer strokes than my Series 7. But as with other Panasonic shavers, I found that the Arc5’s extremely large shaving head made it awkward to use, especially around the edges of my sideburns.

Aesthetics are always a matter of personal opinion, of course, but I also thought the Arc5’s shaving head was disproportionately oversized and visually weird atop the shaver’s slim body. The Braun Series 7 design is proportional and stylish and more appealing to me.

The new Arc5 follows a winner

There is no denying the popular consensus around the ES-LV65’s predecessor, Panasonic’s Arc5 model ES-LV61-A.

Amazon ranks products according to their share of positive user reviews, updating the rankings daily. And as I'm writing this article, in the category of “mens foil shavers” the Arc5 is up near the top, ranked in fourth place behind two other Panasonic shavers and the Series 7—having only recently dropped below the Series 7 in rank.

In a lengthy review comparing the Arc5 LV61 to both a Braun Series 7 shaver and another Panasonic shaver—the four–blade ES-LA63—Amazon user Dean! wrote in October 2011, “The shave on the 5-blade LV61 is as close as any blade razor without drawing blood! I did the chin stubble test and with this LV61 you absolutely cannot feel any stubble...I get close shaves that last beyond 5pm...and my skin always feels smooth.” This was comparable to the four–blade LA63 shave quality, he said, adding that both of those machines shaved closer than the Braun. But Dean! observed that the LV61 is better built than the LA63, which “feels cheaper in quality from grip to aesthetics.” He noted that the LV61 also feels lighter and better balanced in the hand than the LA63, which he called "top–heavy.”

Likewise, Amazon user William F. Liberatore wrote in September 2011, “I still don’t think that the Panasonic is as close as a good blade shave, but it is close enough that you’d be hard pressed to tell the difference.” He added, “It charges very quickly and seems to run a fairly long time on a charge. I’ve used it 3 mornings now and still showing 100%.”

Cleaning machine option

I like that my Braun 790cc came with an accessory machine that uses an alcohol–based cleaning and lubricating solution in “Clean & Renew” cartridges (sold separately) to refresh the shaver after each use. In packs of four at, those cartridges cost about $5 each. Shaving every other day, I normally consume one cartridge per month (12 per year).

Many people would consider using such a cleaning system for a shaver that can be rinsed off in the sink to be silly. It adds to the cost of the shaver, creates monthly cleaning cartridge expenses and takes up more space on your vanity. And for those people, the fact that the Panasonic LV65 is sold without the cleaning machine option could be a benefit. But if you really want it, the ES-LV95-S comes with one for an extra $100.

Final call

If you're looking for the best shaver on the market, go for the new Panasonic Arc5 ES-LV65-S. It takes the winning technology of its predecessor and steps it up a notch. If you don't want to plunk down the admittedly pricey $399, the Braun Series 7 model 790cc and Panasonic ES-LV61-A are fine runner-ups that will save you $100-$200. And if you're really on a budget, check out our pick for the Best Shaver Under $100.

Panasonic Arc5 ES–LV65–S

Buy Panasonic Arc5 buy button
UPDATE 11/01/22: There's is an updated model of the Arc5 (ES-LV67-K) now available on Amazon for $178. It has the same shaving technology as the prior Arc5, with some minor updates to the design and battery display.


Foil vs. Rotary and a Runner–Up: Philips Norelco SensoTouch 3D 1280X

Philips SensoTouch 1280x ShaverAll of the above shavers fall into the “foil” category. That means their blades sit beneath a curved metal cover with a pattern of holes to capture hairs for cutting (the foil). The other major shaver category is “rotary,” dominated by Philips Norelco models. Rotary shavers have blades that sit beneath round hole–covered heads that spin to capture and cut hairs. offers an excellent exploration of the differences between foil and rotary shavers.

I also researched the best rotary shaver available today, and easily concluded it’s the Philips Norelco SensoTouch 3D, which features three shaving heads fixed in three independent sections, each able to move in three dimensions — pivoting around, tilting inward and flexing outward — to shave closer on face and neck curves. And each of the three heads also incorporates three different schemes for capturing hair to be cut: channels to catch longer hairs, slots to catch normal length hairs, and holes to catch short stubble.

A few SensoTouch 3D models are available, but the top–rated of all is the 1280X, which is the top–rated rotary shaver at, (where it sells for $312.95, discounted from an MSRP of $349.99). It also is the top–ranked of all electric shavers in’s Top 10 list, and it garnered a “top rated” listing and accompanying stellar review at

However, the 1280X is one of those shavers that includes a cleaning machine. For those who prefer to buy just the shaver, the technically identical SensoTouch 3D 1290X (MSRP and price of $249.99) excludes the cleaning machine and offers a significant discount.

