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Google Drive Cloud Storage Service Sees Major Price Drops

by Fox Van Allen on March 14, 2014

Cloud storage concept imageThe price of Amazon Prime may be increasing, but not everything on the web is getting more expensive. Today, Google announced a series of major price cuts to its Google Drive cloud storage service.

Google Drive’s 100GB storage plan is now priced at $1.99 per month ($23.88 per year), while a more robust 1TB plan now runs $9.99 monthly ($119.88 per year). The first 15GB of storage space on Google Drive remains free.

Existing Google Drive customers will “automatically move to a better plan at no additional cost,” says Google Director of Product Management Scott Johnston on the Official Google Blog.

A cloud service like Google Drive is a terrific option if you need to access a diverse number of files over a number of different devices. Drive also interfaces well with the Google Android mobile phone ecosystem.

Just be warned, though: Once you start paying a monthly fee for cloud storage, it’s hard to turn back.

You can learn more about Google Drive by visiting

[Man with cloud storage via Shutterstock]


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