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Has the iPad Corrupted this Baby's mind?

by Josh Kirschner on October 17, 2011

This viral video of a baby seems to show it trying to operate a magazine like an iPad. But I'm skeptical. It looks to me like the baby is acting like any baby would — playing with pictures.

My youngest son is three and is always surrounded by iPads, smartphones and computers. He's pretty good at navigating through the iPad, but still loves a good book (actually, he prefers books because we're the ones reading it to him). And he has no troubling distiguishing between how an iPad works and a book.

So I don't buy into the premise of the the video. What do you think?


Computers and Software, News, Tablets & eReaders, Family and Parenting, Baby & Toddler, Blog

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From Jennifer Gaines 409 on October 17, 2011 :: 1:36 pm

This just looks like a baby acting like a baby to me! Even if it’s not, can an iPad really “corrupt” a child’s mind? Survival of the fittest—even kids have to learn and keep up with technology to make it in today’s world.


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