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Is the Porn Blackmail Scam Real?

by Josh Kirschner on April 22, 2020

What would you do if you received an email from someone claiming to have hacked your computer and recorded you via your webcam while you were engaged in watching porn, then threatening to send the video to everyone in your email and social media contact lists if you don’t pay a $260 ransom? Would you pay the ransom? Even if you’ve never viewed porn, what if they made the same threat to reveal the private details of all your emails?

This is exactly the situation some of our readers found themselves in recently, and they contacted us for help on how to proceed.

Here is an example of one the emails [grammatical errors left intact]:

Good Morning my friend. I represent the group of web criminals in Iran. I use this mail address because we think that you will check it. Few times ago my team put the virus on web-site with porn and as far as you clicked on a play button your system started shooting your screen and activating camera to capture you self-abusing. Eventually I mean you understand what compromising evidence Ive earned. Moreover, this software made your device act as dedicated server with plenty of functions like keylogger, parser etc. To sum up, my software picked all data, especially all your contacts from messengers, e-mails, social networks. If you wanna make me silent you must make a transaction of 260 dollars with bitcoin. 1K2auXQEKz7Ro8cRa2xr3bAPV2n6KT5vi1 You must use it as usual credit card number. If you send bitcoins nobody will see your shame. Watch youtube manuals about methods of buing BTC... I can offer you this exchanger:  If you have a problem with this, you can search comfortable ATM for bitcoin at coin atm radar. I give you no more than twenty four hours since you read our message to pay. You can complain cops, but they can not find us I use bot network, and of course we live abroad. If you want us to show proofs we will share it to seven mates from your data after that you will be given their contacts. So you will ask them if something strange was received about you. For some questions just reply. Dont be fullish, AmAZinGcRackeR$.

Scary, right? And there have been instances where victims’ computers were hacked, they were filmed in various states of undress (or worse) and then blackmailed that may make this threat seem all too real. But there are several indications that this is nothing more than a phishing scam, hoping to rope in active porn watchers with false threats (an easy demographic to target via mass email given that the world’s largest porn site,, gets 75 million visitors PER DAY).

First, there is nothing in the email that demonstrates they know anything personally about you: it’s not addressed to you by name and there’s no detail about what site you supposedly visited and when. Nor did they supply a screenshot of the “self-abusing” they allege to have captured. In fact, they are explicitly discouraging you from asking for proof, by threatening to share said “proofs” with your “mates” if you ask. That is completely contrary to how we would expect a real hacker/blackmailer to act – if I wanted to scare the bejesus out of you to get you to pay, the first thing I would do is show you a compromising screen capture to prove that this is very, very real.

Another red flag is that when our readers ran scans using antimalware tools, no malware was detected. Antimalware tools aren’t perfect, but the better ones should have picked up the type of remote administration tool (RAT) described in the email.

Searching the web, there are reports of people receiving similar email scams, going back at least to last fall. The wording of the email varies, including where the scammers claim they’re from, the nature of their threat and the amount of money being demanded. Some people are falling for them, but fortunately not many. I researched a selection of the bitcoin accounts used in these scams and none of the emails had duped more than a handful of victims.

Unfortunately, these scams will likely continue and morph into new threats as the ubiquity of bitcoin makes it easier for scammers to hide behind these accounts and for victims to pay. In fact, while this article was originally written in March of 2018, Sophos security recently released a new study, based on millions of porn blackmail emails that were sent between September 2019 and March 2020, demonstrating this to be the case. During that period, sextortion emails made up 4.23% of all spam observed by Sophos. The study also showed scammers are using new methods for obfuscating email content to evade spam filters, enabling them to collect nearly a half million dollars in payments from victims during the same period. Fortunately, despite some payouts, potential victims seem to be becoming wise to the scam, as only half a percent of the Bitcoin addresses used in the spam messages received any payment, according to Sophos.

So, if you get one of these emails, should you pay the ransom before all your friends find out what you’ve been up to?

The answer is no, don’t be “fullish”.

[EDITOR'S NOTE REGARDING PASSWORD APPEARING IN THE EMAIL SCAM 7/12/18: A number of people have posted in the comments that they received a version of the email which includes a real password they've used in the past. Does this mean that they should be concerned? The answer is No and Yes. No, you shouldn't be concerned that your computer was hacked and you were actually filmed watching porn - it's still a scam. But, yes, you should be concerned that your password has been leaked through a data breach. Security researcher Troy Hunt has uncovered more than 500 million passwords leaked through these breaches. That password in the email was likely one of them. 

