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Get Your Book Published for Free and Get Paid

by Steve Morgenstern on February 10, 2011

Amazon's free self-publishing services, Kindle Direct Publishing and CreateSpace, let you unleash your manuscript on the market and get up to 70% royalties.

For eBooks, the Kindle Direct Publishing process is reasonably simple. You need a book manuscript in Microsoft Word format. and a cover design, saved as a JPEG or TIFF file. (I created one, with a $15 photo from and Photoshop Elements, in about half an hour.) At that point you follow the steps provided by Amazon to convert and preview your book, then upload it.

You set the pricing, within minimal size and policy guidelines. If your price is between $2.99 and $9.99, you are probably eligible for a 70% royalty rate. For higher-priced books, you get 35%.

Within a few hours, your work will be available for sale in the most popular eBook format out there. And given the broad reach of Kindle apps, readers can enjoy the fruits of your labors on iPhone, iPod and iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7, Windows PC and Mac.

If you still crave the feel of a real printed book in your hands. Amazon has a separate service to meet that need, called CreateSpace. This is a print-on-demand system, where books are printed and bound as they are ordered. Royalty rates are lower than with Kindle, and the setup process is more complicated (but still free).

The end result: your book is available via Amazon, right up there with the Tom Clancys and Stephen Kings of the world. Authors get substantial discounts for copies they buy themselves, a key consideration if you’re planning to use your book as a business-building tool. And you retain all rights to your work, so if your brilliant self-published novel develops a following, you’re entirely free to sign that big contract with Random House.


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From Matt D. on February 10, 2011 :: 10:47 am

I have found an international alternative to Kindle Direct Publishing: It’s called The platform enables everybody to upload and sell his eBooks online and worldwide. It’s free of costs and you get paid per download (70% royalty rate). Great as additional sales channel!



From Kitty Dyer on September 07, 2019 :: 9:29 am

This site is no longer working.  Also it is next to impossible to get your work seen on Amazon.  There are too many others there.  Only the “big” names are included in their lists or reviews so your work is never seen by anyone or sold for that matter.



From Darju Prasetya on June 27, 2020 :: 8:36 am

But I can’t make design cover



From John Newell on February 10, 2011 :: 11:58 am

Seems like a great program for me but the site doesn’t allow me to register. Is this because the program is only available to Americans?



From JOHN N OMAMBIA on December 06, 2018 :: 7:07 am

I am a new author looking forward to publishing a book.Besides offering free publishing services, which any other facility shall i benefit from your publishing house,kind reply requested.



From SANWAR on December 05, 2021 :: 9:02 am

Sleep produces silence. Silence of deep sleep provides energy, strength and stamina. If you cannot sleep you cannot recover the lost energy spent during the working day. So, sleep is life essential. It is like oxygen to the life. A good sleep produces a better performance. Be someone a cricketer, a student, a teacher, an executive, and a sportsman. Sleep enhances the productivity. The contribution of good sleep cannot be denied or undermined.
For example, Team Owners of football, boxing, baseball, rugby, wrestling basketball, volleyball, cricket and Olympic Games spend lots of money for trainer, physiotherapist, equipments etc. for improving the performance of sportspersons and on the scheduled day of the event, the person fails miserably despite having a past impressive record to compete with the rival – means all the effort and money spent are lost. It is because the person did not have a good night’s sleep. Sleep restores energy; sleep enhances stamina; sleep injects strength and sleep recovers physical and mental tiredness. During restful sleep, cells heal and detoxify, and the body gets ready for the coming day.
It has been observed more often that ambitious students despite studying hard to pass out with high grade in the final test/examination after spending lots of money on coaching institutions, books, educational software but they perform miserably poor; because they failed to have a good night’s sleep/sleeplessness before the scheduled date of test/examination. We should not underestimate the sleep’s potential contribution in the event. Sleep is the most important contributing factor to repair, regenerate and achieve success.
Among bad behavior of people anger ranks the uppermost. Anger alone can bring the downfall of the person no other negative trait is required. Did you notice that during anger, the breathing becomes fast because we take short breaths. As a result less oxygen reaches the body. Oxygen shortage causes irritability, erases good behavior and upsets the mood. The real reason is nothing else but poor sleep, which produces anger, impatience and lack of energy. Healthy sleep patterns are associated with positive personality characteristics.
One may be tempted to get good sleep after reading its several benefits. But you cannot buy sleep. It is not a commodity of trade or an article of commerce. Therefore, through this title, I am selling sleep and reaching the reader all what he needs to get a quality sleep. This book tells all the tricks and techniques of a good sleep.



