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Beware of Inflated LCD TV Specs

by Gary Merson on March 27, 2012

Woman looking at TVsBuyers beware: HD Guru is reporting that top TV makers are quietly substituting industry standardized refresh rate specifications with their own artificial rate numbers, deceiving prospective buyers into purchasing an HDTV over a possibly better performing (but more honestly labeled) competing model.

These numbers, created by the marketing department, do little to explain a TV’s actual hardware capabilities.

Don’t get ripped off, read the following guide to help sort through the hype.

What is Refresh Rate?

Initially all LCDs (including LED LCD TVs) suffered from blurring with fast motion or panning in content. This is referred to as “motion blur.” To reduce motion blur, manufacturers developed televisions that refresh (show) a new image faster than the standard rate of 60 times per second (stated as Hz or hertz). Using a technique called frame insertion, the TV creates new images that are inserted between the real, original image frames. Television makers now offer HDTVs with refresh rates of 60, 120 or 240 Hz. The higher the rate, the less motion blur.

TV makers advertise these higher rates as a step-up feature, with 120 Hz TVs providing better motion performance than a 60 Hz version, and 240 Hz having less motion blur than 120Hz models. These numbers have been around long enough that prospective buyers see a number such as 120 or 240 on the box and assume it is the TV’s refresh rate. As such, they expect to pay more for a higher refresh rate model.

TV makers use another technique to reduce perceived motion blur, called a scanning backlight or “black frame insertion,” often along with some additional, unspecified signal processing. These methods don’t change the refresh rate at all, instead they scan or turn off the backlight in a way that mimics some of the performance benefits of faster refresh. Unfortunately, this doesn’t keep the biggest brands from using their own made-up terms like “120 Clear Motion Rate” or 240 SPS “Scenes per second.” There is a significant hardware difference between a true 240 Hz refresh rate TV and a 240 “SPS” model that goes far beyond what the identical numbers imply. For example, a 240 SPS television likely has a 120 Hz refresh, but adds a “black frame insertion” feature that flashes the backlight in a way to justify calling the TV “240.”

TV makers claim their new ratings give consumers a better idea of how the TVs handle motion. They are implying that a “120 Clear Motion Rate” television is equivalent to a competing HDTV that actually displays a new frame 120 times per second by using a higher cost LCD panel and faster processor.

A number of 2012 models only supply this new rating on the TV box and on TV makers’ respective websites, making it impossible for an informed and curious consumer to find out what the set actually does. A number of TV makers have completely stopped listing the actual standardized refresh rate on certain models.

To say this another way, it would be like a car maker stating a car’s engine is a “6- cylinder equivalent,” based on some undisclosed testing criteria, but not actually disclosing how many cylinders the car has. Here are the specific deceptive manufacturer terms, broken down by company.


Sony uses the term Motionflow XR followed by a 240, 480 or 960 depending on the model. We contacted Sony to explain what these numbers mean. A spokesperson cited three functions to determine the “XR” number:

“Frame insertion (interpolation), LED backlighting blinking (line blinking), and Image Blur reduction via signal processing. So, for example, a Motionflow XR 960 can be found by multiplying the native refresh times four (240 x 4=960) or as Sony told us: “With frame interpolation, four distinct images in the same time period of 1/60th of a second. 240 Hz times 4 = 960″

We don’t understand this explanation as it implies the TV creates at least 15 frames for every native frame, and we know of no TV signal processor with that kind of capability. 240 Hz is the most interpolation of any signal processors we are aware of available in any HDTV. Sony would not supply us with any type of test procedure used to determine how the Motionflow XR rate is created.

Sony has begun removing the true refresh rate in its specifications on the Sony website and substituting its proprietary a Motionflow XR number. For example its new KDL55EX640 only lists the TV as Motionflow XR240. Is this a 60 HZ model with backlight blinking and image blur processing, or a 120 Hz model with just backlight blinking? There is no way to tell unless you do what we did: We called Sony customer service. They revealed this series has a native refresh rate of just 120 Hz.

Vizio 240 Scenes Per SecondVizio

Vizio has begun to state on its boxes a number followed by SPS (Scenes Per Second). Nowhere on the box does it state a 240 SPS TV has a native refresh rate of 120 Hz (see top photo).