If it is still an active password for you, the scam email should be a big wake up call that you need to ensure you are using unique and secure passwords for every one of your accounts. We strongly recommend a password manager like Dashlane or 1Password , which will automatically check your passwords to see if they have been revealed in a breach and help you create unique, secure ones for every site.]

[EDITOR'S NOTE WARNING ABOUT ATTACHMENTS 7/20/18: One reader reported receiving an attachment titled "Invoice" with the porn scam email. If you get an attachment, DO NOT OPEN IT. Email attachments are one of the primary ways hackers use to install malware on your computer, which could turn this fake malware scam into a very real one.]

[EDITOR'S NOTE ABOUT EMAIL SPOOFING 10/19/18: Many readers are commenting that the porn blackmail email appears to be sent from their own email address, causing added concern the hacking claims may be real. But don't be fooled. Email spoofing has been around for a long time and is relatively easy to do. Usually the message headers will reveal the true sending email address. Here's how to tell if an email has been spoofed.]

[EDITOR'S NOTE ABOUT WORK VS PERSONAL EMAILS 1/21/19: A number of people are expressing concern in the comments that the blackmail email is coming to their work email, instead of their personal email (or both). It doesn't matter — an email address is a email address as far as this scam goes. Billions of emails have been leaked over the years, many of those from business-focused services such as Dropbox, LinkedIn and Adobe. If I check to see which of my email addresses have been involved in breaches, my work email has been breached many more times than my personal email.

Originally published 3/12/18. Updated 4/22/2020 with new data from Sophos

[Image credit: Man in a dark room at a computer via BigStockPhoto]


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From Eler Bener on May 17, 2018 :: 5:36 pm

It started by saying my first and last name which I’m not gonna write here.

At the time when you have been jerking in front ofnotebook screen when you visited porno web site your notebook was infected with badware because of vulnerability the browser.

The virus records all the actions at your computer and amongst other things it is informed about coockie of the resources which you browse.

But the key advantage of the mentioned virus is that it could plug in WebCam and upload all the contact numbers from your mail box.

As well I have login to your out box and social networking sites.

So I have at my disposal video content and photos on which you toss and buck-naked.

If you do not wish the files to appear and to be sent to all your mates near and dear I suggest you the following alternate solution.

You should pay to my Bitcoin money bag 1AhsjpZijhPfyUaDmCqGeuZguzjxCcGSfP 450 U.S. dollars in BTC.

After receipt of money I will remove sensitive information about you and you would never again heard about all this.

Otherwise in a case if I don’t receive that money within 23 hours after reading the mail I will dispatch all the dirtysensitive information about you to your relatives and co-workers and as well across social media platforms to estimate of your actions.

P.S. My my English knowledge isn’t very good as I am not native speaking in any case you could to understand me.

Can you be so kind and and don’t reply to this outbox I should never have an access to it again.

I’m kinda worried do you think it’s a scam ?
thank you for your help



From Eler Bener on May 17, 2018 :: 5:52 pm

and that’s the title of the mail. Compromising picture of you ID bbLRS



From Josh Kirschner on May 17, 2018 :: 6:09 pm

This is exactly what the article above is describing.



From George on May 05, 2022 :: 3:33 am


The following is your very last notice.


I broke into your operating-system using the Wireless network modem you were connected to.

Some time back,  I entered the machines that you utilized to get on the web.

All of the information from your own gadgets and devices has been quickly duplicated to my servers.

I get access to all of your mobile device messengers,  social networks,  e-mail,  chats,  and contacts. My trojan repeatedly changes its signatures (driver-type),  for that reason it stays unnoticeable to anti-virus software.

I assume right now you realize, the reasons why I stayed unnoticed until this present day


Whilst gathering data about yourself, I discovered that you are a major follower of adult web pages & even more.
You really love to go to porno web pages and look at dirty videos while having an orgasm.

I have actually made a cam shooting videos of you wanking off.
The croping and editing of the videos you were viewing at that moment &  your masturbation.