From abigale on April 28, 2020 :: 4:02 pm

it wont let me sighn up either



From Musafare Takaendesa Mupanduki on April 29, 2021 :: 8:49 pm

Religion is the highest magnitude of a peoples’ culture. Therefore for an African to accept Christianity or Islam is tantamount to deculturizing her/himself. God has no religion and is neither an Arab nor a European. After all, religion is a system of beliefs and practices in a deity through intermediaries who may be saints or other entities.
The Western systems are not working for the Africans and that explains why Africa, despite its enormous resources remains the poorest continent in this world. Africans must therefore craft new economic and political systems base on modernizing African culture,



From steve on July 27, 2021 :: 10:33 am

America’s Politicians try to say our Foreign aid is peanuts, but tNot true. America gives hundreds of Billion’s to every country in the world.

There even giving American workers taxes to every European country the likes of Germany, France, England, Holland, and continents like Africa etc.
Totally out of control. Shitheads are running the United States ‘All of Them’. Pass this around to your friends and neighbors who worked hard all their lives, just so USA Govt. can give the fruits of their labor away.

This Really Sucks. I sat eliminate ALL FOREIGN AID and give it back to the tax payer who erned it.

It crosses all political parties since it has been going on since 1945

So don’t complain your country is on the list



From stephen on February 17, 2011 :: 4:56 pm

Really useful for business. However, there’s also the danger of authors posting crappy and re-hashed content just for the sake of putting a book out there and getting potential leads.



From Melissa Bowersock on March 04, 2011 :: 9:52 am

I have published several books thru Create Space, both older books of mine that had gone out of print and new books that I recently finished. The quality is great and the sales channels are extensive. The marketing all falls to the writer, but since most publishers do minimal marketing except for blockbusters, there’s no difference here. Create Space is great—quick, easy and affordable. I love it.



From INNOCENT AJEGBA on November 13, 2018 :: 10:47 am




From Kitty Dyer on December 08, 2018 :: 7:25 pm

Create Space is closed and the move to Kindle is frustrating.  I have not been successful.  Besides I do not like Kindle as well.



From Gayle on April 17, 2011 :: 5:22 pm

Thanks for the information. I have been thinking about e-book publishing on Amazon. Your post helps make it a little less intimidating.



From theresa lynn albarracin on January 17, 2012 :: 12:52 pm

yes im writing a book and i need a book publisher that will publish my book and i could get paid for it im trying to go back to school for fashion and other thing keep getting me down and im trying to find ways for money but im keep getting in the jam. have u got any idealsz for what im getting into besides going to school . im trying to c about getting my music on the line to no car i dont have many friends in arbuckle ca. 95912 how do i go about this lopve awaysz theresa lynn albarracin



From Hal Schuller Casas on August 19, 2019 :: 2:13 pm

Hello Theresa Lynn Albarracin,

As we say in Spanish:

‘La peor gestion es la que que no se hace’

The worst thing to do is not to do anything at all.

I have translated many books in my life for authors and what I often wind up being is to be a Ghost Writer which means that I have to improve the books I translate. I would say it is the main reason people choose me to translate a book.

There are various places on the internet who publish books free and even getting published by the not greatest of publishers it is a thousand percent better than not being published at all. -And as they say in English: ‘Beggars cannot be choosers.
I try to find on the internet the free publishers on Amazon and Kindle. They will put your work on the internet for people to buy and you can also buy some of the printed books they will have for you at a great discount for you to sell to your friends without the discount.

My publisher always checks my wierd punctuation…

I might suggest that when you write anything that has to do with anything important ... that you have someone else spell-check your writing before you send it in or to give a better impression. 
Remember… first impressions are lasting.


Harold Schuller Casas

Hollywood, Florida
954 270 4827



From Gerri Robinson on December 17, 2019 :: 12:29 am

I’m in need of some help. I’ve written a complete novel and unable to get it published through any company and don’t have any financial funds to have it self-published myself. I’m living paycheck to paycheck. I’m trying to not to give up any hope.

I need help and advice. I just happened to run across this page while I give myself one last look of hope that I can find a way to try again of finding another solution.

