Little Critters is an adorable preschool book series that follows the adventures of Critter and his knack for getting into trouble. In celebration of Mother's Day, Oceanhouse Media has taken the full version of one of their titles, Just Me and My Mom, and made the digital book app free for a limited time on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon.
In this episode, Little Critter is off enjoying a special day in the city with his mother, but ultimately gets into mischief along the way. Their travels take them to the natural history museum where Critter picks up a dinosaur egg, and get into all sorts of trouble, but the big outing ends well after a full day’s activities.
This digital book includes a number of special features such as the ability to record and share your own or child’s narration of the story with family and friends, your child can read by himself, or simply have a “Read to Me” mode that narrates the story as it goes along. There’s also easy navigation by using a page selector, along with a find the creature mini-game.
Just Me and My Mom is one of 20 digital book apps in the Little Critter series, and are recommended for kids 2-5 years of age.
From Becky on April 29, 2013 :: 8:33 am
Great books for kids!