I tested a review unit of the 1290X with three–day stubble and found it quickly eradicated most of the whiskers on my face and neck. I was unable to accurately shave around the edges of my sideburn with the rotary heads, however, when following the recommended procedure with rotary shavers of using circular sweeping motions. I substituted the shaver’s horizontal long–hair trimmer as a solution, but it did not perform the task anywhere near as well as a foil shaver does.

The motor in the 1290X also seemed to me less powerful than that in either the Panasonic Arc5 or the Braun Series 7. None of this was a surprise to me; I have found in past trials that the best foil shavers provide me a closer shave than the best rotary shavers.


Philips Norelco SensoTouch 3D 1280X


But here, of course, is the overarching caveat: Your preference may vary.

If the store’s return policy allows it, sample each of these for two to three weeks — the time it usually takes for skin to adjust to an electric shaver when switching from a manual razor — keep what you like and return the others.

(Panasonic, Braun and Philips Norelco offer their own money–back satisfaction guarantees independent of retailers — valid for 30 days, 60 days and 45 days from date of purchase, respectively.)

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From Benny Davis on January 03, 2014 :: 11:19 pm

Are you kidding me?
No mention of Remington?
I realize you’re a little late to the promotion for Christmas buying but to leave out Remington from the mix seems to suggest a serious bias.
Had you at least had their shavers under consideration I would have give your review a little more respect.
Just thought you should know in the event others didn’t care to share.
Good Luck!



From Robert E. Calem on January 07, 2014 :: 6:00 pm

No kidding or bias, just reporting. Remington appears at the bottom of Consumer Reports magazine’s recommended shavers list (in which models by Braun, Panasonic and Philips Norelco predominate), nor high on the top–rated men’s shaver list at (which also favors those other three brands).

It is true that my own shaver experiences through the years have been with models from those three brands (which I disclose in the article), but I started my research by checking online sources to find the brands and models most favored by other people, and then proceeded to reach my conclusions — which included my choice to award this publication’s “Best” title to a Panasonic model despite my personal preference for a Braun model.

As I stated toward the bottom of the article, the overarching caveat is that “your” (the reader’s) preference may vary from the conclusions and preferences offered here. I am inferring from your comment that your personal preference is for a Remington model, and I’m glad that you have found an electric shaver that satisfies you.



From Yves on February 13, 2018 :: 5:44 am

I would never buy another product from Remington once I gave it a try and purchased their manual razors. They simply could not compare with Gilette ones. And the blades went dull very quickly.
I suspect even their cutter blades or outer foils on electric shavers will not perform nor last reasonably long enough.



From Will on January 06, 2014 :: 2:48 pm

“I have found in past trials that the best foil shavers provide me a closer shave than the best foil shavers.”  Say What?



From Josh Kirschner on January 06, 2014 :: 3:05 pm

Thanks for catching that. Obviously, should be “the best foil shavers provide a closer shave than the best rotary shavers.” Fixed.



From Mike on January 06, 2014 :: 6:03 pm

14,000 is 40% greater than 10,000, not almost 150% greater.



From Josh Kirschner on January 08, 2014 :: 11:26 am

Error fixed.



From Mike on January 08, 2014 :: 12:06 pm

My goals for 2014 are just about wrapped up now.



From Ashwin Campbell on February 20, 2014 :: 8:59 am

The best electric razor is the Gilette Fusion Power.



From Mike on October 12, 2014 :: 1:38 pm

The Fusion might be a fine razor but it is not considered an electric.



From Jason Miller on February 28, 2014 :: 10:10 pm

Panasonic is the best.



From Ted on April 01, 2014 :: 10:54 am

I own the Braun 790cc and the Philips RQ1285 and 2.5 year old Panasonic 4 blade (not sure of the model) I have to say that the Panasonic is by fat the closest and quickest shave out of the three. I purchased the Braun 8 months ago after the blades in my panasonic went a little dull as it was on special and the sales person at shaver shop was very convincing. While I enjoyed the smaller and smart looking Braun, I was uncertain if I was experiencing a close shave like the panasonic when it was new. I decided to buy new blades for the panasonic and test for 7 days using the Braun and Panasonic on left/right side of my face. The panasonic wins hands down as less passes to clear the stubble and did end up being the closer shave even after multiple passes with the Braun. My son broke his Philips shaver so I gave him the Braun as I was getting a better shave from the Panasonic. My panasonic went missing during a holiday to Bali and I suspect that the room service guy liked the look of it. I had been using an electric for three years and had to buy another as soon as possible. Harvey Norman only had the Philips and reviews seemed pretty good. Well I’m 14 days into using the philips and have to say that I’m not enjoying the lomger time as almost 3 minutes longer that the foil shavers to clear the stubble. While the overall result is pretty good, the philips to date does not do so good under the chin. I will keep trying for another 7 days and if things don’t improve then I will be taking philips up on the refund guarantee. At this stage I can see myself buying the latest 5 blade panasonic as that brand seemed to be the best of the three mentioned here due to being quickest close shave, longest battery life and easiest to clean.