Thank you for your help.

Gerri Robinson
Union City, GA



From James Spruce on October 18, 2020 :: 10:59 am

60,000 words and I need publishing. Money also.


From Tony on July 27, 2021 :: 10:37 am

Ebooks and Soft cover publishing are free and amazon will do the publishing. Eboob royalty is 70%
Paper book royalty is 35% royalty to you


From Gladys Hannigan on August 21, 2022 :: 4:14 pm

Regarding self publish I did a self publish last year and I paid like $4000 and more that I saved real hard for over a year and lived paycheck to paycheck to pay little by little as well still am strangling I get it on YouTube and a newsletter and it was a total failure I put more money than what I got back because third-party Amazon and Barnes & Noble‘s doesn’t pay the only way was if when they buy it through the publishing company itself I used Xulon press I felt hurt as well the only good thing was that I did it before my mom passed away and I wanted her to have a copy so everybody bought from Amazon and Barnes & Noble that didn’t benefit me I currently finish my second book now when I’m reading through this create space for kindle I might try that as I’m trying to get somewhere but now I’m hearing that I can’t be creative it doesn’t work as I’m reading these comments as well God bless you I hope this helps I know how we can lose hope and want to give up, don’t give up!
I am a singer songwriter been struggling for 20 years I just did a little mini clip song it’s in the Internet as well it’s hard it really is hard and everybody wants money money money no true faithful people at all


From Karry Huffman on February 10, 2020 :: 10:05 pm

I need someone to tell my story. Im not that good at writing but i want to get my story out so that it might help others.I grew up in a Christian home. Ive been beat, molested ext: on life support 13 times. If your interested let me know.  Thanks



From Ifeyinwa Jennifer Chukwuemeka on May 23, 2020 :: 1:54 am

My elder sister is a big writer, author, inspirational writer and a journalist.
She can help you.


From tony on July 27, 2021 :: 10:39 am

it’s the right thing to do.


From Rachel on February 26, 2022 :: 1:09 pm

I am interested in speaking with you further, if you are still in the market!



From Chinwe Anajemba on May 07, 2020 :: 12:51 pm

My book is based on a true life story. My major character, Odinaka, born outside wedlock, pawned to aunty and Aunty’s husband, tortured, dehumanized, so poorly educated, picked clothes and shoes from dumps to wear, raped by a mad man, ate food remained by a dogdue to starvation. sexually violated and age 5. Saved at 19 years by a sweet twist of fate.
Pls let’s publish sh this.



From shabam on October 23, 2020 :: 2:13 pm

hi there
i am an author from Iran. would u help me plz to traslate my book



From Nathaniel Jennings on January 29, 2021 :: 10:59 am

Hi I wrote for a local news paper. Haven’t done that in a while. Self published my first book myself, but looking forward to write more. The process is difficult if you don’t have the finances these days. Can I trust Amazon? How does it really work?



From Jessi on September 29, 2020 :: 10:31 am

Wah wah wah, I’m a victim. Feel sorry for me and take pity and do all the work for me for free.. because I want to go back to school, but it’s everyone else’s fault I can’t do anything. Everyone feel sorry for me!



From Nickolas Stradley on June 20, 2012 :: 6:25 pm

Thank you for this! my wife has wanted to publish her work for years now! we just couldnt afford it… but finally a way thats free! thank you soooo much!!!



From CHARLES THIBAULT on June 06, 2015 :: 5:09 pm




From Max Muldoon on July 20, 2019 :: 11:00 pm

Why are you not trying?  Your post here should say:  I have published my book: “The Tales of Bookness” and I have it in ebook form on Amazon.  I am without the resources to do any marketing, and am seeking someone to help and will compensate with a cut of each sale…
At least try to be a little more out there… even with your posts…



From PArlinsmith on August 09, 2012 :: 9:56 am

I want my works published, but i don’t have anough to pay for the publishers fee, will I be published and be allowed to pay from the sales latter?



From Jessica on September 29, 2020 :: 10:33 am

So.. save your money? Get a better job? Do some freelance work and use the money for marketing and publishing?? Hello? Why are y’all so damn helpless? It’s honestly vomit inducing.



