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How to Make Free Phone Calls from Gmail

by Fox Van Allen on July 11, 2013

Google phone keypadAfter months of fielding complaints for removing the service, Google is once again allowing Gmail users to make free telephone calls directly from their inbox, all without any kind of service contract or landline phone. Here's how to use it.

First, you’ll first need to install Google’s voice and video chat software. Then, just sign in to your Gmail account and look for the telephone handset icon in the left-most column of the screen, right above your list of online chat contacts. Clicking the phone icon will bring up a tiny pop-up window with a phone keypad, and … well, you should be able to take it from there.

Of course, you’ll need to have a headphone set with a mic hooked up to your computer for people to be able to hear you during the call. Most modern laptops already have microphones built in, so chances are you already have everything you need to make a phone call right now.

Calls to anywhere in the United States and Canada are free from most countries. You’ll need to pay to make international calls, but Google’s rates are fairly low. More details are available at the Official Gmail Blog.

If you're interested in other ways to make free telephone calls via the Internet, we've got you covered there. Read up on how to make a free voice call through Facebook. And, of course, you can still make a free video or voice call using Skype on your desktop, iPhone or Android device.


Phones and Mobile, News, Computers and Software, Internet Calling, Blog, Money Savers, Social Networking

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From habtewold on July 12, 2013 :: 11:37 am

i am fine



From rampal on July 13, 2013 :: 6:06 am

hello friends



From Jon Doe on November 18, 2013 :: 2:27 pm

it is now, 2013, I have a macbook, and firefox…. 
I guess I haven’t drank enough GoolAid yet, as it won’t work…
I have downloaded/installed the program, but nothing shows up on Gmail…
nowhere does anyone say we need to use “Chrome”...

any idea wassup?



From roger delisle on March 13, 2014 :: 9:09 am

How to make telephone calls to Magic Jack number from a gmail system

Thank you



From Unallamada on December 22, 2017 :: 6:05 am

Good Post for calling from gmail.With this post i am free calling to my relatives. thanks….



From Akshay Chovatiya on January 26, 2018 :: 3:41 am

My Gmail account is not login for ather subscription or any work with related Gmail. Only work for Google Gmail login. Any page or fill up exam document does not login. So arrived problem related gmail.  Please help me give best solutions.



From taysir on April 01, 2018 :: 6:58 pm

i need to call some one



From Jayden on May 03, 2018 :: 8:23 am

ya me too help



From Claire Gautrea on December 05, 2018 :: 9:26 pm

how do you do this crap



From Akhilesh on February 17, 2020 :: 2:34 am

Can’t log in gmail I’d because forget my SIM and password at the last year



From yoyo on October 26, 2021 :: 4:03 pm

hey igot coved.19 :(


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