Your own face is distinctly seeable.  I don’t believe this type of information will be great for your personal status.


I can certainly forward this footage to everyone who realize who you really are.

I additionally have no problem with rendering all of your confidential information public on-line.


I do believe you understand what I mean.

It would be an absolute failure for you.



I’ll wreck your life for a long time. I really feel you don’t want this to happen.

Let’s fix it this fashion: you transfer me 1400 $ (dollars) via Bitcoin equivalent at the time of payment),  & i’ll immediately get rid of all of your information from my machines. And then,  we’ll disregard one another.

My btc address for transaction: bc1qqwu3xcdnk50vdtdyzh4uljcy4rlvcar4e63fva

If you don’t know how to transmit money and what btc is.  Then type in the google search engine “Get btc”.

I present you with two days to transfer money. The timer launched monitoring instantly after you opened up this letter.

I’ll receive a notification when this letter is opened.
Do not try and search for aid, as the payment address cannot be traced, address the letter is originating from &  cannot be followed also & created automatically, therefore there isn’t any reason for texting me.

Do not try to contact the police and other protection solutions,  and if you do, your info will undoubtedly be published.
Replacing passwords online in social network sites,  electronic mail, &  devices will not help you,  since all the information is already downloaded to my servers.


All the best . &  do not do anything stupid.  Carefully consider your own future.



From GeeBee on May 19, 2018 :: 3:23 am

Basically came down to pay us $667 USD into a bitcoin account in 21 hours because we have hacked your PC and we have vids of you wacking off that we got from your webcam. If you don’t send us the money we will post it everywhere including all your facebook contacts.

Charming people these. So let’s break this down shall we?

#1 I don’t have a webcam
#2 it’s now been 2 days
#3 I’m not on facebook
#4 I don’t wack off behind my computer…..LOLZZZ

I can see how stuff like this can really drive people even if they are in the smallest bit guilty of anything. These people need to be shut down.

Good post and thanks for the info/ share.



From No no on May 27, 2021 :: 11:57 pm

Hi, I may have done something bad. I’m a 17 year old teen. A perverted type and very desperate I shall say. I have been calling a girl and that girl was a guy. He threatens to demand for money. Yes, he has my face. He always goes on my instagram. I need someones help. How do I arrest this man? If anyone got ideas please help me. I want to arrest him for sexual harrasment and cyber threats.I just ruined my life on my phone by Line and on Instagram…I’m a very easy person to get trapped intto this world. Pleas, desperate need for help securing my life.



From Josh Kirschner on May 28, 2021 :: 4:12 pm

I don’t know where you live, but since you are a minor (in the US), it could carry very serious consequences for the adult you are interacting with, in addition to the extortion charges. Follow these steps to report sextortion to the FBI.



From HC on May 20, 2018 :: 10:27 pm

(my real name) Your laptop computer is captured by the injurious malware .Whats amiss?Can you be so kind and and don’t give an answer to this mailing box I would never use to it again. At the time when you were masturbating in front ofscreen of your computer when you made a visit erotic Internet site yours device was attacked by hostile program as a result insecurity the Web browser.
I set my malware on a porn Internet resource, you pushed this information and urgently put the malicious soft to your computer .That rogue program make your front camera capturing video and I enjoy a videotape with you chaturbating.In next 4 hours this rogue program got all the contacts.At the same time I possess username to yours mail and social networking websites.So I have video content and pictures where you masturbate and bare-ass.If you do not wish the photos to give to the world and to be send to all your friends near and dear I recommend you the following decision option.
Y ou should pay to mine Bitcoin wallet 1PfWb65WDTDXde1hoofT5G3ZhTxX1vUP3R - 350 U.S. dollars in BTC.
You own 27 hours after opening it. If I earn money I am going to undo that this videorecord forever.My my language knowledge isn’t far from good as I am not native speaking anyway you have an opportunity to understand what I want to say. I beg pardon for my mistakes- I live in China .

***end of email***

this is scaring me because they knew i was on chaturbate and they mentioned me showing my butt which i believe i did, this is what makes my extortion different from others…. also while writing this my computer has been acting weird such as a random mini cmd looking screen pops up then quickly vanishes, im conviced that my pc was hacked and am trying to use bit defender but i have a weird feeling that this hacker can see my screen and is somehow preventing me from removing this malware



From Josh Kirschner on May 21, 2018 :: 2:28 pm

This is no different than the other scam emails. The only difference is that they threw in the name of a commonly used cam sharing site to make you think they know more about you then they really do. For the 5% (or whatever percentage) of recipients actually use Chaturbate, this will further scare them into paying. Fortunately, it’s not working - that Bitcoin wallet has received zero transactions.

