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Soma Innofit Bra Will Help You Find Your Perfect Fit

by Anna Bell on January 15, 2019

As many as 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra, but the Soma Innofit smart bra  (one of our Top Picks for CES 2019) can change that. It’s a wearable, Bluetooth-enabled device that finds the perfect fitting bra for you — and all you have to do is put it on. There’s no guesswork, no measuring tape, and no time spent in the dressing room.

To use the Innofit, all you have to do is connect the bra to the companion app via Bluetooth. Then, put the Innofit on over your current bra, so you don't have to be naked during the process. Finally, tap "Measure" in the app to make the Innofit take four specific measurements — three lines around your body and then one directly under your cups — in order to determine your bra size. The app tells you both those exact measurements and your perfect bra size.

The sizes suggested follow the sizing system we're all familiar with, so you can go to any store you'd like armed with the information you need. The app also suggests a number of bras in that size from Soma's various lines of products, because of course it does. Soma does caution that, due to production variations your fit may not be as exact with other brands as it would be if you stuck with them.

You can also use the Innofit repeatedly. Eventually, the batteries will die and you'll have to buy a new one eventually. You can keep your own in order to deal with natural fluctuations or hand it off to a very close friend. Weight gain or loss, pregnancy and nursing, the Soma Innofit has your back – and front.

Soma will offer the Soma Innnofit for a special sale price of $25 initially, with a regular retail price of $59. People purchasing will also receive $25 off a new Soma bra. It's on sale online now at, and will be available in stores starting January 23.

[Image credit: Soma, Techlicious]


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