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$149 Slingbox M1 Streams Live TV to Your Mobile Device

by Fox Van Allen on July 16, 2014

Slingbox M1Let’s face it: Your cable company doesn’t want you watching live TV on your mobile device. A nasty mess of contracts, copyright law and court rulings gives giant media corporations like Comcast huge power over how their content is delivered. Even with many cable companies offering their own mobile viewing apps, getting the exact show you want when you want it is often impossible.

There is a legal solution to the problem, however: Meet the Slingbox M1, a WiFi-enabled set-top box that offers full remote access to pay TV subscriptions for just $149.99 with no monthly service fees.

Sling boxes legally capture the TV signal from any cable or satellite provider and make it available for remote viewing on smartphones, tablets, Macs and PCs, or even on another television via Apple TV or Roku. You can watch live TV and recorded content alike from any channel you subscribe to without restriction. It’s great for frequent travelers and even better for college students – they get access to your full home cable or satellite subscription without having to pay a monthly fee or get a costly subscription of their own.

The Slingbox M1 won’t let you cut the cable cord completely – the box is useless without a pay TV subscription. What it will do, however, is allow you to make the most out of your existing service. If you want to watch TV anywhere, a Slingbox is one of the best – and now most cost-effective – ways of doing it.

You can learn more about the Slingbox M1 or order your own by visiting the Sling website.


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