As for the other issues on your PC, there re some programs that can pop up cmd-type windows when they’re updating, or it could be something Windows is doing in the background. So I wouldn’t say that is a very strong sign of spying. If you’re running Bitdefender and it’s not picking anything up, you’re most likely safe. You could also give a shot just to double-check. It’s an online based scanning tool that utilizes a broad range of malware scanning engines.



From HC on May 22, 2018 :: 5:38 pm

ok i feel a little better cause the 27 hour window passed last night and i have yet to see any consequences for not paying. you are a hero, probably even saved some lives by having this page here! btw i just tried herdprotect and they are only accepting people on the waitlist at the moment but ive managed to scan my pc with 4 different tools and it seems like im in the clear. thanks again



From Orlando on December 21, 2018 :: 1:19 pm

How do I check the bitcoin wallet sent to me?




From Josh Kirschner on December 21, 2018 :: 6:26 pm

Google “bitcoin wallet check” and you’ll find lots of options to see the transactions and balance in a wallet.

For example,


From Windlight on May 22, 2018 :: 5:29 am

I received the same mail from a address today and I don’t even own a webcam lol. It seems like they just randomly changed some words, so the mail looks unique, i.e.:

You own 26 hours after getting this. In a case if I get this money I gonna eliminate that this videorecord once for all.My my language knowledge isn’t far from perfect because Im not a native speaker anyway you shall to understand what I want to say. I beg pardon for many grammar- I’m from China .



From jbc on May 22, 2018 :: 5:21 pm

Similar to some of the other postings i have read on this blog. I received this email today on my phone. The email didn’t make it to my laptop mail, probably blocked with my Kaspersky protection. The subject line was the talent to pose mentioned in title. Here is what the email said. It is nerve wracking, but it seems to be a phishing mass email? Anyone else receive this email?


Do not mind my literacy, I am from China.
I uploaded the malicious program on your system.

Since that moment I pilfered all privy background from your system. Additionally, I have some more compromising evidence. The most interesting evidence that I stole- its a videotape with your masturbation. I adjusted virus on a porn web site and after you loaded it. When you decided with the video and tapped on a play button, my deleterious soft at once set up on your system. After adjusting, your camera shoot the videotape with you self-abusing, in addition it saved precisely the porn video you masturbated on. In next few days my malware collected all your social and work contacts.

If you want to delete the records - pay me 300 euro in BTC (cryptocurrency). I provide you my Btc number - 1AGofQibUVi2XuNR3SV2J359Xv3HQJgbAK

You have 24 hours after reading. When I get transfer I will destroy the videotape evermore.
Other way I will send the tape to all your colleagues and friends.



From Joshua on May 23, 2018 :: 6:57 am

Yes - I have received a couple of these a week or so apart.
The first one I reported to ActionFraud and I now have a Crime Number! I just file the others in an Abuse folder as additional evidence.
The perpetrators will be in a country that is outside our legal system but it satisfied me to report them.



From AS on May 23, 2018 :: 10:39 pm

I received a 2nd email. This time more addressed to a male. Has anyone received multiple emails?



From Tina on July 12, 2018 :: 10:43 am

I have received two emails in two days

You don’t know me and you’re thinking why you received this e mail, right?

Well, I actually placed a malware on the porn website and guess what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser acted as a RDP (Remote Desktop) and a ke ylogger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right after that, my software gathered all your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook account, and email account.

What exactly did I do?

I made a split-screen video. First part recorded the video you were viewing (you’ve got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webcam (Yep! It’s you doing nasty things!).

What should you do?

Well, I believe, $1900 is a fair price for our little secret. You’ll make the payment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).

BTC Address: 1FDZq1JN6dzoriqiMrqTqv2cCUbFZpC8rW
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)


You have 24 hours in order to make the payment. (I have an unique pixel within this email message, and right now I know that you have read this email). If I don’t get the payment, I will send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Nonetheless, if I do get paid, I will erase the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will send your video recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer, so don’t waste my time and yours by replying to this email.

