Just because you’re not sitting behind the wheel doesn’t mean you don’t care what’s happening to your car, particularly when someone else is driving. With the Audiovox Car Connection system, you will be able to get up-to-the-minute reports on where the car is currently located, how fast it’s going and more, from any web browser or an app on your smartphone. This data could prove reassuring to nervous parents of teen drivers or family of elderly motorists.
The Car Connection unit plugs into the industry standard On-Boad Diagnostic (OBDII) port, an operation that shouldn’t require professional assistance. The system connects wirelessly via the Sprint network for nationwide coverage.
There’s a built-in GPS providing location information, giving you the option to create a “geofence” and receive an alert if the car moves out of the boundary area. You can also get a speed history and a report on vehicle behavior such as start-and-stop driving, so you’ll know how your car has been driven. You’ll also be able to monitor the mileage you’re getting, and receive tips on improving it.
Since the system monitors the car’s on-board computer system, you can get performance data and maintenance information, so you’ll know when the air filter needs changing or if there’s a problem with the carburetor without having to pop the hood.
While no deals are in place, Audiovox also speculates that insurance companies may want to access the Car Connection performance data in order to validate safe driver discounts, along the line of the current Progressive Insurance program.
Pricing is not final, but Audiovox expects the system to retail for $129, with a $14.95 per month service charge.