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Mobile Manners are Getting Worse

by Terrence O'Brien on February 28, 2011

According to a recent Intel survey, 75 percent of adults believe our mobile etiquette is getting worse. A whopping 91 percent report having seen people "misuse" mobile technology, like talking on the phone while driving. The poll of 2,000 people found that not only do 92 percent of people wish that others practiced better etiquette when it comes to their cell phones, but that bad etiquette has created a new road rage-like tendency aimed at those with poor etiquette. Oddly, but not surprisingly, only 19 percent admit to having poor mobile manners themselves.

On average, respondents reported seeing five violations of mobile etiquette each day, with driving while on the phone topping the list of annoyances. The top mobile etiquette gripes continue to be the use of mobile devices while driving (73 percent), talking on a device loudly in public places (65 percent), and using a mobile device while walking on the street (28 percent). Stunningly, 25 percent reported having seen someone use a laptop while driving, which is beyond dangerous.

Much of the technology that allows us to be constantly connected is relatively new. Remember, it was only five years ago that flip phones with cameras were cutting edge handsets. We're still developing standards for what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior when using mobile technology, but here are a few general tips for not annoying those around you:

  • Keep the volume down - Nobody else is interested in your conversation. If background noise is a problem your call can wait until you're someplace quieter.
  • Do not text and walk - Texting and walking may be less dangerous than texting and driving, but it's no less irritating. If your SMS really can't wait, step out of the way of other pedestrians and send your message before continuing.
  • Keep your ringer off - As a general rule, if you're indoors and you're not at home, put your phone on vibrate.
  • Don't interrupt your face to face conversation - Don't be afraid to ignore a call when talking to some one in real life. And chances are that text message isn't an emergency. Leave the phone in your pocket until an appropriate time to respond.
  • If you are waiting for an important call or message, tell the person you're with that you're expecting one so they can expect an interruption.
  • Take both earphones out when speaking to someone in person.


Phones and Mobile, News, Blog

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From Hands Free guy on February 28, 2011 :: 10:03 pm

Wouldn’t it be lovely if people realized that modern cell phones have mic amplifiers so that yelling into the device isn’t necessary for the other party to hear them. My soul for a portable jamming device.


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