From Frank on April 05, 2014 :: 7:19 pm

It ultimately comes down to which of the 2 technologies you prefer, which one of them suits your skin best. In my opinion Philips 1280x is probably the best electric shaver around, as probably will be for a while if Panasonic doesn’t come up with something fine tuned.



From David on June 06, 2014 :: 6:51 am

I’ve just purchased a Panasonic ES-LV65-s and it is by far the best electric razor I’ve ever owned.



From Josh Kirschner on June 06, 2014 :: 12:00 pm

We were obviously very impressed with it in our testing, and it’s great to hear you’ve had the same experience.



From Gerry Bustamante on June 23, 2014 :: 4:35 pm

I have tried all variations, from Remington, Philips, Braun and now Panasonic.  I thought that Braun was the best option, however, now I can honestly say that the Panasonic ES-LV65 is the very best by a long shot!  My skin feels so smooth after using it, unlike the Braun that I was using before, which gave me a 5:00pm shadow after midday.  Well done Panasonic, you have produced a terrific shaver!!!



From armin on July 25, 2014 :: 7:04 am

i want to buy a shaver and now i am confused
what is the diffrences between lv61 or 65 or 81 or 95 ?

which model is better and shave live gillette ?




From Josh Kirschner on July 25, 2014 :: 3:05 pm

The main difference between the LV65 and the LV61 is that the LV65 has a “stubble sensor” that automatically detects your beard’s density and adjusts the shaver’s motor speed to optimize cutting ability. While this provides a slightly better shave with the LV65, the LV61 is also an excellent choice if you want to save some money.

The LV81 and LV95 are identical to the LV61 and LV65, respectively, as far as the shavers. The only difference is the automatic cleaning kit and charger they come with (not worth the extra cost, IMHO).



From armin on July 26, 2014 :: 2:11 am


thanks MR JOSH KIRSCHNER for your guidance

in our country there is not much diffrence between price of lv61 and lv65

my beard grows very soon and wears full of m face

in the last , you suggest me buy lv61 or lv65 to get the close and comfortable shave ?

thanls thanks thanks a lot



From get a razor on September 24, 2014 :: 5:13 am

For years i saw my husband keep on changing razors but, like a year he didn’t make any move. Actually i didn’t bother to look why is it so. After reading your post now it’s clear. Guess what, he is using Arc5 ES-LV65-S.



From Bob Hill on November 13, 2014 :: 12:02 pm


I stumbled upon this review after I had purchased the shaver online and I am glad I did. It came yesterday in the mail and I love it.



From Bob on December 29, 2014 :: 9:40 am

Its year end 2014. Stumbled upon a reasonably priced Panasonic Arc4 4-Blade ES-LA93-K (US$ 170 & 40% discount on Cleaning & Charging Station till 12-31-2014) with good reviews AND Braun Series 7 799cc-7 - is brand new - need your opinion on which betters the Panasonic Arc5 ES-LV65-S. Perhaps there is a new Arc5 that shadows LV65-S. Comments, advice solicited.



From Josh Kirschner on January 09, 2015 :: 4:11 pm

Sorry for getting back to you a little late here. All you mentioned are excellent shavers. The Panasonic Arc 5 models outperform the Arc 4s, though you would be happy with either line. If you want to save some money versus the LV65, the ES-LV61-A in the Arc 5 line we mention above is very close in performance, but will run about $100 less. I believe the 799cc has the same head as the 790cc above, so I would expect very similar performance.

So if you want to “best”, our recommendation still stands. However, you won’t be disappointed if you save money with the other models you mentioned.



From petermartin10585 on January 09, 2015 :: 6:38 am

I absolutely LOVE the Rotary Electric Shaver.A electric shavers is an excellent means of shaving.



From zakariya on May 06, 2017 :: 8:46 am

After trying many types of shavers and products in college, my preference if for Philips rotary shavers. I have a good one that has lasted me for over two years.



From Best Electric Shavers on January 15, 2015 :: 7:58 am

After trying many types of shavers and products in college, my preference if for Philips rotary shavers. I have a good one that has lasted me for over two years.



From John on January 31, 2015 :: 4:35 pm

Right now on Amazon, the LV65 is $390 and the LV61 is on sale at $150. If the stubble sensor is the only real difference between the two, and the LV65 only provides a very slightly better shave I don’t see any reason to spend $240 more for something I may hardly notice. Would you agree?



From Mike on February 06, 2015 :: 8:49 pm

If you plan to wet shave with the Panasonic, the stubble sensor won’t matter. It’s designed for use dry. I have the 61. It uses the same head as the 65/95.



