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Is Your Flat-Screen TV Safe?

by Heidi Leder on November 30, 2012

baby with remote With millions set to sell in December alone, flat-panel TVs are finding themselves in more and more households. However, these thinner and lighter TVs have a hidden, very real danger: if not properly secured to a wall or furniture, they can easily tip if pulled on or knocked, even by a small child.

In 2010, there were 20,000 people treated in emergency rooms for injuries incurred when their TVs tipped over. Far worse, a 2011 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission report released findings that a child dies every three weeks as a result of a  TV tipping.

Sanus in conjunction with Safe Kids Worldwide is raising awareness of the dangers stemming from not securing your television. They’ve launched a website to educate consumers through tips on how to secure your TV, and you can even see where TV-related injuries have occurred in your neighborhood.

The lesson of course, is to make sure your flat panel TV is safe and secure to withstand any of the activities you foresee taking place in the same room as the television. Do you have kids who like to jump and dance in front of the TV during their favorite show or video game? Do your kids play catch or lob items Angry Birds-style to each other, have spontaneous pillow fights or hit balloons around the room?

Fortunately, there are many easy to use kid-proofing measures you can take to keep your new crawler or worse, your new climber, safe and sound while also protecting your technology. We’ve identified ways for you to baby-proof your home theater with products that can give you a little more piece of mind.


Family and Parenting, News, Baby & Toddler, Kids, TVs & Video Players, Home Safety & Security, Blog

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