Take two! The United States government officially re-launched the HealthCare.gov website this weekend in time for the second annual health insurance open enrollment period. And this time, the website appears to actually work as advertised.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the enrollment specialists, government officials and health care consumers interviewed all report a smooth launch to the Healthcare.gov website. “For day one, this year is a thousand times better than last year,” said Dave Chandra, a local volunteer working to assist enrollees in Virginia told the WSJ. “It’s a lot easier.”
The HealthCare.gov website is one of the most important features behind President Obama’s controversial Affordable Care Act, as it offers Americans the ability to shop and compare different healthcare plans available to them. The federal site famously failed during its launch last year, creating difficulty for those trying to purchase the insurance that’s now required by law. Many new state-run health care websites experienced difficulty as well, adding even more problems to the troubled launch. A few of these state sites are experiencing some launch difficulty this year as well.
This year’s health care enrollment period began this weekend and runs through February 15, 2015. Those who do not currently have health insurance are required by federal law to obtain it or face a tax penalty. For more details on how to get affordable health insurance coverage for your family, including government subsidies, visit HealthCare.gov.