From Melissa Bowersock on August 09, 2012 :: 10:21 am

For physical books, you can’t beat Create Space for self-publishing. You can literally publish for the cost of a proof book and shipping, maybe $10. There are other services you can buy as well—editing, cover design, expanded distribution—but you don’t have to. For all formats of e-readers, Smashwords is great. You format your book one time, upload it (for free) and they convert it to ALL forms of e-readers. With both of these places, you set the retail price and your royalties are paid according to that.



From Kitty Dyer on January 08, 2019 :: 7:50 pm

Create space is gone, and Kindle does not fill the bill very well. Sorry.



From steve russell on December 05, 2012 :: 11:21 pm

my 43 years in the school profession.real life stories of children and staff in a school.corruption that exist in our schools.



From Ron on July 06, 2013 :: 12:38 pm

I am a poet. I would like to publish my poems. I found that Lithasa is also doing the poem publishing. I found about lithasa in an article and also seen a guy talking about lithasa in a big way. They are good. they have defined a new publishing format and the design is so good. But have guys know about it? let me know. I am thinking to publish my poems and atleast earn what I deserve rather giving them to some publisher who don’t even care about me.
This is their website.



From Dawnie on September 30, 2015 :: 1:46 pm

I also have been trying to get my poetry book published but all I found is self publishing companies that want an arm and a leg for offering very little in return.  I’ve been writing short novels since I was 13 and poetry since 17.  Been looking for a true publisher.  One that doesn’t charge me for MY work, yet pays me if they sell. And allows me to keep all rights to my work.
I almost fit screwed once, don’t want to again.



From cheryl honeycutt on September 06, 2013 :: 10:49 pm

My “book” is more of a long story, 52 pages typed in Word, using a 12pt font.  It’s about 24,000 words, too long to be considered a true short-story.  Does anyone know the best place to market something like this?  Thanks for any help.



From Karen Mcardle on December 16, 2013 :: 6:13 pm

I am so delighted i looked and found this site grin



From Bob Mrogrossi on April 17, 2018 :: 6:44 pm

I’m a first time writer. A fiction that could be true. 190 pages. Is it possible to talk with you about getting it published.

My phone number is 716-957-0545. i can be reached
noon to midnight.

Thank you for your help.
Bob Meogrossi



From Dawn Whittington Carr on December 27, 2013 :: 1:23 pm

Looks like I might be closer to my dream than I thought.



From dandy ahuruonye on January 31, 2014 :: 11:11 am

Do I need to copyright or patent manuscripts before publishing? How do I go about this? Manuscript ready. I have a proofreader. Just need full info on copyright and or patent, and full details about print & publishing. I also have a few children’s stories for publishing.  Thanks



From Josh Kirschner on January 31, 2014 :: 11:49 am

Copyrights protect creative works, whereas patents protect inventions and applications. So for your children’s stories, you would be interested in copyright.

You don’t actually have to do anything to copyright your works - they are automatically copyrighted. However, it probably is a wise idea to include a copyright notice (“Copyright 2012 - John Doe”) since it doesn’t take any extra effort and may help prevent “inadverent” infringement and weaken your advisary’s position should you need to go to court.

For additional protection, you can register your copyright with the Library of Congress. A copyright registration establishes a public record of the copyright and also makes you eligible for additional damages and attorney’s fees in court. For a site like Techlicious that publishes thousands of articles, registering each one isn’t practical. But if you’re just publishing a couple of books, it may be worth the small effort and cost. More info on registering your copyright:

Disclosure: I am not an attorney. I don’t even play one on TV. So be sure to consult an attorney if you want actual, real legal advice for your situation.



From Carmella Abramczyk on September 21, 2020 :: 1:06 pm




From tiyari on July 23, 2014 :: 6:47 am

Hello,  I have a book for publication when you publish it will I be paid?



From Joanna on October 21, 2014 :: 6:48 pm

I’m on my book my third book but have writers block. I want to finish and publish book how long does it take ad where do we write information?



From johnson on July 11, 2015 :: 1:44 pm

i have a good Africa story writeup titled MOUNTAIN OF ANGELS…its a true life story i need help…who or where to publish free while i get paid.



From Tamitra Roberts-Edwards on July 13, 2015 :: 6:09 pm

I need help getting my book published. I really need help getting everything done right. Phone 936 332 1766. Please give me a call so we can talk.



From Elder Spratley on September 21, 2015 :: 11:37 am

how can I get my book publish
for free


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