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How Tech Savvy Are You? Take the Quiz

by Fox Van Allen on August 07, 2014

Young child with tabletWhere do you fall on the tech savvy scale? There’s now a test you can take to find out.

Ofcom, the English telecommunications regulatory agency, recently created a digital literacy quiz to measure people’s awareness of technology and communications. It gave the test to 800 children and 2,000 adults, asking about apps, Google Glass, smartwatches and other cutting-edge tech. Each participant was then assigned a “digital quotient” score.

The agency found that 14- and 15-year-olds are the most tech savvy, averaging the highest scores – around 113. (The average was 100.) Six-year-olds and the average 45-year-old have about the same level of confidence around technology, clocking in slightly under 100.

Curious about how you stack up? Ofcom has put an abbreviated version of their digital literacy quiz online. Completing the test only takes a few minutes and you can get your score instantly.

Take the quiz and let us know how you did in the comments below!

[Child with tablet via Shutterstock]


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From Mr Charles Kenneth Webb on August 08, 2014 :: 9:24 pm

I got 124 and I am 57



From Kimberley on August 08, 2014 :: 9:44 pm

at 57, I’m okay with my score!



From Dayna Thomas on August 08, 2014 :: 11:51 pm


Not everyone has a need for or can afford a smartphone and a smartwatch and the plethora of digital gadgets that redundantly do all the same things.

I have a laptop and very fast WIFI at home.  WIFI is available almost anywhere.  So why should I pay for a smartphone and a tablet and a smartwatch and etc. etc. etc.??? 

I have a cell phone, it makes phone calls.  That is its function.  That’s all I need it to do.  think I used a total of 10 minutes all last year.  If I want to know what time it is, I look at my watch, which is wind-up (no batteries, never goes dead, never has to be charged).  If I want to watch television I turn on my television.  If I want to listen to music I turn on my stereo.

The amount of money I have saved by not acquiring all these gadgets adds up to thousands of dollars a year, which I can use for other things, or save for the future.



From Tom Visser on August 09, 2014 :: 7:08 am




From Ron Ablang on August 09, 2014 :: 7:13 am

117 for me.



From GR on August 09, 2014 :: 7:21 am

I’m 71 and I work in a technical profession.  I’m sure that is why my score is above average.  It would have been higher except I chose to never watch TV and I certainly CAN imagine what life would be like without technology—I’ve lived that life.



From joanna on August 09, 2014 :: 9:45 am

Wow I thought it would be lower! I had to hit “disagree” to the statement “I wouldn’t know what to do without technology” which probably lowers your score but how sad if you had to strongly agree!



From Kathy on August 09, 2014 :: 2:20 pm




From Carlyn on August 09, 2014 :: 5:23 pm

I scored 125 which is above-average and at least better than the 14 year old, lol



From Jewel Dickson on August 09, 2014 :: 11:21 pm

I think your numbers are off.  I am 68 and I scored a 129.  I have lots of tech savy friends including my husband who is 71.  He writes a satirical blog.  When I took this test no where was I asked my age!



From David Miller on August 10, 2014 :: 5:08 am

Im 72 and scored 128. Some questions don’t have correct options for my understanding of technology. Would have done a lot better with correct options.



From Phillip Cunningham on August 10, 2014 :: 5:44 pm

121 - not bad for a 55 year old baby boomer



From Marta S. on August 11, 2014 :: 10:41 pm

Well, it said nothing about wi-fi, so my score would have been higher than 112 average..rats!



From Malke Roth on August 12, 2014 :: 5:28 am

Your DQ Score is:
above average

I’m not really surprised, I actually thought I’d score even higher.
I’m very into technology and love figuring things out.
I wouldn’t manage more then 2 days w/out technology.
I think the quiz could have been a lot harder, this was more like a questionnaire, it should have asked questions, like what does TB stand for etc…



From nbh1767 on August 12, 2014 :: 1:33 pm

Kind of shocked, but I scored 123



From Angela Weaver on August 13, 2014 :: 1:52 am

I scored 135 on the quiz and I am 49 (will be 50 on August 30th). I am thrilled with my grafe!



From Anna Bornino-Glusac on August 13, 2014 :: 2:14 am

I only scored 105, but the average for my age group (65-69) is 89. Not too bad for an older woman!



From Susan House on August 15, 2014 :: 1:10 am

I’m pretty happy with that score!



From Julia on August 19, 2014 :: 2:22 pm

I think I did pretty well for my age. My score: 130.
Since the 1980’s I have used technology in education and taught other teachers how to use it to help students learn and as a productivity tool for teaching. I like learning about new tech and using it though I do not have all the new devices such as a 3D printer or Google glasses. I read a lot of tech newsletters.



From Maria Powers on August 20, 2014 :: 8:45 pm

122-above average



From David Smith on January 25, 2015 :: 12:08 pm

I got a 126 just because I don’t have a smartphone. I’m also 51 years old, but I got my first computer in 1977.



From bestAvisor on February 07, 2017 :: 5:31 am

I got 140, well done??


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