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VidMob: Your Videos, Professionally Edited Easily & Affordably

by Elizabeth Harper on November 24, 2015

VidMobThe ubiquity of smartphones with high resolution video capture ability have turned us all into videographers who can capture crisp, clear video of everything happening around us. However, there’s still one thing we amateur videographers need: a good video editor. And while technology has made it easier than ever for us to catch high-quality footage of our family vacation, our best friend’s wedding, or our summer road trip, editing our video clips together into something watchable is still a challenge that requires a specialized skill-set… and not one that every smartphone-wielding videographer has.

Certainly, most smartphones now offer basic video editing features hand in hand with video capture. However, these simple editors don’t go very far — especially not if you want to string together multiple videos or otherwise turn your footage into something special. While you could spend the time — and money — to learn how to do this yourself, there’s now another way: VidMob, which easily lets you outsource your editing projects to a professional video editor for a small fee. And if you’re short on time or simply not interested in picking up a new tech skill, this is a service that is well worth it.

Using VidMob — like taking video with your smartphone — is simple. Just upload the video (or videos) you want edited to VidMob’s servers. You can upload multiple videos of your own — pulled directly from your phone’s camera roll, Facebook or Dropbox — and also solicit photos and videos from friends to add to your project. Once your videos and photos are uploaded, you describe the project and wait for professional editors to bid on it. When you’ve picked the editor you like best, you can chat with them about the project and, finally, you’ll receive an email when your project is complete. Now isn’t that easier than picking up video design in your spare time?

VidMob is currently available on iPhone only, but an Android version and an online version are coming soon. The app itself is free, but editing costs will vary depending on the complexity of your video project and the editor you choose to put it together.


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