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Make a Custom Haggadah for Your Seder

by Josh Kirschner on April 05, 2012

DIY Seder iPad appIf the Haggadah you've been using year after year for your Seder just isn't resonating, perhaps it's time you created your own. is a free service from New York-based start-up DIY Holiday that enables you to design and publish your own Haggadah, customized for your interests.

DIY SederCreating your personalized Haggadah is a simple three step process. First you choose the underlying text to build from. Choices include Basic, Kid-friendly, Interfaith and Traditional.

Then you build on that foundation by selecting additional content from any of 23 "themes". The themes run the gamut from Global Traditions to Foodie to to Social Justice to Slightly Irreverent, and they make the Seder a true reflection of your personality.

Finally, you can further customize the look of your Haggadah, and even the wording used to describe God & Pharaoh (which is great fodder for arguments over political correctness).

A Seder Length Estimator displays in real-time how editorial choices effect Seder length, and you can drill into each section to add or remove content or even take out entire sections, if you want to move the Seder along a little faster.

Once you're happy with your literary masterwork, you can save it as a PDF or send a code to your Seder attendees so they can follow along on their iPads using the DIYSeder app. Though the thought of 20 people sitting around our Seder table browsing their iPads would seem to violate the Passover tradition of not turning to other means of entertainment.

DIY Seder also connects with for physical printing. If you upload your Haggadah by 10pm ET, Easycopy guarantees delivery by the next morning. There's also a 25% discount with code "Haggadah" (NOTE: the automatic discount code wasn't working when we tested it, but if you call Easycopy customer service, they'll apply it to your order).

The Haggadah is DIY Holiday's first foray into the custom holiday product arena. According to founder Toby Sanders, the company is exploring additional holidays—will DIY Yom Kippur will not be next on the list? Probably not.


Travel & Entertainment, News, Family and Parenting, Dining & Entertainment, Blog, Entertainment, Event Planning

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From wk on March 11, 2013 :: 1:42 pm

I’d love to see the DIY seder you refer to in this post.  However, The link takes me to some strange site. I see the post is a year old and perhaps is no longer hosted.  Can you help?



From Josh Kirschner on March 11, 2013 :: 4:23 pm

Unfortunately, appears to be no more. According to founder Toby Sanders’ LinkedIn profile, it appears that it shut down last summer. That’s a shame, I thought it was a great idea.



From deidre berkowitz on March 19, 2013 :: 7:14 pm

Great material offered with so many helpful tips. Interesting and entertaining topics for discussion.
Excellent because it could be geared towards your guests and thus reach different audiences.
I told many people about it. For some it was too late, but friends said they’d try it next year…
unfortunately its gone. Sooo Sad.


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