Considering we are still waiting for a response from a Vizio spokesperson for another inquiry we made over three weeks ago, we did not waste our time asking the company spokesperson another question that would be go unanswered at press time.

Samsung Clear Motion RateSamsung

Samsung uses the term “Clear Motion Rate” (CMR) followed by a 120, 240,480, 840 or 960. They too are dropping the true refresh rate on their website and on the product boxes of its 2012 models. (Verified by checking our Costco and BJs warehouse clubs).

Samsung did supply us with a white paper that describes how they determine their methods for interpolating the CMR number. This method uses proprietary test signals (they did supply us with these test patterns). However, the description of test procedure lacked specificity and requires an unknown number and size of mirrors spinning with unknown rapidity on an unknown sized turntable. These, and other omitted information, make duplicating Samsung’s tests impossible.

An example of Samsung’s box is its UN46EH6050. It states “Clear Motion Rate 120,” however we learned this TV has true refresh rate of 60 Hz.

Sharp AquamotionSharp

Sharp uses the term AquoMotion, such as AquoMotion 240. It is double the actual refresh rate. An AquoMotion 240 LED is really a 120 Hz refresh HDTV.


According to the LG website, their TruMotion120 Hz and 240 Hz refresh rates on its 2012 HDTVs are actual refresh rates. We will have to wait for an explanation of its 480 Hz set when it ships later this year.


Panasonic lists the native rate on its 240 Hz panels and also lists “backlight scanning 1920″ as 240 refresh times 8 sections. For lower-end products, such as the new E5 series, the Panasonic website product lists the panel drive as “60 backlight scanning,” accurate except for omitting the “Hz” after 60. Its mid-line ET5 model lists the panel drive as “360 backlight scanning,” not mentioning this is a 120 Hz panel with three scanning sections to derive the 360 number.

Who Is Responsible?

We checked with a Costco spokesperson to determine who orders these misleading numbers on cartons, while omitting the lower true refresh rate. Is it the store or the vendor? The Costco spokesperson stated the vendor generates the text on TV boxes, Costco only makes requests regarding font style and size, but with no input on what specs the TV maker prints on the carton. If the vendor omits the refresh rate on the box, it’s not at the request of Costco.

What About Plasma

Plasmas create a picture in a completely different way than LEDs and LCDs. They do not suffer from motion blur. Plasma TV makers use a number based on the sub-fields plasmas use to create a frame. This number is typically 600. While this itself is somewhat misleading (it’s not 600 frames per second), it is marketed honestly, as we’ve only ever seen “600 Hz Sub-Frames” listed on boxes. If this is ever changed to 600 Hz, we promise to expose that as well. It’s worth noting that because plasmas don’t suffer from motion blur, this number is irrelevant anyway.

What to Do?

We were pleased to discover Best Buy, in its store signage, website and circulars continues to list accurately the true refresh rates of the HDTVs it carries. Amazon does this most of the time as well, but not in every case (such as the listing for the Sony EX640). If you see the words or initials SPS, Scenes Per Second, AquoMotion, Motionflow XR, Clear Motion Rate, or CMR, you now know these numbers do not reflect the actual refresh rate of an HDTV. At best, they are at least double the true number. The spec should read X Hz refresh rate. Check and verify this important specification before purchasing your next TV.


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From Steven Torrento on September 02, 2012 :: 9:32 am

I was looking for a 55” or larger flat screen and kept seeing these “motion/refresh rate” numbers and had no idea if the higher the number was really worth the much larger mark-up. Well, after this article I am as informed as a layperson with respect to technologies rapid advancement can be. I am very greatful to the researchers on this! Thank You!

- Steve



From Thank You on September 05, 2012 :: 2:55 pm

I wish more reviewers would list or at least acknowledge the “true” refersh rates as you have.  I particularly liked the way you broke each vendor down by how they say the same things differently.  It’s so informative and should be on every re-seller’s website.  The public should know that when someone buys Coke, they don’t get Cola.



From Gene on September 15, 2012 :: 11:14 am

Hello and Please clarify this issue for me. I am looking at two Panasonic Models On Panasonic’s Web Page, the L42ET5 & L42E5. Each list the Power Supply as 110-127V, 60HZ. The ET5 list the Panel Drive as 360 backlight scanning while the E5 list the Panel Drive as 180 backlight scanning. Am I understanding correctly that each is actually a 60HZ Refresh Rate?
They also have a L42E50 showing the same power supply information and a Panel Drive Rate of “YES.”

