Free Realms
Sony Online Entertainment is celebrating Friday the 13th with some freaky fun in-game exclusives for the day for two of their family-friendly free-to-play online worlds, Free Realms and Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures. So if you’re hosting a slumber party or your tween or teen is having a friend over, these could be a fun novelty activity.
In Free Realms, they’re introducing “Jason Maskface,” a masked character recruiting players to scare others on Friday the 13th. Once your character joins in, it’ll turn into a spooky form like a skeleton or banshee, AND earn the Scaredy Cat power, the ability to turn other players into a black cat. Rated E10+

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures
In Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, players in parts of the Jedi Temple (the main hallway, veranda and hangar) will randomly change into a Skeletal Clone Trooper. IN this shape, the character may break out into a wickedly good surprise performance. Sony’s offering Holoprojectors for 50% today also. Rated E10+