From John on January 31, 2015 :: 5:14 pm

I want to add to my previous comment that I have been a loyal Braun user for 20 years. In the last few years though, their foil heads have become junk. They dull quickly and require frequent replacement. Not like the Braun of prior years. I am hoping switching to Panasonic will make me a happy shaver again.



From JP on February 28, 2015 :: 5:26 pm

As with anything in life, it all comes down to personal choice and electric shavers are no exception. I have used rotary razors since last 10 years (mostly Philips) and occasionally use safety razors when i feel to make my shaving a different experience. They work extremely well on my sensitive skin especially new Norelco range, which are technologically brilliant than their predecessors.

Have to agree with previous comment on the declining quality of foil shavers though. I have noticed this as a trend across the foil range and brands than just specific to Braun.



From Phillip on May 05, 2015 :: 10:11 am

This shaver has a big head, though it is a little bit polished than most Panasonic shavers. Looks nice though



From Frank on July 04, 2015 :: 11:42 am

This generation of Panasonic shavers is definitely an upgrade in comfort and quality. Totally worth a try!



From Agaba Deborah on July 07, 2015 :: 4:25 am

so nice



From Brad on August 11, 2015 :: 11:26 am

Just bought this because wet-shaving your head with a cartridge razor several times a week is an expensive hassle, and the internet says this thing does a good job of shaving your head.



From Josh Kirschner on August 11, 2015 :: 1:23 pm

We only tested on bottoms of heads, not tops, so curious to know how it works for you.



From sandrine on September 04, 2015 :: 9:23 pm

hello i am french women i have website aubout electric shaver,thank you for this informative post.



From Ieuan on September 08, 2015 :: 10:12 am

I’ve been a huge fan of the Norelco for several years now. It definitely offers a great shave and durable razor for the price.



From Cody on October 19, 2015 :: 8:45 am

What’s the best for sensitive skin the 3D sensotouch or the 9300 norelco



From Lee on November 25, 2015 :: 8:57 am

Can anyone compare the LV65 to the new Series 9 shavers.
My Arc 4 has been dropped and no longer works , was going to get the LV65 then notired Braun have had these new shavers out for just under a year.



From Josh Kirschner on November 25, 2015 :: 1:17 pm

We haven’t had a chance to test the Braun Series 9 yet. When we did our test with the Panasonic Arc 5 vs the Series 7, we preferred the Panasonic, but it was close. The Braun Series 9 is a step up from the Series 7 with a claimed faster shaving mechanism.

User reviews on Amazon indicate people have been very happy with the Series 9 and some, who are familiar with both, suggest is a slight improvement over the Series 7: See Braun Series 9 shaver reviews and price on Amazon.

Does that mean it is better than the Panasonic Arc 5? We can’t say until we’ve tested it, but we would predict the shaving results are very similar. And users have been very satisfied with the Arc 5, as well. If you were happy with your LV65, I don’t see a compelling reason to switch. But if you do, let us know what you think.



From Robert on December 09, 2015 :: 11:40 am

I used to always buy Remington shavers, I used to swear by them, but then a while back they completely redesigned them to this cheap black shaver and they don’t work well at all.  I’ve been looking for a new shaver for some time now, maybe I’ll try the Panasonic.



From Jacky on December 30, 2015 :: 3:20 am

It is really a good shaver, I would like to try it out, thanks



From JP Magbiray on August 13, 2016 :: 8:24 pm

I have to say this razor is the best electric razor I have owned so far got this at for a good price. At first I was skeptical based on all electric razors are the same… I was wrong. After using this to replace my previous Braun Wet & Dry shaver with 3 foils… This dominates with a smoother shave and cleaner look & feel.. It takes about the same time to shave overall but the results a better.



From CD on May 01, 2017 :: 10:50 am

Panasonic Arc5 ES-LV65-S is very nice and worth for money but in generally it’s a little costly. Not yet test it in reality but from spec, I can imagzine what it can do and how perfectly it work



From Josh Kirschner on May 01, 2017 :: 12:28 pm

We loved the Arc 5, but if you want to save
money, its sibling, the Panasonic Arc 3, was our pick for the Best Shaver under $100: 3



From Barry on March 25, 2018 :: 10:47 am

The Panasonic Arc5 ES-LV65-S is a solid pick, but I prefer the Braun Series 9 9095cc.

The Panasonic Arc5 has a really clumpy head, and the 4 foils seem like overkill to me. The Philips SensoTouch looks good, but I’m not a big fan of rotary shavers, as I don’t like the buffering motion - much prefer the traditional up / down shaving motion that foil shavers offer.

The Braun series 9 is voted best shave in the UK - maybe Panasonic is more popular in the US.

Either way, both are as good as it gets for men’s electric shavers.


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