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Garmin vivosmart 4 Knows How Hard You Should Workout

by Andrea Smith on December 20, 2018

With the busy holiday season here, sometimes you don’t feel like hitting the gym or going on your daily run. But are you really physically exhausted or are you just not feeling it? Garmin’s vivosmart 4 Activity and Fitness Tracker has what Garmin calls a “body battery” that measures your body’s overall activity and fitness level and lets you know if you should take a rest or if you need to get motivated and go for that run.

Garmin vivsmart 4 Body Battery screen

In addition to the usual activity functions like tracking steps and sleep, calories burned and timing workouts, the vivosmart 4 has an optical heart-rate sensor and a Pulse Ox sensor that measures blood oxygen levels. The companion app then analyzes all that data to let you know if you’re running out of battery and need a recharge.

Thankfully, the tracker itself won’t need to be recharged quite as often as you do. The bright display is easy to read and only comes on when you need it, which helps it get up to 7 days of battery life. Text and phone call notifications appear on your wrist, so you always know who’s calling or texting without having to stop and grab your phone.

Those who get stressed out over the holidays will appreciate the relaxation breathing timer which looks at your stress level and sends you a message reminding you to stop and just … breathe. or, if you know someone looking to up their fitness motivation and get smart notifications but doesn’t need a dedicated smartwatch, the vivosmart 4 is the way to go.

Garmin vivosmart 4 colors

The vivosmart 4 comes in four colors: light blue, gray, berry and black and costs $129 on Garmin (check price on Amazon).

[Image credit: Garmin]


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