As smartphones get smarter, the same security risks we have been facing for years with our computers—viruses, rogue applications, phishing scams—are now becoming more common on our phones. To help us combat these risks, Symantec just released a beta version of Norton Smartphone Security for Android.
Norton Smartphone Security scans files and apps you download for threats. It's impossible for me to test its effectiveness now, because there are so few known threats around. But testing labs have consistently rated Norton products highly when it comes to PC protection.
In addition, Norton Smartphone Security allows you to remotely lock or wipe your phone if it is lost or stolen. You create your own lock/wipe code and then send a text message to your phone to activate it. Symantec says that the code will work even if the SIM card has been removed.
Finally, Norton Smartphone Security claims to prevent unwanted phone calls and text messages. Gee, and I was just starting to enjoy the those Viagra discount texts...
Norton Smartphone Security is available through the Android Markekplace and requires Android 2.0 or later. It is free during the beta period and Symantec has not yet announced pricing or a final release date.
From JHarland on June 11, 2010 :: 6:13 pm
there is no virus or malware. just some bad apps that user should be careful for themselves with permissions.
the real issue is loss and theft and products like wavesecure and mobile defense does a fantastic job.