One from a “Angel Vincent” and the second from a “Allan Crosby”



From HellkerN on July 12, 2018 :: 4:12 pm

Ya, I got the same email today, but it had one of my old passwords and usernames in the title to get my attention. I was fairly spooked for a second there, but I don’t have a webcam, I’m sure my system is clear of viruses, and besides I have a separate faptop for browsing shady sites, with no personal info on it. Also it asked me $3900, and said he’ll send the video to my 14 friends, not sure where he’s pulling those numbers from.



From LL on July 30, 2018 :: 4:40 pm

Same here guys, I didn’t buy it, plus it was not much relevant to me, even my cam was masked long time ago. Anyway, the password was the think that aware me. I checked my e-mail history of visitations, and guess what, it was not only my I.P. So I changed the pass, but this I.P. Finland was still trying to enter my e mail (it was the same date and time of receiving the mail). Hope it will be helpful!

The sender:

James Lynn
Wed 7/18, 3:10 AM

And the account:

BTC Address: 1FodnT6ZPNFY3YdQ5ZPTM5iK7EmiupRvVR
[CASE sensitive, copy and paste it]


From Irene on December 05, 2018 :: 9:22 pm

Just today i just received almost the same email.. Im just worried, they just give me 48 hours to pay or else they send my video to. All of my friends in social media.



From I'm No Fool! on April 30, 2019 :: 1:55 pm

Wow! They are pretty ballsy! $1900!!!???



From Yvonne Fox on May 24, 2018 :: 3:42 pm

I literally have a website full of porn content…of me…because I was an online fetish model for a short period of time. The first thing I thought was “If any of them are surprised if they see this, they don’t know me as well as I thought”. I also immediately picked up the lack of proof, if I was going to stalk someone and attempt to blackmail them I would immediately assume they would need something that would prove the type of content I actually have. Otherwise, why would they pay?

Great blog to have put up, first time I’ve ever gotten an email like this. First off I assumed it wasn’t real, not just for lack of information or proof, but because of their horrible grasp on the English language and the line in the email that said “Please and don’t reply to this mailing box I should never use to it again.” (another big moron move in my book, if you’re trying to blackmail someone contact with them would likely be needed in some form), which meant they were specifically discouraging me from inquiring for proof.

Just know that, even if your email doesn’t see it as spam and sends it to your inbox, it is spam. It isn’t remotely real. Let your freak flag fly. If you’re really worried about it just put a sticker over your webcam when not in use, problem solved. <3



From BH on May 24, 2018 :: 6:40 pm

My story is similar to some of the above. The only difference was that this person sent copies of my actual emails that were sent to me from over the past few years. Like the others, they say they have video of me visiting a porn site and to respond within 24 hours and send $390 in bitcoin. The e-mail domain that is used is

What action do you reccomend besides changing passwords?



From DW on June 02, 2018 :: 12:01 am

I got a message from the same domain as in the previous comment. They also put my name in the subject line and in the message.



From Helpme! on June 02, 2018 :: 10:02 pm

Here is an email I got this morning (I removed my name).
It has my first and last name in it…

Should I be worried? 
I have no idea what this device ID could possibly be?

Subject: <Firstname> <Lastname>, Malware on your device ID <Random numbers and letters>.
Hey, <Firstname> <Lastname>
While you were sitting in front of the computer browsing redtube and pulling your willy yours notebook computer caught a malicious program through your browser.
This program is intended to exploit your web cam, records all your movements and browser history of the adults Web sites you are made a visit.
But the wickedest thing about this virus is that it can activate your WebCam, access your e-mail and backup your contact files.
Mind that I also have access to your social media profiles.
So, I have pictures and videos of you, with your pants down. Vids where you are stronk.
If you don’t want your all you family, and random users to see you masturbating, I advise you do this: pay me 400 dollars.
This is my Bitcoin account 1Nia3EtmACkfdzVvjw8c3NvgcHFw1twZUS
When I ll get the that money, I ll del all the compromising photos and you will never hear from me ever again.
If you dont send the money within 23 hours since the moment you read this msg, I will send your videos to your colleagues, through your social media for everyone to see, to your co-workers, family, to your friends.
P.S. My English isn’t good because I’am not too fluent, but you get the point.
Dont answer to this letter. It isnt mine and I wont be using it anymore.