Best Buy and other Retailers are showing these models using both terms “120HZ Refresh Rates.” What is the correct information?



From Josh Kirschner on September 18, 2012 :: 10:21 am

According to our buddy Gary Merson over at, the E5 is a 60Hz HDTV with a three section scanning backlight, hence the 180 (3x60) backlight scanning. The ET5 is a 120Hz HDTV with a three section scanning backlight hence the 360 (3x120) backlight scanning.

The specs are correctly listed on Amazon.



From timbo haering on October 13, 2012 :: 10:23 pm

I had an exchange with an Vizio refurbuisher over a set that says 480 hx refresh with SPS 240.  Here’s how it went:

“Dear seller:  HOw can the set have a 480 hz refresh AND be 240hz SPS [scenes per second?] Is it 480 or 240 refresh? Is SPS the same as refresh?”

response:  Dear inquirer, “LED screen within the XVT3D424SV is supported by a 1 million to one contrast ratio and 480Hz refresh rate. This is achieved by combining its true 240Hz refresh rate with the LED’s scanning backlight.”



From P T Robinson on December 20, 2012 :: 11:34 pm

Dear Gary Merson:  On the one hand, I give you props for at least attempting to shed light on an important subject.  Unfortunately, you help to perpetuate the problem you are attempting to solve.

You stated: “Television makers now offer HDTV’s with refresh rates of 60, 120 or 240 Hz. The higher the rate, the less motion blur.”

The last sentence in actually incorrect.

The refresh rate is not the only factor that determines motion blur.  Therefore, it is not the end-all/be-all.  Like most consumers, you too, have bought into the marketing hype.

There are additional factors, an important one is “response time.”  Refresh rate measures the “refreshing” of the entire screen, and is measured in hertz; response time is a measurement related to the individual pixel, and is measured in milliseconds.

There are no doubt, additional factors affecting motion blur, but the point to be made is that a 240hz TV with a 10ms response time will still have motion blur, which means that the hertz is not the end-all/be-all.

Having sold, compared, and studied HDTV’s for seven years as a salesman, I have the good fortune of working for a company that has no problem with me telling my customers the truth. 

And the truth is that the company I work for is focused on providing a good deal, and is NOT concerned only with profits.  As a result, they are very careful of what they bring into our building to sell.

That being said, I can tell you that whether a TV is 60hz, 120hz, or 240hz, you can NOT tell the difference any more… at least not where I work.

Maybe if you go to some store that is focused more on profit and less on their customers… maybe they can not say the same.

But I tell the people that I talk to that I can fool anybody anytime, and they will not be able to know which TV is 60hz, 120hz, or 240hz.

I am unsure what the manufacturers are doing, but the bottom line is that motion blur in LCD/LED’s or EQUAL to plasma’s, on a visual basis.

People need to stop buying TV’s based upon hertz’s.  This is nothing more than an advertising strategy to justify higher prices, and mislead people into thinking that they are getting something outstanding, when truth be told, it is going to be fairly equal to other TV’s.

I saw the same thing happen when we went from 720p to 1080p.  The TV makers called 1080p “Full HD,” which by default, implies that 720p was “partial” or somehow lacking.  With few exceptions, this was nothing more than a misleading marketing ploy… just like hertz.

I admit that back in 2005 to around 2006, motion blur was a small issue under unique circumstances.  But that issue disappeared for good, by 2009 or 2010.

Long story short, just as reviewers such as yourself finally awoke to the fact of the 1080p vs 720p issue, it is also time for you to see that the hertz debate is just as dead as the “full HD” debate.

Don’t take my word for it.  We all agree that plasma is the standard bearer when it comes to motion blur.  Follow my example, and do a side-by-side comparison with a plasma and a 32” HDTV (which are almost always 60hz). 

Do the same with some 47”-65” LED/LCD’s, comparing them side-by-side with plasmas as well.  Then let the results speak for itself.



From muh name on May 23, 2015 :: 12:45 pm

@P T Robinson
gas yourself


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