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Amazon's 7-inch Tablets Now 20 Percent Off

by Chelsey B. Coombs on February 08, 2016

Amazon Fire TabletThe number one best seller in computers and accessories on Amazon, the 7-inch Fire tablet just got a price cut, dropping 20 percent to $39.99. that's an phenomenal deal when it comes to a fully capable tablet. The tablet runs Fire OS 5 Bellini, which added the Blue Shade feature for easier night reading. To go along with that operating system is a quad-core processor with 1 GB RAM for acceptably fast app switching, as well as a 7-inch display that delivers a 1024 x 600 resolution. Plus, there are rear and front-facing cameras so you can take shots, as well as 720p HD video recording that’s great for video chatting.

While this Fire comes with 8 GB of internal storage, a microSD card can bring that total up to 128 GB. Plus, you also get unlimited cloud storage for anything you purchase from Amazon, so as long as you have Wi-Fi, you can watch those episodes of Mozart in the Jungle or Transparent. If you have Amazon Prime, you also have access to over 800,000 books free from the Kindle Owners Lending Library (although you can only borrow one per month). The battery lasts for up to seven hours after a six hour charge, a total that’s just one hour less than the rest of the Fire tablets.

One of the more underrated features that comes with the Fire tablets is the on-device tech support. If you’re having an issue with an app or have a question about a feature, an expert will be able to use screen share to draw on the screen, give you instructions or solve the problem themselves. It’s all in your own home, whenever, which is something other tablets don’t provide or provide for a limited time.

This inexpensive tablet is also a good choice for older kids. But if you have younger kids, check out the Fire Kids Edition 7-inch tablet, which also got a 20 percent price cut to $79.99. The Kids Edition includes a 2-year worry-free warranty, a kid-proof case and a one-year subscription to Amazon FreeTime Unlimited (usually $2.99/month). With FreeTime Unlimited, kids have access to 10,000 kid-friendly apps, books, games, movies and TV shows from content producers like Disney, Nickelodeon, Sesame Street and PBS. The user interface changes to make it easier for kids to use, and parents can control the total amount of screen time a child gets per day.

The 7-inch Fire is available for $39.99 on Amazon, the Fire Kids Edition 7-inch table is $79.99 on Amazon.

[Fire tablet via Amazon]


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