From Josh Kirschner on June 03, 2018 :: 1:57 am

As I’ve said above, your name is widely available alongside your email address. The device ID stuff is just made up stuff.



From Helpme! on June 03, 2018 :: 2:49 am

Thanks for the response, and the post.

Much appreciated Josh!



From Allen Bennett on July 10, 2018 :: 11:46 am

Mine is similar to to the rest—except that it has my first name AND my password and it asks for $1900.



From Josh Kirschner on July 10, 2018 :: 12:45 pm

Unfortunately, this just demonstrates how common it is for even passwords to have been compromised through various data breaches. In fact, security researcher Troy Hunt has uncovered more then 500 million passwords leaked through these breaches.

If that is still an active password for you, the scam email should be a big wake up call that you need to ensure you are using unique and secure passwords for every one of your accounts. Dashlane and 1Password will now automatically check your passwords to see if they have been revealed in a breach and help you create new, secure ones.



From Tiffany Willow on July 27, 2018 :: 1:22 pm

But how do I get malware off my phone. I downloaded dashware it made me create a Google account which it scanned. So what? What about all my other accounts. What do I do????


From Lance on July 10, 2018 :: 9:12 pm

I got one with the $1900 amount and it has a really old password of mine, which I assumed got nabbed in a breach. Thanks for helping to confirm my suspicions Josh!



From Ken on July 11, 2018 :: 4:02 pm

Yes, I got the same email with my name and an old password.
It asked for 1900. Reading this makes me feel much better.
My wife would be all over me, not about the porn, but about the security.


From Yep MeToo on July 11, 2018 :: 4:27 pm

This email around 2 CST today

“I do know, *******, is your password. You do not know me and you are most likely wondering why you are getting this e mail, correct?

In fact, I setup a malware on the adult vids (pornographic material) web-site and you know what, you visited this web site to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching videos, your browser began operating as a RDP (Remote control Desktop) that has a key logger which provided me with accessibility to your display and web cam. Immediately after that, my software collected all of your contacts from your Messenger, FB, as well as email.

What did I do?

I created a double-screen video. First part displays the video you were viewing (you have a nice taste haha), and 2nd part displays the recording of your webcam.

What should you do?

Well, I believe, $2900 is a reasonable price tag for our little secret. You will make the payment via Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).

BTC Address: 1FxFJvP6c9NmBtqbVrWUTkkcPYf8Aor1dM
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)


You have one day in order to make the payment. (I have a specific pixel in this email message, and at this moment I know that you have read this email message). If I don’t get the BitCoins, I will certainly send out your video recording to all of your contacts including family members, co-workers, and so on. However, if I receive the payment, I will destroy the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will send your video recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer, that being said don’t waste my personal time and yours by replying to this e mail. “

Password was old, but still active on some sites I dont use anymore, changed my logins and will move on with life hopefully to “experience fun”


From Thanks for this thread! on July 11, 2018 :: 8:31 pm

This is crazy, but thank you to this thread. I just got the $2,900 one too. I’m assuming no one has had issues???????????


From Joe on July 12, 2018 :: 7:53 am

I also got the exact same email yesterday—only difference is mine asked for $3900. Ugh. Time to change some passwords.


From Tina on July 12, 2018 :: 10:47 am

You don’t know me and you’re thinking why you received this e mail, right?

Well, I actually placed a malware on the porn website and guess what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser acted as a RDP (Remote Desktop) and a ke ylogger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right after that, my software gathered all your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook account, and email account.

What exactly did I do?

I made a split-screen video. First part recorded the video you were viewing (you’ve got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webcam (Yep! It’s you doing nasty things!).

What should you do?

Well, I believe, $1900 is a fair price for our little secret. You’ll make the payment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).

BTC Address: 1FDZq1JN6dzoriqiMrqTqv2cCUbFZpC8rW
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)


You have 24 hours in order to make the payment. (I have an unique pixel within this email message, and right now I know that you have read this email). If I don’t get the payment, I will send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Nonetheless, if I do get paid, I will erase the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will send your video recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer, so don’t waste my time and yours by replying to this email.



