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Amazon's Kindle First Program Offers Free, Early E-book Downloads

by Fox Van Allen on November 01, 2013

Amazon PaperwhiteAre you the type of person who buys books from your favorite authors the day they come out? Already subscribed to the Amazon Prime free shipping program? Then you might be interested in this: Today, Amazon unveiled Kindle First, a program that makes new e-book selections available to Amazon Prime members for free ahead of their official release dates.

This month’s Kindle First selection of books includes Things We Set on Fire, by Deborah Reed; No Place for a Dame, by Connie Brockway; Silent Echo, by J.R. Rain; and We Will Survive: True Stories of Encouragement, Inspiration, and the Power of Song, by Gloria Gaynor. All four are slated for wide release on December 1, but Amazon Prime members get their pick of one as a free Kindle download starting today. Non-Prime customers can get access to the books early, too, but not for free.

Sure, none of the Kindle First books seem destined for the top of the New York Times Best Seller charts. But hey, if you’ve already subscribed to the Amazon Prime service, you might as well show up to claim your free book, right? Who knows, you might actually like what you read.

If you’d like to learn more about Kindle First or to sign up for monthly reminder emails to pick your free book, visit And while you're at it, check out our favorite places to find free e-books and audio books to help build your collection even further.


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