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Fisher Price Announces Portable TV & DVR for Toddlers

by Alex Porter on January 11, 2012

Just in case your small kids aren’t getting enough TV in their lives, Fisher Price has just unveiled a slick piece of tech for the toddler and up set, the Kid Tough Portable DVR. The unit, made to both record and watch video, is ruggedized to take a beating, and holds up two hours worth of video. A docking station connects via composite cables directly to the set-top box. A simple interface gives you the option to record either live or scheduled TV.

The Kid Tough has a microSD slot for storage up to 32GB. There’sa 3.5-inch LCD touch interface for simple navigation and control for tiny hands, and a stereo headphone jack. The KidTouch will retail for $150 starting in May, 2011.


CES 2012, News, Announcements, Family and Parenting, Baby & Toddler, Kids, Computers & Accessories, Tablets & eReaders, Travel, Blog

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From ShirleyTemple on April 30, 2012 :: 11:56 am

this is only helpful if your kid keeps breaking your stuff but it makes me sad to think that kids watch enough tv for this to be a problem :( I miss the simpler times


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