From Yet Another Spam Target on June 07, 2018 :: 3:06 am

Got one of these last night, it only wanted $260, though. I feel like I’m just not worthy of higher extortion rates…

Though it was also right next to the viagra ads, so.. yeah. Auto-purge sender.



From Sarah on June 07, 2018 :: 8:41 pm

It seems like my email is pretty much the same as everyone else’s on here but mine includes that the email he sent it from was a burner email. I was hoping you could tell me if I’m probably in the same boat. I already contacted the police and I took my laptop to get a virus check. They included my first and last name as well. I deleted all of my email contacts and previous emails just in case.

Here is the main point of the email:

“Do you want to make a spectacle of yourself? I will tell you what to do To leave behind that dirt you have to give $ 400 In a case if you forward I will eliminate this materials.
Pay USD 400 to 1PWfPY5cf4ukpnLGyuBG26VtcQmf469T7k Bitcoin wallet failing this you should became star in the Internet.
Otherwise I would show it to all your contact information If not it going to sent to all your contact files.
All the closely related people and collaborates would see this Are you going to make a surprise to all your nearest and dearest and workmates?
Its mine Bitcoin wallet 1PWfPY5cf4ukpnLGyuBG26VtcQmf469T7k.
I can give you just 24 hours to do this.
You pay me cash and I should destroy that dirty pictures entirely and permanently.
P.S. I beg pardon for my mistakes, but I am sure you understood. I am cracker China is my native country. I have had cracked this mailing box so please and don’t give an answer to it.”

My question is if this seems like that same thing since it includes the part about not being able to contact him.



From Josh Kirschner on June 07, 2018 :: 9:26 pm

They probably got your data from a prior breach. There was no need to delete your contacts or emails.



From Sarah on June 07, 2018 :: 10:09 pm

Does it sound like I’m probably in the same boat as everyone else? Has anyone else had further troubles from these people?



From GeeBee on June 08, 2018 :: 12:54 am

No further messages from these people on my side. I too did a search for the email address to see if they’ve been using it before, but clearly it’s a burner address.

Guys should be worried about this stuff unless they actually show you footage of you wacking off and pictures.

If I was in the scam Gamez I’d keep it short and provide proof. Not explain why my engrish is so bad.


From Byron Ogg on June 08, 2018 :: 5:52 am

I’ve received several of these extortion threats.  Send the following response:

Dear demonic worker:
Thank you for saving me the effort of distributing the video !!!

You see, I belong to a group of porno users and we exchange videos all the time, plus we randomly distribute our videos to total strangers in order to recruit them.

So you have saved me some time.  Thanks.

Also, the $400 which I need not send to you will pay for my next pedophile encounter.  Thank you again.



From No no on May 28, 2021 :: 12:21 am

Hello, I’m a minor and a stupid kid. I always am desperate for girls which is kind of stupid of me. I may need your help tracking this man, his been impersonating as a girl. This happened twice, he got all of my videos and ya-now. I keep blocking him. I turned my Instagram into private so that way he can not see my post or my stuff. I am getting so paranoid. He demands me for 2million AUD and then to 500AUD lol. He said if I dont give him the money he will exploit it to ALL social media and to where I used to live. Yes, towards my relatives. I have 1k Followers which I don’t really talk to. I am kind of scared because this is my second wave. I am scared to go to China because that’ll be my transfer back to Kor. I need someones help to track him down and help me to get rid off the files. Idk how much I’ll need to owe you guys but I really do. Last time it happened; I was about to KMS because it wwas none related but similar thing happened in Primarly school by some autistic bully in 2017. I have lost trust from public. I really need help with this stuff and paranoid things around me.



From S on June 08, 2018 :: 1:53 pm

First, thanks for writing this article. I actually received one of these emails today with my name and was not sure what to do, though it followed the same structure as those mentioned. I guess my main question for you is my variant of this email mentioned a type of porn I sometimes look at. How would they know this information or are they just throwing out something and hoping it applies to the person/people they’re targeting?



From Josh Kirschner on June 11, 2018 :: 12:53 pm

Adding any details makes it more believable. So they pick a not-uncommon porn site or type of porn and throw it in there. And it worked, right?



From Ted on June 12, 2018 :: 2:43 pm

Thank you for the informative site. I received this today, I am assuming based on what I have read above, this is a scam:

Good morning,  prey.
I write you because I uploaded my virus on a web page with porn which you have visited.
When you went on that site you let the malware steal all your private information and turned on your web-camera that captured the act of your onanism. Then the soft made a copy of all your contacts.
I will delete the compromising video and info if you send me 380 USD in bitcoin.
This is bitcoin address to pay:  16x3VyC2ug3TdNKijxbMxA4F4TJMr7Jfhp

You have 28 h after reading this letter for making the payment.
There is no need to write me that you have paid. This address is given only to you, everything will be removed automatically after transfer verification.
If you need 48 h just write back +.
You can complain to the police but they will not help you.
I am foreigner. So nobody can trace me even for 7 weeks.
All the best. Dont forget about the disgrace.



From Zachary on June 21, 2018 :: 11:10 pm

The message is as follows:
Good day!
Yours notebook was injected to a time where you stronk watching adults website.
Thanks to this all the needed files and contact numbers of all your closely related people are in my hands for now.
Your front camera was put to work with a help of this product and filmed and makes pictures.
All passwords to yours social media service accounts are in my disposal.
You ought to dispatch $USD 400 to my Bitcoin number 1MYUvQq72fNzWFqj3LR4YWr4w9gURZErSP
In a case if you don’t like me to dispatch all the photos and video ( when you have been tossing ) to your acquaintance and workmates.
All closely related people and workmates receive black PR image if I do not receive transmission within twentyfour hours.
If you going to fulfill all the conditions I should destroy all these dirty laundry.
You have to know that the main thing in this life is family and it will be a good experience for the future.
There was no that sort of situation in a case if you don’t make that dirty things.
Be careful for the future
Yours respectfully.
P.S. After watching that mail you own only twentyfour hours.

I ran a scan after I received it and outside of some common adware popping up, nothing else came of the scan. Obviously, the email looks like a bot generated it from a translation service because of the strange grammar usage, but as others have stated, outside of my nickname, nothing in the message indicates that they have anything remotely personal on me. Anyways, I’ve been meaning to stop watching porn for a while, its terrible for your dopamine levels and this nonsense was the motivation I needed.



From Zachary on June 24, 2018 :: 8:45 pm

UPDATE: It’s been over 3 days and nothing has happened.



From Jay on June 24, 2018 :: 7:29 pm

Here’s the one I got… the “22 hrs” is coming up later tonight ....


Wish you do not care about my language grammar, since i’m from Germany. I infected your machine with a virus and im in possession of all your private files out of your operating system.

It was established on an adult page and after that you’ve chosen the movie and viewed it, my program immediately gain access to your system.

And then, your web-camera documented you going manual, in addition i captured a footage that you’ve looked at.

Soon after a while it also picked up your device contact list. If you want me to clear off your everything i possess - give me 440 us in btc it is a crypto. This is my wallet transfer address : 15EHuSQMzzoTHL4ny7XWGa7kZZyGcsS6Vb

At this point you will have 22hr s. to make a decision The minute i will get the transfer i’ll wipe out this footage and everything completely. If not, you should be certain that this evidence would be forwarded to all of your buddies.

... you are giving me some confidence that it’s fake, but I’m still concerned.



From Omer on June 29, 2018 :: 5:20 am

It seems like this is the same format of e-mail as the one I received. Apparently they are changing the country where they are from and a little bit the wording:


Hopefully u don\‘t care about my language grammar, because im from Denmark. I toxified your machine with a trojan and im in possession of all of your private info out of your computer system.

It previously was established on a mature website and after that you have chosen the movie, clicked on it, my application immediately got into your computer.

Then simply, your webcamera started to record you playing with your stuff, in addition i caught a vid that you have looked at.

Just after a while it also pulled out all of your social contacts. If you need me to get rid of your all that i currently have - transmit me 780 dollars in btc it\‘s a cryptocurrency. This is my btc wallet transfer address - 18YCKvTH8FWumcU1t2SXiSnXm4GJjZo23j

At this point you have 22 hrs. to make a decision Immediately after i will receive the transaction i am going to wipe out this movie and every little thing completely. Otherwise, you should be certain that this video will be sent to all your contacts.


Thanks a lot Josh for all the useful feedback!



From Orlando on December 21, 2018 :: 1:08 pm

So what happened in the end?


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